Census Cooked The Books On Employment Data


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
How totally unsurprising (and predicted by many, including moi):

The Obamanoids have been cooking the books to make employment look better by making up fake responses. And remember, Obama moved control of the Census Bureau to the White House early in his first term:

In the home stretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, from August to September, the unemployment rate fell sharply — raising eyebrows from Wall Street to Washington.

The decline — from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September — might not have been all it seemed. The numbers, according to a reliable source, were manipulated.

And the Census Bureau, which does the unemployment survey, knew it.

Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy.

And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.

“He’s not the only one,” said the source, who asked to remain anonymous for now but is willing to talk with the Labor Department and Congress if asked.

The Census employee caught faking the results is Julius Buckmon, according to confidential Census documents obtained by The Post. Buckmon told me in an interview this past weekend that he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census....

Census ?faked? 2012 election jobs report | New York Post

GOP Sounds Alarm Over Obama Decision to Move Census to White House | Fox News
Every aspect of the federal government has been politicized under this administration. The Justice Department is investigating journalists, and lying about it. The ATF is illegally allowing thousands of assault weapons to cross an international border for dubious reasons, the White House uses executive privilige to prevent how and who authorized Fast and Furious to be exposed. The IRS is illegally harrassing poltical organizations opposed to this administration and illegally leaking conservatives information to left leaning organizations. The Census Bureau is fabricating data to influence the outcome of a national election.

Anyone of these are impeachment worthy, but together they are criminal.
Our Smartest President Ever Constitutional Professor has utterly shredded The Law.
Obama 2012

Cooked the books
Lied about ObamaCare.
Used the IRS to hamper our fundraising
Used the NSA to spy on us
And committed massive voter fraud in the Swing states
Contractors faked the books. Important distinction.

What needs to be investigated is the financial incentive rules under which they are paid. If you get paid more for doing more interviews, then a dishonest employee will eventually fake some interviews.

It is also important to discover how many years/decades they have been doing this.
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Let's not forget that ICE and DHS have been instructed to simply ignore immigration laws. This administration has set the precedent of choosing what laws to enforce.

I said this before the election: what would stop a future administration from instructing the IRS Commissioner to not enforce the individual mandate, and simply ignore the ACA?
Contractors faked the books. Important distinction.

That is not what is being reported. The Census Bureau knew that the numbers were fabricated. Two years before the election a employee was caught fabricating data.

Oh, spin baby spin. Rationalize it! Justify it! Do it, but try harder.
In Wisconsin, dozens of conservative groups and allies of Gov. Scott Walker are undergoing political intimidation from the left at the hands of a special prosecutor.

Subpoenas have been issued demanding correspondence and donor information of right-leaning organizations and individuals and raids have been conducted resulting in law enforcement officers taking computers and files in a secret investigation, according to reports.

Read more... Here
US Census Bureau Intentionally Lowered Jobless Rate Just Before 2012 Presidential Election, NY Post Says; But Is The Article Credible?

But while Crudele says his anonymous source is “reliable" -- and he cites many internal department documents to support his explanation -- his telling of how the alleged fraud was executed is at times difficult to follow, allowing for nagging questions and contradictions.

Buckmon was described as an ambitious employee, conducting three times as many interviews as his peers. He says he was not instructed to use a specific answer when filling out questions pertaining to a fake person’s employment status. But Crudele, citing “people who know how the survey works,” said that the number employed rises as more names are added to the pool. Crudele doesn’t offer any further explanation of the mechanics behind this counterintuitive phenomenon.

Another contradiction in Crudele’s story is his claim that by falsifying the data, Buckmon and his co-conspirators were “essentially, creating people out of thin air …” Earlier in his column, Crudele writes that the surveyors have designated certain families to participate. The people charged with collecting responses can’t just interview anyone they want. This suggests that fabricators weren’t creating whole new identities but rather providing false answers attributed to real people.
Any second now, someone will be implying Obama ordered this. :lol:
Contractors faked the books. Important distinction.

What needs to be investigated is the financial incentive rules under which they are paid. If you get paid more for doing more interviews, then a dishonest employee will eventually fake some interviews.

It is also important to discover how many years/decades they have been doing this.

Have you even read the New York Post article? You are making things up right now.

"The employee who was caught two years ago, one Julius Buckmon, told the Post in an interview that he “faked” the numbers at the direction of his supervisors."
Contractors faked the books. Important distinction.

What needs to be investigated is the financial incentive rules under which they are paid. If you get paid more for doing more interviews, then a dishonest employee will eventually fake some interviews.

It is also important to discover how many years/decades they have been doing this.

Have you even read the New York Post article? You are making things up right now.

"The employee who was caught two years ago, one Julius Buckmon, told the Post in an interview that he “faked” the numbers at the direction of his supervisors."

I am not making things up. "His supervisors" could be other contractors, not the Census Bureau. And I am not going to drink the piss just because it aligns with my biases. The most important time to husband your integrity is when you want something to be true.

There are contradictions in the article. See the link and quote I posted above.

I am not going to take claims at face value. Evidence must be provided.
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Any second now, someone will be implying Obama ordered this. :lol:

There are multiple employees claiming this was ordered through supervisors and are willing to testify to Congress.

You are so eager to dismiss this article, just like I'm sure you were with the Justice Department spying on journalists and the IRS illegally harassing the president's opponents.

I'm sure, certain that the president is going to learn of this by watching the news--like he learned about Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the Justice Department scandal, the ACA failure. Incompetence or dishonesty, either way you have to be a fool to continue to cling to the hope that this administration is not involved in this.
Contractors faked the books. Important distinction.

What needs to be investigated is the financial incentive rules under which they are paid. If you get paid more for doing more interviews, then a dishonest employee will eventually fake some interviews.

It is also important to discover how many years/decades they have been doing this.

Have you even read the New York Post article? You are making things up right now.

"The employee who was caught two years ago, one Julius Buckmon, told the Post in an interview that he “faked” the numbers at the direction of his supervisors."

I am not making things up. "His supervisors" could be other contractors, not the Census Bureau. And I am not going to drink the piss just because it aligns with my biases. The most important time to husband your integrity is when you want something to be true.

There are contradictions in the article. See the link and quote I posted above.

I am not going to take claims at face value. Evidence must be provided.

Don't be so righteous and act like you are being objective by dismissing this article outright based solely on your own political bias. Hypocrisy is the hallmark of liberalism.

This administration has demonstrated time and time again that these stories tend to be true. This is simply following a trend of politicizing the federal government. If this was the first time something like this was reported, I would be more skeptical, but it is not.
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Have you even read the New York Post article? You are making things up right now.

"The employee who was caught two years ago, one Julius Buckmon, told the Post in an interview that he “faked” the numbers at the direction of his supervisors."

I am not making things up. "His supervisors" could be other contractors, not the Census Bureau. And I am not going to drink the piss just because it aligns with my biases. The most important time to husband your integrity is when you want something to be true.

There are contradictions in the article. See the link and quote I posted above.

I am not going to take claims at face value. Evidence must be provided.

Don't be so righteous and act like you are being objective by dismissing this article outright based solely on your own political bias. Hypocrisy is the hallmark of a liberalism.

This statement is the epitome of irony.

This administration has demonstrated time and time again that these stories tend to be true. This is simply following a trend of politicizing the federal government. If this was the first time something like this was reported, I would be more skeptical, but it is not.

The hack media has been proven time and again to manufacture total bullshit. Wait for facts.
Yes, clearly it would be so unlike the Obama Administration (NSA, IRS, Benghazi) to do anything unethical when it came to reporting UE. Some contractor took advantage of them I'm tellin' ya! Gots ta be!
Contractors faked the books. Important distinction.

What needs to be investigated is the financial incentive rules under which they are paid. If you get paid more for doing more interviews, then a dishonest employee will eventually fake some interviews.

It is also important to discover how many years/decades they have been doing this.

Have you even read the New York Post article? You are making things up right now.

"The employee who was caught two years ago, one Julius Buckmon, told the Post in an interview that he “faked” the numbers at the direction of his supervisors."

I am not making things up. "His supervisors" could be other contractors, not the Census Bureau. And I am not going to drink the piss just because it aligns with my biases. The most important time to husband your integrity is when you want something to be true.

There are contradictions in the article. See the link and quote I posted above.

I am not going to take claims at face value. Evidence must be provided.

Ultimately the Census Bureau is responsible for the data it publishes. It is being reported that they knowingly released false data that gave a favorable impression of the economy directly before an election.

I'm sure this administration will do everything in its power to obstruct congressional investigations like they have on every other scandal.
Is there anything this government is honest about?

They are out of control....

I don't know where it ends..

just awful when you can't trust your own Government
I immediately thought of former CEO of General Electric that came out after this data was published and said that is was not true. He was ridiculed and insulted.

He was right on the money.

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