Census Cooked The Books On Employment Data


zero point three?
That's all?

Democrats cooked the books, but obviously, they aren't the master chefs Republicans are.

That's the biggest drop they could sell to normal people you low information Obama voters would have believed a 4% drop in a month

zero point three?
That's all?

Democrats cooked the books, but obviously, they aren't the master chefs Republicans are.

That's the biggest drop they could sell to normal people you low information Obama voters would have believed a 4% drop in a month

Yea, uh huh, if they were such low information, why wouldn't they believe 4%? Republicans believe in "trickle down".
Where's the part where anyone actually moved the numbers lower?
That's the funny part, the guy who was fired in 2011 and is the only known source for this article specifically says he never received any instructions to say anyone he was supposed to survey did or did not have a job. People are just ignoring that part.
Where's the part where anyone actually moved the numbers lower?
That's the funny part, the guy who was fired in 2011 and is the only known source for this article specifically says he never received any instructions to say anyone he was supposed to survey did or did not have a job. People are just ignoring that part.

This story is the rightwing politics version of a sugar tit.
...That's the funny part, the guy who was fired in 2011 and is the only known source for this article...
Not true. Julius Buckmon was mentioned at someone admitting that he falsified info. He was not a source. The name of the source is confidential and has been trying to contact the Labor Dept. but is getting stonewalled.

There's a lot we do know here and what we know tells us a lot about what's true about the economy and what's going on with politics. The bottom line here is that there's too much evidence supporting the facts that the economy expanded in 2008 and that unemployment has not fallen since 2009. Sure, there are plenty of arguments presented from both sides. What's important here is keeping a hold on reality so we can feed our families.
“It was a phone conversation — I forget the exact words — but it was, ‘Go ahead and fabricate it’ to make it what it was,” Buckmon told me.

Census, under contract from the Labor Department, conducts the household survey used to tabulate the unemployment rate.

FCOL... The Left lied to everyone from nearly every level of the Government in order to get Obama elected.. And yet Nixon was kicked out of office for lying about hotel break-in.

There was a little more to the Nixon story than the break in. How about the tapes, the refusal to release them, the firing of special prosecutors, breaking into psychiatrists offices, hell, even the Attorney General and many of Nixons aides and candidates went to jail. There have been four major corrupt administrations. All republican. Grant, Harding, Nixon, Reagan.
Not true. Julius Buckmon was mentioned at someone admitting that he falsified info. He was not a source.
Lol the guy being quoted and who provided information about survey practices to the reporter for this article is not a source for the article?

The name of the source is confidential and has been trying to contact the Labor Dept. but is getting stonewalled.
The other source (confidential) who says he would be willing to talk to the Labor Board and Congress if asked is now being stonewalled?

What's important here is keeping a hold on reality so we can feed our families.
That is funny given how easily you twist reality when posting to suit your agenda.
There have been four major corrupt administrations. All republican. Grant, Harding, Nixon, Reagan.

Is someone really invoking Ulysses S. Grant and Warren Harding in a current political argument? If we're going to pull out some old hats, I think James Buchannan was a pretty bad president (he was a democrat) who was in office during the panic of 1857, was too moderate with regard to slavery, and oversaw some large military losses to the confederates (Fort Sumter, several Florida outposts, and a large surrender to the Texas militia). and had an overall inability to cope with secession.

Point being, if you're going to make arguments about current political topics, it's probably not a good idea to appeal to political eras/issues that are no longer relevant. Ulysses S. Grant wasn't a Republican in the modern sense just as James Buchannan wasn't a Democrat like today's Democrats.
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...the guy being quoted and who provided information about survey practices to the reporter for this article is not a source for the article?...
Partisan politics is a poison that sometimes appears to kill the truth. The good news is that the truth is only sleeping. This is what the article that we're discussing says:

nypost.com said:
... a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.

“He’s not the only one,” said the source, who asked to remain anonymous for now but is willing to talk with the Labor Department and Congress if asked.

The Census employee caught faking the results is Julius Buckmon, according to confidential Census documents obtained by The Post. Buckmon told me in an interview ...
Sure folks can lie about the economy but it's like what Mark Twain said---
If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.
- Mark Twain's Notebook, 1894
--and if they lie about the unemployment rate then we got the emp% population. If they lie and say the %pop is because of retirees then we got the World Bank stats:

People that want to know the truth will find it. People that don't want to know it can't be made to see it.
Partisan politics is a poison that sometimes appears to kill the truth.
As evidenced by someone a claiming former census worker fired for fabricating data interviewed for an article about the Census Bureau fabricating data is not a source for said article.

People that want to know the truth will find it.
Indeed, and when you take a confidential source the article says is willing to talk to Labor Dept or Congress if asked and spin it as "has been trying to contact the Labor Dept. but is getting stonewalled' you are just contributing to the lies and bullshit people need to wade thru to find the truth.
Inexpertly, Okun's Law connects GDP <----> employment; Phillips Law connects employment <----> inflation. In rough round numbers, a 2% increase in employment (-2% UE) correlates with 1% inflation, and 4% GDP growth. The "transmission" is employment, workers working buy more beers at bars, borrow to buy more cars, etc. Which may be why the new Fed Chair candidate emphasizes employment's importance, per Wikipedia. (Variations in Phillips Law could reflect interest rates, and so borrowing rates, b/c borrowing when feeling secure in employment "super-charges" spending, over-and-above income-based spending, a little like adding nitro into an engine.)

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