Centralized Credit (FRB), Is About The Communist Manifesto, (QE)!

Usury is widely known to be the charging of interest on a loan. Usury Laws tend to come into effect when the rates are too high. A monopoly is the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
(1) In the United States, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors controls the reserve requirement for member banks. The bank can hold the reserve either as cash in its vault or as a deposit at its local Federal Reserve bank. (Note: See the mandatory control of supply.)
(2) The reserve requirement applies to commercial banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions. It also pertains to U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, Edge Act corporations, and agreement corporations.

Anyone sees that "Communist Manifesto" agenda 5, again: Cited in the OP.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh is alleged to have let (the good riddance): Go! Moses would create the subjugation, even as deity-directed--Deut 23: 19-20.)
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Usury is widely known to be the charging interest on a loan. Usury Laws tend to come into effect when the rates are too high. A monopoly is the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
(1) In the United States, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors controls the reserve requirement for member banks. The bank can hold the reserve either as cash in its vault or as a deposit at its local Federal Reserve bank. (Note: See the mandatory control of supply.)
(2) The reserve requirement applies to commercial banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions. It also pertains to U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, Edge Act corporations, and agreement corporations.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh is alleged to have let (the good riddance): Go! Moses would create the subjugation, even as deity-directed--Deut 23: 19-20.)

Usury is widely known to be the charging interest on a loan. Usury Laws tend to come into effect when the rates are too high. A monopoly is the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

If the government had the monopoly on lending, there would be no need for usury laws.
The government would never charge too much, right?

In the United States, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors controls the reserve requirement for member banks.

Yes. The Federal Reserve sets reserve requirements for the private, non-government banks that disprove the claim of a government monopoly.

The reserve requirement applies to commercial banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions.

Sounds like an awful lot of competition to that claimed "exclusive possession or control".
The government monopoly is in the laws. All that "Competition" gets the "Yes, the Federal Reserve sets . . ." of Toddsterpatriot poster. The Federal Reserve sets reserve requirements for the private. . .(entities). . .that follow that along or cease to be those entities. There is the monopoly, more than most have. The regulated entities do not set, "Exist or cease-to-exist" requirements on the mandated regulatory practices of "The State."

Monopoly in the rules of government--called "The State" in the OP--Is shown, and with a "Yes(?)," concurrence

Toddsterpatriot poster agrees with itself, or it does not!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some people set to wander aimlessly for 40 years--would probably be said to have been condemned(?)!)
The government monopoly is in the laws. All that "Competition" gets the "Yes, the Federal Reserve sets . . ." of Toddsterpatriot poster. The Federal Reserve sets reserve requirements for the private. . .(entities). . .that follow that along or cease to be those entities. There is the monopoly, more than most have. The regulated entities do not set, "Exist or cease-to-exist" requirements on the mandated regulatory practices of "The State."

Monopoly in the rules of government--called "The State" in the OP--Is shown, and with a "Yes(?)," concurrence

Toddsterpatriot poster agrees with itself, or it does not!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some people set to wander aimlessly for 40 years--would probably be said to have been condemned(?)!)

You should say, "Banks are regulated", because saying "The government has an exclusive monopoly of credit"
is beyond moronic. Even more than your typical idiocy.
Even the concept, "The government has an exclusive monopoly of lawful war-making," is actual. . .if moronic. German Sociologist, Max Weber put It: The state is that "human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of violence within a given territory." The public police and military are its main instruments, but private security might also be considered to have "the 'right' to use violence" so long as the sole source of this perceived right is state sanction." Anyone sees the monopoly concept, also applied to the Central Bank, The Federal Reserve System, USA: On which US Credit all relies.

It is called, "Banks are regulated:" That is so!

Instead of personal, Idiosyncratic, assertions of Toddsterpatriot poster, then common descriptions, usages, assertions, and conceptual languages have followed along consistently: The OP.

The OP has even taken "Yes" for an answer!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then there is the contrary: Nobody applies the arithmetic, Matthew 25: 14-30!)
Even the concept, "The government has an exclusive monopoly of lawful war-making," is actual. . .if moronic. German Sociologist, Max Weber put It: The state is that "human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of violence within a given territory." The public police and military are its main instruments, but private security might also be considered to have "the 'right' to use violence" so long as the sole source of this perceived right is state sanction." Anyone sees the monopoly concept, also applied to the Central Bank, The Federal Reserve System, USA: On which US Credit all relies.

It is called, "Banks are regulated:" That is so!

Instead of personal, Idiosyncratic, assertions of Toddsterpatriot poster, then common descriptions, usages, assertions, and conceptual languages have followed along consistently: The OP.

The OP has even taken "Yes" for an answer!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then there is the contrary: Nobody applies the arithmetic, Matthew 25: 14-30!)

Anyone sees the monopoly concept, also applied to the Central Bank, The Federal Reserve System, USA: On which US Credit all relies.

I make deposits to my bank accounts that don't rely on the Fed.
I have a mortgage that didn't rely on the Fed.
Greenspan and Bernanke never signed off on my borrowing.
Never set any of the rates I'm charged or rates that I earn.

Now, back to your confusion about what monopoly means...….

then common descriptions, usages, assertions, and conceptual languages

Monopoly: the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

Does the Fed "have exclusive possession or control of" the money supply?

Does the Fed "have exclusive possession or control of" loans or lending?

Does the Fed "have exclusive possession or control of" interest rates?
You use the Federal Reserve System: Posted! The Service Monopoly works for you too! And your various services providers are Fed compliant, in business--monopoly allowed and lawful, and regulated.

You are a creature of the State, and you weren't even drafted

"Crow,James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(You were screwed by Pharaoh, via Moses: In the Bible!)
You use the Federal Reserve System: Posted! The Service Monopoly works for you too! And your various services providers are Fed compliant, in business--monopoly allowed and lawful, and regulated.

You are a creature of the State, and you weren't even drafted

"Crow,James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(You were screwed by Pharaoh, via Moses: In the Bible!)

You use the Federal Reserve System:

How? Why does that mean the Fed has a monopoly?

And your various services providers are Fed compliant, in business--monopoly allowed and lawful, and regulated.

Yup. We regulate the shit out of the private banks. Still no monopoly.

Maybe you should buy a dictionary? And a clue...…...
Idiosyncratic concepts of "Monopoly," which Toddsterpatriot never cites: Are not in common usage in the matter of Central Banks. The common usages start in the OP, and Mascale posts continue common usages along. Ivestopedia offers common languages and explanation, like below/
What Is a Central Bank?
A central bank is a financial institution given privileged control over the production and distribution of money and credit for a nation or a group of nations. In modern economies, the central bank is usually responsible for the formulation of monetary policy and the regulation of member banks.

Central banks are inherently non-market-based or even anticompetitive institutions. Although some are nationalized, many central banks are not government agencies, and so are often touted as being politically independent. However, even if a central bank is not legally owned by the government, its PRIVILEGES ARE ESTABLISHED AND PROTECTED BY LAW. ( Caps by Mascale: Anyone goes back to the monopoly of force, concept.)

THE CRITICAL FEATURE OF A CENTRAL BANK--DISTINGUISHING IT FROM OTHER BANKS--IS ITS MONOPOLY STATUS, WHICH GIVES IT THE PRIVILEGE TO ISSUE BANK NOTES AND CASH. Private commercial banks are only permitted to issue demand liabilities, such as checking deposits.

  • A central bank is an entity responsible for overseeing the monetary system and policy of a nation or group of nations, regulating its money supply and interest rates.
  • By easing or tightening the money supply and availability of credit, central banks seek to keep a nation's economy on an even keel.
  • A central bank sets requirements for the banking industry, such as the amount of cash reserves banks must maintain vis-à-vis their deposits.
  • A central bank can be a lender of last resort to troubled financial institutions and even governments.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Pharaoh did understand the concept of the Monopoly of Force, but as it was put into practice. Subjugation was even an Egyptian language concept, even--"Slavery" aside(?)!)
Idiosyncratic concepts of "Monopoly," which Toddsterpatriot never cites: Are not in common usage in the matter of Central Banks. The common usages start in the OP, and Mascale posts continue common usages along. Ivestopedia offers common languages and explanation, like below/
What Is a Central Bank?
A central bank is a financial institution given privileged control over the production and distribution of money and credit for a nation or a group of nations. In modern economies, the central bank is usually responsible for the formulation of monetary policy and the regulation of member banks.

Central banks are inherently non-market-based or even anticompetitive institutions. Although some are nationalized, many central banks are not government agencies, and so are often touted as being politically independent. However, even if a central bank is not legally owned by the government, its PRIVILEGES ARE ESTABLISHED AND PROTECTED BY LAW. ( Caps by Mascale: Anyone goes back to the monopoly of force, concept.)

THE CRITICAL FEATURE OF A CENTRAL BANK--DISTINGUISHING IT FROM OTHER BANKS--IS ITS MONOPOLY STATUS, WHICH GIVES IT THE PRIVILEGE TO ISSUE BANK NOTES AND CASH. Private commercial banks are only permitted to issue demand liabilities, such as checking deposits.

  • A central bank is an entity responsible for overseeing the monetary system and policy of a nation or group of nations, regulating its money supply and interest rates.
  • By easing or tightening the money supply and availability of credit, central banks seek to keep a nation's economy on an even keel.
  • A central bank sets requirements for the banking industry, such as the amount of cash reserves banks must maintain vis-à-vis their deposits.
  • A central bank can be a lender of last resort to troubled financial institutions and even governments.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Pharaoh did understand the concept of the Monopoly of Force, but as it was put into practice. Subjugation was even an Egyptian language concept, even--"Slavery" aside(?)!)

Idiosyncratic concepts of "Monopoly," which Toddsterpatriot never cites:

You're using a different definition than the Communist Manifesto used?


That's weird, no mention there of "monopoly of credit"

5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

And no mention here of notes or cash.
Ignorance of the Law is no Excuse. Exclusive to FRB, a Central Bank, is "Privileged status" directly mentioned. It did, and can do, Quantitative Easing. Karl Marx would not be said too up on Quantitative Easing, if up on the concept of a state monopoly. No mention of notes or cash, "Monopoly Status" is about the mention of new monopoly status as clearly all-embracing, currently applied. The new monopoly status can be said a state empowerment of monopoly, subsequent Marx, 1849. It is not likely that Marx would object to QE at all. The worker's banks stayed open. The Fed created purchasing cash. The Commercial Banks refused, or had no such monopoly option?

Toddsterposter claims that the commercial banks had the option to print a lot of easing, but instead chose the baby genital mutilating instead. No Commercial bank, however, is shown to so-state. In fact they hand no such monopoly status.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Moses Atrocity persists in some minds, mostly many!)
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Ignorance of the Law is no Excuse. Exclusive to FRB, a Central Bank, is "Privileged status" directly mentioned. It did, and can do, Quantitative Easing. Karl Marx would not be said too up on Quantitative Easing, if up on the concept of a state monopoly. No mention of notes or cash, "Monopoly Status" is about the mention of new monopoly status as clearly all-embracing, currently applied. The new monopoly status can be said a state empowerment of monopoly, subsequent Marx, 1849. It is not likely that Marx would object to QE at all. The worker's banks stayed open. The Fed created purchasing cash. The Commercial Banks refused, or had no such monopoly option?

Toddsterposter claims that the commercial banks had the option to print a lot of easing, but instead chose the baby genital mutilating instead. No Commercial bank, however, is shown to so-state. In fact they hand no such monopoly status.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Moses Atrocity persists in some minds, mostly many!)

Ignorance of the Law is no Excuse.

Don't be so rough on yourself.

I'm curious, is your gibberish due to mental illness, or is it caused by drug use?
Toddsterposter claims that the commercial banks had the option to print a lot of easing, but instead chose the baby genital mutilating instead. No Commercial bank, however, is shown to so-state. In fact they hand no such monopoly status.

The commercial banks chose, or had no authority? Anyone sees there was no such authority. The Monopoly central bank had the authority, and went forward SOCIALIST, the rational brand. The monopoly socialist Quantitative Eating Happened.

No such counter-contention support is ever shown in Toddsterpatriot posts. Toodsterpatriot does not post the Quantititative Easing, monopoly authority, even.

Everyone sees the Baby-genitalia mutilation Nationalist Supremacists all pray for!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30, even: Remains in the Prayers!)


"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Reliant on Old Testament, Deut 23: 19-20, goes that heinous brand!)
Toddsterposter claims that the commercial banks had the option to print a lot of easing, but instead chose the baby genital mutilating instead. No Commercial bank, however, is shown to so-state. In fact they hand no such monopoly status.

The commercial banks chose, or had no authority? Anyone sees there was no such authority. The Monopoly central bank had the authority, and went forward SOCIALIST, the rational brand. The monopoly socialist Quantitative Eating Happened.

No such counter-contention support is ever shown in Toddsterpatriot posts. Toodsterpatriot does not post the Quantititative Easing, monopoly authority, even.

Everyone sees the Baby-genitalia mutilation Nationalist Supremacists all pray for!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30, even: Remains in the Prayers!)


"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Reliant on Old Testament, Deut 23: 19-20, goes that heinous brand!)

Toddsterposter claims that the commercial banks had the option to print a lot of easing,

Toddsterpatriot. in denial of the meaning of the monopoly status, is posted. The inference is that the Central Banks are of the same privileges as the commercial banks, when in fact the "Exclusive monopoly" part is posted in the OP, in the context even of QE, in the thread title. In the alternative, Toddsterpatriot poster clearly accepts the monopoly privilege widely known of the Central Banks. Below is Toddsterpatriot posted, in the context of the posted "Monopoly" status. The mention of notes and cash is in the monopoly status, the OP and the Thread title.

5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

And no mention here of notes or cash.
The Toddsterpatriot intended lie and avoidance is clear, and so is Mascale has noted that Toddsterpatriot has shown it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And here is the meaning of what what the Nationalist Supremacists all pray for! "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done. . .," in Matthew 25: 14-30! The babies weeping, and the babies gnashing teeth is Book of Common Prayer stuff! People can listen and hear!)
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Toddsterpatriot. in denial of the meaning of the monopoly status, is posted. The inference is that the Central Banks are of the same privileges as the commercial banks, when in fact the "Exclusive monopoly" part is posted in the OP, in the context even of QE, in the thread title. In the alternative, Toddsterpatriot poster clearly accepts the monopoly privilege widely known of the Central Banks. Below is Toddsterpatriot posted, in the context of the posted "Monopoly" status. The mention of notes and cash is in the monopoly status, the OP and the Thread title.

5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

And no mention here of notes or cash.
The Toddsterpatriot intended lie and avoidance is clear, and so is Mascale has noted that Toddsterpatriot has shown it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And here is the meaning of what what the Nationalist Supremacists all pray for! "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done. . .," in Matthew 25: 14-30! The babies weeping, and the babies gnashing teeth is Book of Common Prayer stuff! People can listen and hear!)

Mascale. in denial of the meaning of the word monopoly.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, widespread denial, even!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, widespread denial, even!)

The critical feature of your Manifesto error is that private banks
extend trillions in credit to the people and the Fed extends zero credit to the people.
Not a cent.

Some monopoly, eh?
The Federal Reserve System is comprised of member commercial banks, national banks required to be members. So the Federal Reserve Systems is a sizable monopoly, extending loans.

The Federal Reserve even puts out reports about its members! Some are in the link, below.

Here is a list of the largest banks in the United States by assets in 2020

The Top Four are federally chartered, (The State), required to be members of the Federal System, (The State), with considerable relatively monopoly power. The Stock Markets actually do pay attention to the US Federal Reserve System. The link is about the why.

Ignorance of the Law is Still Inexcusable, is gibberish, and displaces nothing widely known and historical.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Moses Atrocity, of Pharaoh, is widely known, (Deut 23:19-20), and even regarded a source of The Holocaust!
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The Federal Reserve System is comprised of member commercial banks, national banks required to be members. So the Federal Reserve Systems is a sizable monopoly, extending loans.

The Federal Reserve even puts out reports about its members! Some are in the link, below.

Here is a list of the largest banks in the United States by assets in 2020

The Top Four are federally chartered, (The State), required to be members of the Federal System, (The State), with considerable relatively monopoly power. The Stock Markets actually do pay attention to the US Federal Reserve System. The link is about the why.

Ignorance of the Law is Still Inexcusable, is gibberish, and displaces nothing widely known and historical.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Moses Atrocity, of Pharaoh, is widely known, (Deut 23:19-20), and even regarded a source of The Holocaust!

So the Federal Reserve Systems is a sizable monopoly, extending loans.

And the members are all private banks. With their own capital.

So, no government monopoly on lending with government capital.

Marx appreciates your attempt......I laugh at your fail.

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