Centralized Credit (FRB), Is About The Communist Manifesto, (QE)!

Idiosyncratic laughter is widely regarded insanity. In the alternative: Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, (Federal Reserve System), by means of a national bank, (Federal Reserve System, Federally Chartered multiple-banks), with State capital, (Federal Reserve System, US National Currency), and an exclusive monopoly, (Federal Reserve System, widely well-regarded and monitored by capital markets worldwide-aka stock markets--watching the Fed)!

Marx agenda 5 is clearly not decades of legislation, but agenda 5. Government monopoly lending via the Federal Reserve System is shown extensive through the member banks!

Idiosyncratic Toodsterpatriot poster, basics loser, even fails to notice the national monopoly fiat money of the US National money and credit banking system.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Pharaoh had agents, too: Clearly(?)!)
Idiosyncratic laughter is widely regarded insanity. In the alternative: Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, (Federal Reserve System), by means of a national bank, (Federal Reserve System, Federally Chartered multiple-banks), with State capital, (Federal Reserve System, US National Currency), and an exclusive monopoly, (Federal Reserve System, widely well-regarded and monitored by capital markets worldwide-aka stock markets--watching the Fed)!

Marx agenda 5 is clearly not decades of legislation, but agenda 5. Government monopoly lending via the Federal Reserve System is shown extensive through the member banks!

Idiosyncratic Toodsterpatriot poster, basics loser, even fails to notice the national monopoly fiat money of the US National money and credit banking system.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Pharaoh had agents, too: Clearly(?)!)

Just give it up.

Go ramble incoherently on a new topic, where your ignorance is less obvious.
So put idiosyncratic, Toddsterpatriot poster, in even a deeper context. Supermarkets in fact do not accept shells and Turquoise in payment for groceries even now. That is especially the case if issued by Bank of America, Chase or Citibank. That includes other such federally chartered, Federal Reserve System, member, capital forming lenders.

The stock markets would likely pay attention!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(More benign is Matthew 20: 1-16, a model of Financial Inclusion. Regardless if the baby was crying all morning: It still gets to keep stuff!)
So put idiosyncratic, Toddsterpatriot poster, in even a deeper context. Supermarkets in fact do not accept shells and Turquoise in payment for groceries even now. That is especially the case if issued by Bank of America, Chase or Citibank. That includes other such federally chartered, Federal Reserve System, member, capital forming lenders.

The stock markets would likely pay attention!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(More benign is Matthew 20: 1-16, a model of Financial Inclusion. Regardless if the baby was crying all morning: It still gets to keep stuff!)

Yup. FRNs.

But still no "Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly"
Agenda 5 from 1849, Federal Reserve outcome in 1913, Centralization of credit, (and currency--no longer the private banks), in the hands of The Federal Reserve System, by means of the US National Bank, widely called The Federal Reserve System. Then Fiat Money, 1971, Nixon. Money is now the monopoly of the Federal Reserve: Monopoly.

"Fiat money is regulated by the government through the Federal Reserve. Fiat money has nothing to back it but debt. Our money used to be backed by gold and silver. That changed with Nixon aka the Nixon Shock, back in 1971."

Nixon even knew about Mainland China(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Moses even knew about the House of Pharaoh!)
Agenda 5 from 1849, Federal Reserve outcome in 1913, Centralization of credit, (and currency--no longer the private banks), in the hands of The Federal Reserve System, by means of the US National Bank, widely called The Federal Reserve System. Then Fiat Money, 1971, Nixon. Money is now the monopoly of the Federal Reserve: Monopoly.

"Fiat money is regulated by the government through the Federal Reserve. Fiat money has nothing to back it but debt. Our money used to be backed by gold and silver. That changed with Nixon aka the Nixon Shock, back in 1971."

Nixon even knew about Mainland China(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Moses even knew about the House of Pharaoh!)

If I want to get a mortgage from the US National Bank, which has an exclusive monopoly on all credit,
what is the current rate on the 15-year and the 30-year?
Can you post a link to their website?
Especially the page where I can apply for a mortgage.

Better than that: There are 3000 or more Federally Chartered US National Banks in the Federal Reserve System, so you can get one near to you.

They are commonly regarded National Banks, by anyone literate about them. There are all kinds of Federal Reserve System internet offerings, anyone knows. There is even a list of the member banks that do the Federal Reserve System processing of mortgages, even, maybe many processing locations near you. The Federal Reserve System is the National Bank.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(House of Pharaoh was not entirely neighborhood friendly, by comparison(?)!)
Better than that: There are 3000 or more Federally Chartered US National Banks in the Federal Reserve System, so you can get one near to you.

They are commonly regarded National Banks, by anyone literate about them. There are all kinds of Federal Reserve System internet offerings, anyone knows. There is even a list of the member banks that do the Federal Reserve System processing of mortgages, even, maybe many processing locations near you. The Federal Reserve System is the National Bank.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(House of Pharaoh was not entirely neighborhood friendly, by comparison(?)!)

You have no link to the US National Bank mortgage application site?
That's disappointing.

There are 3000 or more Federally Chartered US National Banks in the Federal Reserve System,

Awful lot of competition available between 3000 banks. Not to mention the non-member banks.
And they all use their own (non-state) capital. Weird.

The Federal Reserve System is the National Bank.

The Federal Reserve System is the Central Bank of the United States, with currency monopoly: So it is the National Bank. The FRB "Reserve Requirement" is about the capital the banks do not have, actually. The basis capital is provided through The Federal Reserve System, the National Central Bank. The Central, National Bank: Is why people don't get nervous about it--Per "Communist Manifesto," Agenda Five.

Bank of America nearly took an FRB Bailout in January, 2009, for example, with even more of the FRB's National Central Banking capital. It exited the plan, and paid a $57.0 mil. exit fee, for example. The Federal Bank does lending, and so through the member banks, to individuals: And since the banks only have to meet the Reserve requirement.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7, even attributes the skills of Moses to Pharaoh's Egypt!)
The Federal Reserve System is the Central Bank of the United States, with currency monopoly: So it is the National Bank. The FRB "Reserve Requirement" is about the capital the banks do not have, actually. The basis capital is provided through The Federal Reserve System, the National Central Bank. The Central, National Bank: Is why people don't get nervous about it--Per "Communist Manifesto," Agenda Five.

Bank of America nearly took an FRB Bailout in January, 2009, for example, with even more of the FRB's National Central Banking capital. It exited the plan, and paid a $57.0 mil. exit fee, for example. The Federal Bank does lending, and so through the member banks, to individuals: And since the banks only have to meet the Reserve requirement.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7, even attributes the skills of Moses to Pharaoh's Egypt!)

The basis capital is provided through The Federal Reserve System, the National Central Bank.

You're lying. The Fed doesn't provide capital to the private banks.
So anyone leaves Toddsterpatriot poster alone to ponder: "Then where does the money come from?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Moses could probably figure that one out himself, if there was in fact any substance to the legend!)
So anyone leaves Toddsterpatriot poster alone to ponder: "Then where does the money come from?"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Moses could probably figure that one out himself, if there was in fact any substance to the legend!)

If the National Bank of the United States makes all the loans, why is there a Bank of America, Citibank, US Bank and a Chase Bank on every fucking street corner?

Don't they know that credit is centralized in the hands of the state which has an exclusive monopoly?
People know that they are it, called, "Big Banks!" Nixon did the Money Change. The Central Bank of the USA is called, The Federal Reserve System, and banks are in it, including those mentioned.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Pharaoh had giant statues, comparing.)
People know that they are it, called, "Big Banks!" Nixon did the Money Change. The Central Bank of the USA is called, The Federal Reserve System, and banks are in it, including those mentioned.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Pharaoh had giant statues, comparing.)

The Central Bank of the USA is called, The Federal Reserve System,

The Central Bank of the USA is called the Federal Reserve.
And it doesn't have a monopoly on credit.
The real name of the Central Bank of the USA is, "The Federal Reserve System." Nixon created its exclusive monopoly of the currency. Carter created "The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980: Making all US banks subject to Fed rules, and so also greater control over non-member banks.

The Exclusive Monopoly is clearly the control requirements of the Fed Rules--all banks--the Nixon creation of Federal Reserve Fiat Money, all US currency--all credit backed--a Monopoly of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve System successfully manipulates the price of credit through its monopoly of the reserve requirements and Fed rates.

It stands apart from less monopolizing monopolies. Other monopolies tend to reliance on the money, for example.

And there is more.

"Communist Manifesto" Agenda Five could be said deified far more absolutely than anything Moses could come up with: According to Acts 7, with basis in the House of Pharaoh. . .of Egypt.

Federal Reserve - Wikipedia

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh of the statues: Not into modern convenience banking, even!)
The real name of the Central Bank of the USA is, "The Federal Reserve System." Nixon created its exclusive monopoly of the currency. Carter created "The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980: Making all US banks subject to Fed rules, and so also greater control over non-member banks.

The Exclusive Monopoly is clearly the control requirements of the Fed Rules--all banks--the Nixon creation of Federal Reserve Fiat Money, all US currency--all credit backed--a Monopoly of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve System successfully manipulates the price of credit through its monopoly of the reserve requirements and Fed rates.

It stands apart from less monopolizing monopolies. Other monopolies tend to reliance on the money, for example.

And there is more.

"Communist Manifesto" Agenda Five could be said deified far more absolutely than anything Moses could come up with: According to Acts 7, with basis in the House of Pharaoh. . .of Egypt.

Federal Reserve - Wikipedia

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh of the statues: Not into modern convenience banking, even!)

The real name of the Central Bank of the USA is, "The Federal Reserve System."



Federal Reserve Board - Home
From the link, and posted: If worded differently from "Communist Manifesto" Agenda 5. The Centralization and monopoly is a Congressional (State) mandate. The part highlighted is a monopoly outcome, well-stated in the context of Agenda 5. There it is, that's what it is. (It is Legal price-fixing, many would say!)

Federal Reserve Board - Monetary Policy

Monetary policy in the United States comprises the Federal Reserve's actions and communications to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates--the three economic goals the Congress has instructed the Federal Reserve to pursue.

The Federal Reserve conducts the nation's monetary policy by managing the level of short-term interest rates and influencing the OVERALL AVAILABILITY AND COST OF CREDIT IN THE ECONOMY. Monetary policy directly affects short-term interest rates; it indirectly affects longer-term interest rates, currency exchange rates, and prices of equities and other assets and thus wealth. Through these channels, monetary policy influences household spending, business investment, production, employment, and inflation in the United States.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(No one seems to call the deity atrocity allegation of Moses, Deut 23: 19-20, even an opioid, a Manifesto, "Oops!")
The main Communist Beneficiary on the stage in the Democratic Las Vegas debate was actually Mayor Bloomberg, and his competitor billionaire Donald Trump, (kind of off-stage). Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Quantitative Easing was first proposed for Japan in 1994, but became famous as the bailout from the Republican Recession of 2008. People do tend to associate it with Keynes. The compare and contrast is with the pre-1913 bank notes. If Bloomberg's bank, or Trump's bank, failed: They were wiped out. Banks stayed open in 2008, v. 1929-32. "Socialist Private Banking" benefits the rich, disproportionately.

Medicare For All is not "Communist Manifeto." Federal Reserve, and QE, are Communist Agenda Number 5.

The Abolition of Private Property aside--into Federal, State, and local government parks and other common uses: The big Communist Eyesore is The United States Federal Reserve Bank. The Marxist agenda is actually widely unknown, in fact. There are ten basic agenda. Number 5 is the most heinous, actually. Others far more benign are in bold letters, too. They are all recognizable, USA.
Manifesto of the Communist Party
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.

The "Medicare For All" concept is not included. The bank is proposed, but not financial inclusion.

The Nationalist Supremacist, MAGA Trump agenda: Is way more inclusive of Agenda 4.

Agenda 5, the baby-genitalia mutilating embrace of usury economics: Is Nationalist Supremacist supportive to the core. Impose fixed percentage interest rates, then the outcome is clearly shown in Matthew 25: 14-30. "In-House" stay Pharaoh's rich household and like households. "Out-House(?)" goes everyone screwed. The "Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth" is even prayed for! "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done. . . ."

So in fact Marxist Agenda is not about solace and comfort: But is as noxious as the Nationalist Supremacist Trump MAGA agenda. That is not about solace and comfort, at its core!

There is alternative arithmetic in play via Matthew 20: 1-16. There is the Child Tax Credit of the former Republican Party--Senator Romney the remaining actual Republican in office. In the Ford Administration, there arose the Child Tax Credit in equal amounts in the Tax Code, and the equal amount tax rebates. The goal was to offset the Usury Economics of the Payroll Tax. The Democrats created the raised and indexed Standard Deduction and Personal Exemptions in the 1986 Tax Reform. Obama created the "Make Work Pay," Refundable equal amount tax credit. Many Now Nationalist Supremacists voted to take that away from America forever, after the first Midterms. Near-Majority Moslem Nigeria now includes, "Traders Moni," equal amounts credit for 2.0 mil. microbusinesses, never before eligible for credit in all of history.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Time was, anyone failed when the private banks failed, taking all the value of their bank notes with them! Now there is "Quantitative Easing(?):" Socialist private banking, FRB guaranteed!)

You lost me and probably 99% of everyone else when you said "Republican bailout of 2008"
There was no Republican bailout of 2008
QE - TARP whatever you want to call it was a bailout and corporate gifting by the Obama administration from 2009 - 2014. It was the single greatest example of trickle down economic practice in U.S. history.
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