CGPS(Citizen government partnerships) vs.GOVERNMENT IMPOSED TAXATION?

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
What would you rather have?
A continual oopsie from the founding fathers carried over the last 280 years a parliamentary power of imposed taxation where continually,it is governments blank check rape of the US citizen to often times suit the needs of the architects and their pockets without checks and balances.


Would you like to evolve from taxpayer to CITIZEN GOVERNMENT INVESTOR,where at each and every level of government jurisdiction priorities becone investments through the CGP which stands forCITIZEN GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP,where each fiduciary item are a business partnering BUSINESS INVESTMENT a profitable multivariably measured return which are agreed upon and decided by citizens and leaders and implemented by citizen majority vote,where the profitability return comes to the citizen government investor at each and every level of government jurisdiction where PEOPLE are the checks and balances,no mismanagement or government working unto itself.

Nothing implemented without citizen majority vote.a direct voice of transparancy of disbursements and return from investments.where government no linger works unto itself,but for the people by the people of the people.

Not a one penny can move or a budget approved or created without citizens majority vote.

Tax evolves to CGP. a citizen government partnership.
taxpayer evolves to citizen government investors.
Budgets will have accounts at each level of government jurisdiction called citizen government investment fund accounts,and profit/loss statements are issued quarterly to each us citizen government investor quarterly.

Regardless of the amount to the CGP an individual or business contributes,each vote us equal and the same. Profitability of each CGP and budget returns to the citizen government investor.
The variable of government misuse and waste is eliminated as in another fashion we are the checks and more money to Pakistan or Islamic brotherhood, not when the citizens majority voice is in control.ONLY US CITIZENS PARTICIPATE,NO ILLEGALS OR VISAS.
Hows that?
Evolves to true representative leadership rather than government working unto themselves for their own interests.
Would I support a constitutional amendment to change government imposed taxation?
imagine no more blankcheck no more discretionary spending.
Everything accounted for and transparent because as previously stated we are the checks and balances
All I can say is a smaller model of this is in place suggested by me to the city council in the town I live in,and its is working incredibly well.
This town should be weaned off of splost funds and speeding tickets THIS YEAR.
it is designed to work at every level of government jurisdiction.

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