Chalk Another One Up for the Education System

so the criminal, that actually caused a crime is being protected by the police.

Welcome to The Age of Obamaerica.

They can't arrest her b/c she's a teacher and a she.

The teachers union will crash on them with the backing of the administration and the poor bastids will end up being investigated themselves.

right and wrong have no meaning anymore.
The school district can't arrest her, of course. But the cops could if she was one of the attackers. The police are still investigating, but it was a spread out crime scene with fights erupting at various points throughout the crowd of hundreds.
I'm amazed the school board has let her get away with this political activism in her spare time. With a group like this? Maybe this will "educate" some of the parents about who she is.
don't be surprised that this is allowed, be surprised if it's not ecouraged.
Funny thing, that term "fascist", ..... always the other guys. But this you can always count upon; many of those who erroneously consider themselves "conservative" and advocate for smaller less intrusive govt will always soil themselves when someone questions the system they blindly support no matter what.
moronically off topic
Its funny, the ones who never fight for education are the one who scream the loudest about the failing of the institution they actively seek to destroy
Does anyone speak CC? Please translate into English for us please.

Sorry I edited after the fact. Go on about how youre offended at what happened to those poor Neo-Nazis. Hold on while I get a hanky
^ is openly against the First Amendment
so the criminal, that actually caused a crime is being protected by the police.

No I think it's over the kids,someone threaten violence against the kids,that must be taken seriously.
The teacher is guilty of assault ,and a hand full of other charges.
Think about "by any means necessary "
The email could very well come from them.
This group has proven how dangerous they the lefts definition they are a terrorist group.
don't get me wrong

protect the school, put that criminal in chains.

I was just shocked that she bragged about what she did and gets protection
Exactly. Once we decide who is allowed to speak, we are no longer free. You should be even more embarrassed by the leftists trying to shut down Trump rallies. I'm not saying you're not. But they are not trying to shut down a small fringe group, they are trying to silence their direct political opponent
I'm still not buying that. The Chicago college students are the only ones who have actually stopped a Trump rally. There may be some jazzed up trouble makers in the crowd who live for public spectacle, but a bloodied nose or eggs in your hair do NOT equate with 10 people taken to hospital for stab wounds and lacerations. This group Sunday meant business and they openly oppose white supremacists. If they were in the Trump protest crowd, you and I would know it, bud.
For some reason you forgot the attempted assassination of Trump the other week.

She forgot a lot of things. Interesting she thinks Nazis can speak while the Republican Presidential candidate can be shut down with violence
He was shut down once, in Chicago months ago when he was stupid enough to book a venue on a college campus. He hasn't made that mistake again, has he? It was his call to cancel; the cops and security said they were okay to go. Trump has absolutely no trouble speaking, and I have not missed that, for sure.
'Stupid' to book to speak on a college campus? A 'mistake'? Wow. If anywhere should be safe for a political candidate to speak it should be in an educational institution. Unbelievable. Again.

OldLady shows two things. One is she believes in a one party system. The other is a lack of awareness in history of how one party systems turn out ...
I'm still not buying that. The Chicago college students are the only ones who have actually stopped a Trump rally. There may be some jazzed up trouble makers in the crowd who live for public spectacle, but a bloodied nose or eggs in your hair do NOT equate with 10 people taken to hospital for stab wounds and lacerations. This group Sunday meant business and they openly oppose white supremacists. If they were in the Trump protest crowd, you and I would know it, bud.
For some reason you forgot the attempted assassination of Trump the other week.

She forgot a lot of things. Interesting she thinks Nazis can speak while the Republican Presidential candidate can be shut down with violence
He was shut down once, in Chicago months ago when he was stupid enough to book a venue on a college campus. He hasn't made that mistake again, has he? It was his call to cancel; the cops and security said they were okay to go. Trump has absolutely no trouble speaking, and I have not missed that, for sure.
'Stupid' to book to speak on a college campus? A 'mistake'? Wow. If anywhere should be safe for a political candidate to speak it should be in an educational institution. Unbelievable. Again.
Should be posted at the entrance to every university and public school:
View attachment 79730

It's pathetic how closed minded institutions of "learning" are
Sorry I edited after the fact. Go on about how youre offended at what happened to those poor Neo-Nazis. Hold on while I get a hanky
I'm as liberal as the next guy, but I AM offended by this group and so shouldn't you be. Violence is not the answer to violence. Unless you're at war.

Exactly. Once we decide who is allowed to speak, we are no longer free. You should be even more embarrassed by the leftists trying to shut down Trump rallies. I'm not saying you're not. But they are not trying to shut down a small fringe group, they are trying to silence their direct political opponent
I'm still not buying that. The Chicago college students are the only ones who have actually stopped a Trump rally. There may be some jazzed up trouble makers in the crowd who live for public spectacle, but a bloodied nose or eggs in your hair do NOT equate with 10 people taken to hospital for stab wounds and lacerations. This group Sunday meant business and they openly oppose white supremacists. If they were in the Trump protest crowd, you and I would know it, bud.
Why on earth should someone who wants to hear a candidate speak end up with a bloody nose? That is as much an assault as is being stabbed. It is NOT acceptable to end up being assaulted because you want to hear a politician speak. SMH. Unbelievable.
I agree with what you said. I do not agree with some of the excessively exaggerated claims about leftists being made by others on this thread.

Exaggerated? Your head is exaggeratedly empty. Setting up blockades to keep Trump supporters and wow, the videos. Even black liberal cops have said the leftist crowds scare the shit out of them. You're OK with Nazis. But your political opponents speaking freely? Not as long as you can punch them in the face
She forgot a lot of things. Interesting she thinks Nazis can speak while the Republican Presidential candidate can be shut down with violence
He was shut down once, in Chicago months ago when he was stupid enough to book a venue on a college campus. He hasn't made that mistake again, has he? It was his call to cancel; the cops and security said they were okay to go. Trump has absolutely no trouble speaking, and I have not missed that, for sure.
'Stupid' to book to speak on a college campus? A 'mistake'? Wow. If anywhere should be safe for a political candidate to speak it should be in an educational institution. Unbelievable. Again.
Tilly, where have you been? A renegade Republican on a college campus where one university had to call out its mental health counselors when someone chalked Trump 2016 on the sidewalk? You need to watch Fox News more often.
Nope. I'm well aware of the nonsense about safe spaces and trigger words etc and the 'need to be protected from hearing' the words of anyone the little snowflakes disagree with. But, you seem to condone that places of learning happily prevent people (usually RW people) from speaking in those alleged places of learning. I don't agree with that at all. I have two degrees and have experienced this nonsense first hand. It's a tragedy and is the polar opposite of what universities should be doing.
I'm not "condoning" or "condemning" what's going on. I'm just being realistic. The situation is not ideal on many college campuses for a Trump rally, like it or not.

No, you're not even seeing it despite the video all over the place. You're beyond blindly advocating your party, you're blind to your party
She forgot a lot of things. Interesting she thinks Nazis can speak while the Republican Presidential candidate can be shut down with violence
He was shut down once, in Chicago months ago when he was stupid enough to book a venue on a college campus. He hasn't made that mistake again, has he? It was his call to cancel; the cops and security said they were okay to go. Trump has absolutely no trouble speaking, and I have not missed that, for sure.
'Stupid' to book to speak on a college campus? A 'mistake'? Wow. If anywhere should be safe for a political candidate to speak it should be in an educational institution. Unbelievable. Again.
Tilly, where have you been? A renegade Republican on a college campus where one university had to call out its mental health counselors when someone chalked Trump 2016 on the sidewalk? You need to watch Fox News more often.
Nope. I'm well aware of the nonsense about safe spaces and trigger words etc and the 'need to be protected from hearing' the words of anyone the little snowflakes disagree with. But, you seem to condone that places of learning happily prevent people (usually RW people) from speaking in those alleged places of learning. I don't agree with that at all. I have two degrees and have experienced this nonsense first hand. It's a tragedy and is the polar opposite of what universities should be doing.
I'm not "condoning" or "condemning" what's going on. I'm just being realistic. The situation is not ideal on many college campuses for a Trump rally, like it or not.
Being realistic and condemning the practice of turning universities into libtard factories aren't mutually exclusive. Why can't you condemn behaviour that is anathema to open mindedness, education and learning?
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