Challenge the Atheist!

Don't get you wrong? You are wrong.

I am not claiming to know everything about the infinitely large universe for the past five billion years.

I am claiming to know about well known literary techniques used in a story written by people for people expressly for the purpose of instruction.

You never had anyone explain to you about the three little pigs when you were in kindergarten?

as an adult, do you think its possible the story is about a time when pigs could talk???

Snap out of that.......

What am I incorrect about - exactly?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but i don't recall ever making any claims about the authenticity of the Bible or any other religious texts for that matter, do you? Please, post a quote if you think otherwise (I'll be waiting).

I'm simply questioning your unfounded claim that you know for certain what is or what is not possible.


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Snap out of what exactly?

I'm just trying to explain to you that when it comes down to it, you know zilch about the Universe and what has occurred a billion years ago, a trillion light years away (for example); the only clues you have gathered so far is what you’ve been able to see or read as a human - on earth - in your infinitely short existence so far.

And don’t get me wrong – I’m in the same boat – however the difference between you and me is that I’m willing to admit (in the grand scheme of things) that I simply can’t confirm or deny that a talking snake has or has not existed somewhere in the far out reaches of the universe. Why? Because I don’t have five billion years of wisdom, and I’ve never even been out to space once.

Do you get my point?

You're claiming to know - for certain - that something has or has not occurred somewhere in our infinitely large universe in the past 5 billion years. You know how ridiculous and arrogant that is?



Don't get you wrong? You are wrong.

I am not claiming to know everything about the infinitely large universe for the past five billion years.

I am claiming to know about well known literary techniques used in a story written by people for people expressly for the purpose of instruction.

You never had anyone explain to you about the three little pigs when you were in kindergarten?

as an adult, do you think its possible the story is about a time when pigs could talk???

Snap out of that.......

What am I wrong about - exactly?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but i don't recall ever making any claims about the authenticity of the Bible or any other religious texts for that matter, do you?

I'm simply questioning your unfounded claim that you know for certain what is or what is not possible, being just a tiny human in the middle of nowhere existing for no more than a blippet of time. .

You are wrong about me claiming to know everything that has happened for the past five billion years.

The torah is at the most about things going on 5000-8000 years ago.

5000 years ago, even 5 million years ago snakes did not talk to people, but people have been comparing people to animals in nature by their displayed attributes in every culture and language and people ever since people could talk.

5000 years ago only serpents of the human type talked and if you look closely you can still see them hiding under your front porch or in some crevice of your rock garden all coiled up and hissing.
You are wrong about me claiming to know everything that has happened for the past five billion years.

Fair enough.

The torah is at the most about things going on 5000-8000 years ago.

5000 years ago, even 5 million years ago snakes did not talk to people, but people have been comparing people to animals in nature by their displayed attributes in every culture and language and people ever since people could talk.

5000 years ago only serpents of the human type talked and if you look closely you can still see them hiding under your front porch or in some crevice of your rock garden all coiled up and hissing.

What's your take on a significant alien visit perhaps sometime in the past 5,000-8,000 years (just trying to push the boundaries here)? What if these visitors were to mimic a creature such as a snake?

You are wrong about me claiming to know everything that has happened for the past five billion years.

Fair enough.

The torah is at the most about things going on 5000-8000 years ago.

5000 years ago, even 5 million years ago snakes did not talk to people, but people have been comparing people to animals in nature by their displayed attributes in every culture and language and people ever since people could talk.

5000 years ago only serpents of the human type talked and if you look closely you can still see them hiding under your front porch or in some crevice of your rock garden all coiled up and hissing.

What's your take on a significant alien visit perhaps sometime in the past 5,000-8,000 years (just trying to push the boundaries here)? What if these visitors were to mimic a creature such as a snake?


ORRRRrrr.. a PIG !!!!
Here's a challenge for the atheist. Prove YOU exist. Not your body. Not your brain. But that intangible thing you refer to when you say "I".
You are wrong about me claiming to know everything that has happened for the past five billion years.

Fair enough.

The torah is at the most about things going on 5000-8000 years ago.

5000 years ago, even 5 million years ago snakes did not talk to people, but people have been comparing people to animals in nature by their displayed attributes in every culture and language and people ever since people could talk.

5000 years ago only serpents of the human type talked and if you look closely you can still see them hiding under your front porch or in some crevice of your rock garden all coiled up and hissing.

What's your take on a significant alien visit perhaps sometime in the past 5,000-8,000 years (just trying to push the boundaries here)? What if these visitors were to mimic a creature such as a snake? .

The hebrew word for serpent Nachash is both a noun and an adjective. It can mean serpent, shining one, brazen and or one who practices any religious deceiver pretending to be enlightened..

Do you really think its possible that one alien spanned the universe only to pretend to be a talking snake to a couple of naked humans?

doesn't that take a lot more blind faith to believe than a truth that you already know, that people have always been comparing other people to serpents, swine, wolves, rats, pigs, dogs, bottom feeders, parasites etc etc ever since people could talk??
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Here's a challenge for the atheist. Prove YOU exist. Not your body. Not your brain. But that intangible thing you refer to when you say "I".

So what's your point ? :lol: That we are all having our individual dreams and nothing is real?

I am an atheist. I choose what my brain accepts as real..even if it is a dream it is my dream and I do not want my dream or my head cluttered up with obvious nonsense.
The hebrew word for serpent Nachash is both an adjective and a verb. It can mean serpent, shining one, brazen and or one who practices any religious deceiver pretending to be enlightened..

Do you really think its possible that one alien spanned the universe only to pretend to be a talking snake to a couple of naked humans?

doesn't that take a lot more blind faith to believe than a truth that you already know, that people have always been comparing other people to serpents, swine, wolves, rats, pigs, dogs, bottom feeders, parasites etc etc ever since people could talk??

Sure, just asking you about the possibility and what you thought of it.

Why would the aliens visit just to talk to some naked humans?

In my own humble opinion, I believe that intelligent life is somewhat of a rarity in our solar system/galaxy/Universe, and that perhaps there is some spiritual significance to the amount that we have here on planet earth. Perhaps an alien who had the ability to span the Universe (a very advanced creature, both from a rational intelligence standpoint and a spiritual one*) might have some concern about the events that transpire here and would like to manipulate them in some way. We are highly manipulable, as you know.

*I assume these creatures would be spiritually advanced. This is based on the assumption that any society that harnesses technology powerful enough to propel one across the Universe would need to be advanced enough, on spiritual level - with respect to life, love, ect - not to blow one another up with that technology first. I would not feel comfortable with humans having access to this sort of power.

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The hebrew word for serpent Nachash is both an adjective and a verb. It can mean serpent, shining one, brazen and or one who practices any religious deceiver pretending to be enlightened..

Do you really think its possible that one alien spanned the universe only to pretend to be a talking snake to a couple of naked humans?

doesn't that take a lot more blind faith to believe than a truth that you already know, that people have always been comparing other people to serpents, swine, wolves, rats, pigs, dogs, bottom feeders, parasites etc etc ever since people could talk??

Sure, just asking you about the possibility and what you thought of it.

Why would the aliens visit just to talk to some naked humans?

In my own humble opinion, I believe that intelligent life is somewhat of a rarity in our solar system/galaxy/Universe, and that perhaps there is some spiritual significance to the amount that we have here on planet earth. Perhaps an alien who had the ability to span the Universe (a very advanced creature, both from a rational intelligence standpoint and a spiritual one*) might have some concern about the events that transpire here and would like to manipulate them in some way. We are highly manipulable, as you know.

sure, but only another human would have a vested interest in deceiving others with irrational superstitious archaic lore which makes the gullible easy to manipulate and fleece for life.

A higher intelligence from some distant place would most likely be able to know our thoughts like people are now learning to image the mind and would have no need to travel vast distances to hear and communicate with humans who have a more highly developed mind than those other mentioned lower beasts.

Whenever God 'appears' it is only a voice perceived in the mind. There is never a visible shape or visible form.
I am, because I post.

Not good enough. Prove it to me. You could be a bot for all I know.

It's good enough for me. Since of the three of us I am the only one I am certain exists, my vote wins.


Fair enough. But in regards to the point I was 'trying' to make. The human soul is just as immaterial and just as hard to prove as the existence of gods. i'm not a 'believer' by any stretch, but I think it's important to keep the debate fair.
Not good enough. Prove it to me. You could be a bot for all I know.

It's good enough for me. Since of the three of us I am the only one I am certain exists, my vote wins.


Fair enough. But in regards to the point I was 'trying' to make. The human soul is just as immaterial and just as hard to prove as the existence of gods. i'm not a 'believer' by any stretch, but I think it's important to keep the debate fair.

Certainly. But the debate is really nothing more than a comparison of one person's blind guess to another person's blind guess. Hard to call it a debate - fair or otherwise. More of a "show and tell".
Here's a challenge for the atheist. Prove YOU exist. Not your body. Not your brain. But that intangible thing you refer to when you say "I".

So what's your point ? :lol: That we are all having our individual dreams and nothing is real?

I am an atheist. I choose what my brain accepts as real..even if it is a dream it is my dream and I do not want my dream or my head cluttered up with obvious nonsense.

My point is that the concept of 'god' is just is immaterial, and just as unprovable, as the existence of the human soul. Lookup up the terms 'philosophical zombie' or 'qualia' for an interesting read.
is there a God without a Garden ? -

* no, they are the same.

the Atheists would have us believe they are from Mars ...

Why would you suggest something so rediculous? There are plenty of possibilities where human genome originated. One of them is fairly obvious. Most science indicates WE decended from the spark of life that spawned here on earth many billions of years ago. A small minority suggests that life existed elsewhere in the universe and somehow..maybe comets or asteroids was seeded here by collision. The movie Prometheus has an interesting take on what might have occured. Whatever started life here on earth happened a very long time ago. It was NOT a god that created life here. That is nonsense. It was almost certainly a chemical bond that somehow "learned" to replicate.. OR it was a pre-existing life form from some other place that probably got destroyed in a celestial collision sending frozen water with life embeded out into the universe...OR it was intentional seeding by some intelligent life on our planet. The last possibility is almost certainly nonsense because it begs the question "Why".

There are plenty of possibilities where human genome originated.

who said anything about humans ?

how about the "genome" for the Garden ???

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