Challenging Double Standards

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Silver Member
Aug 4, 2017
I just came back from a ban and was told to ignore the guy who initiated some harassing posts. Okay, I'm told to ignore him and when I went to post a response to another poster on the thread, they guy who got me banned had stated:

"A little hint about Humorme, he is a documented White Nationalist, he was the Secretary of the Forsyth County Covenant ( Nationalist Movement ), he marched with the KKK in Atlanta, so yea, he is what I called him"

Now, the posting is gone; however when I started to respond to another poster, the back and forth discussion appears in my response box so I can see what he said before this stuff was deleted.

I'm banned and this guy gets to stay. There is enough information in those posts to publicly identify me. That should have gotten that guy banned. Then he left out some important facts:

Those allegations were taken into court and proven false. I am not now, never have been and never will be a white nationalist. In 1987 I did not march with the KKK. They supported my efforts much like the KKK today backs Donald Trump. Be that as it may, this board is getting close to defamation of character by allowing that poster to put up enough information to publicly identify me and then keep him here to harass and intimidate me.

Finally, the moderator did not even ask for my side of the argument before giving me the boot. I have a theory and I truly believe that some mods are here under multiple board names for the sole purpose of steering conversations. You see, here is what don't fit:

Some posters whose sole purpose for being here is to harass and intimidate their fellow posters. The offending poster in this case begins every post calling people names and making false accusations against them. He claims I agreed with him when I didn't; he calls people idiot, moron, nut, whatafucknmoron, etc., etc. He deliberately misrepresents people. In short, when a thread is not going his way he attacks posters until everybody that was posting abandons the thread.

I'm looking to talk directly to the owner of this board about the situation. The poster I'm referring to is a John Wayne Gacy or a Jeffrey Dahmer waiting to happen. No responsible moderator would have allowed that guy to remain on this board after witnessing themselves what the guy did. And no reasonable moderator would have banned me before having all the facts.
Private message a moderator. Discussing moderator actions on the open board is against the rules.
Private message a moderator. Discussing moderator actions on the open board is against the rules.

You misinterpret the post. This is about the rules. ALL of the mods seem to be protecting a dangerous troll and employing a double standard.

This has gone on for months. I need to reach the administrator or the owner. Tried all the obvious avenues. This is not about a single moderator action. This goes to the policies of protecting dangerous people. No single moderator here has the ability, apparently, to revise or change whatever rule is being interpreted to protect dangerous trolls.
Private message a moderator. Discussing moderator actions on the open board is against the rules.

You misinterpret the post. This is about the rules. ALL of the mods seem to be protecting a dangerous troll and employing a double standard.

This has gone on for months. I need to reach the administrator or the owner. Tried all the obvious avenues. This is not about a single moderator action. This goes to the policies of protecting dangerous people. No single moderator here has the ability, apparently, to revise or change whatever rule is being interpreted to protect dangerous trolls.
If the admin is not responding it means he/she looked at your complaint and dismissed it as sour grapes. They're not required to respond. If you have an issue with that then there's always the door and not letting it hit you in the ass on the way out.
Private message a moderator. Discussing moderator actions on the open board is against the rules.

You misinterpret the post. This is about the rules. ALL of the mods seem to be protecting a dangerous troll and employing a double standard.

This has gone on for months. I need to reach the administrator or the owner. Tried all the obvious avenues. This is not about a single moderator action. This goes to the policies of protecting dangerous people. No single moderator here has the ability, apparently, to revise or change whatever rule is being interpreted to protect dangerous trolls.
If the admin is not responding it means he/she looked at your complaint and dismissed it as sour grapes. They're not required to respond. If you have an issue with that then there's always the door and not letting it hit you in the ass on the way out.

Well, if the admin here wants to allow a double standard, that is his / her prerogative. They should come forward and have the intestinal fortitude to answer for themselves, not allow somebody else to make snide remarks in their stead.

When you have a poster posting the private information about another poster, it is not within the rules. When you have a poster threatening another one in open forum, it is not within the rules. When you have moderators allowing a poster to do that and merely deleting his offending posts, of course that moderator will claim it's all sour grapes.

The issue is one poster is allowed that luxury while others are banned. I think that if the right person gets involved, we can figure out why this board tolerates one poster being able to try and intimidate other posters and given carte blanche to do it.

You have some sick puppies on this board. They are not here to post about topics and exchange opinions. They are here to harass and intimidate others. They are like the kid that goes through the neighborhood, swinging cats by their tails and stomping on other small animals, killing them. When somebody's posts are all about name calling, belittling others, and demeaning their fellow posters, they are not doing anything positive for the board.

It's one thing to disagree, but quite another to challenge other posters with name calling, threats, and innuendo along with knowingly posting false information about your fellow posters, not to mention private information about them.
Maybe if we even knew the poster or mod you were talking about... :dunno:

Since this is directed more toward the policies of the board, I find that irrelevant. Unfortunately, the owner of this board has gone to great lengths to protect their privacy. But, they allow a poster to stay here that hasn't been equally respectful regarding my privacy.

Something is not right about either the rules or their enforcement. I don't know where the problem is so I can't very well question the moderation. It looks like the rules say one thing, but somehow they are being enforced unequally. And I've been on enough threads here wherein people complain about it... so it ain't just me.

I'm thinking that the rules allowed the moderators to something that didn't make sense at one level. AFTER I'm banned, predicated upon half a story, I get to come back and make my case. Shouldn't the rules require the moderators to ASK if something actually happened and then proceed? And, after I'm banned, the complainant goes on a thread and posts personal information about me. That is within the rules?

What about when that poster threatened me? What about when he harassed me? His offending posts are removed, but he is never held accountable. Something is going on and it could be a flaw in the rules or the owner of this board don't know that one side is using the rules to prevent an honest discourse.
Thread closed. If some is posting your private info please pm one of us with a link and we will look into it.
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