Chaos in Trumplandia! Parscale out as Campaign Manager

Trump the man who says he does not follow the polls apparently demoted his campaign manager because of his falling poll numbers.

...but.but..but...polls are all fake!
Look closely doofus it doesn't say Trump fired him because of the poll numbers. As always the media manages to place the two sentences close enough together to make it look that way. If half of what the article says is true it looks like Trump should have let him go months ago... As it is he's not even fired only demoted.

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Trump the man who says he does not follow the polls apparently demoted his campaign manager because of his falling poll numbers.

...but.but..but...polls are all fake!
Look closely doofus it doesn't say Trump fired him because of the poll numbers. as always the media manages to place the two senses close enough together to make it look that way. If half of what the article says is true it looks like Trump should have let him go months ago... As it is he's not even fired only demoted.

Really news is coming out that Parscale did not even know he was being demoted until tonight.
Trump the man who says he does not follow the polls apparently demoted his campaign manager because of his falling poll numbers.

...but.but..but...polls are all fake!
Yes, the Soros polls aren't what they ought to be. They please the billionnaire payor, but not the American voter.
If they are Soros polls then why is the Trump campaign now in chaos with a major shakeup in progress? Why doesn‘t Trump just ignore the polls?
Now news is coming out that Parscale did not know he was being demoted till tonight. That is the very definition of chaos.
Because the guy has been doing something akin to embezzlement...
and he got caught... As it is he still has a job just not as big vendor of major campaign ideas.
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The only "chaos" is inside the OP's head. :cuckoo:
Sorry Skye-light head, chaos rules the Trump campaign tonight.
Nah..... Chaos would be the campaign is failing and they made no changes. There's no evidence that the campaign is failing only the word of untrustworthy Polls. Trump's accusation toward Parscale is that was not spending the time on the campaign that Trump was paying him for. Far from chaos this is quite the business as usual.

Trump the man who says he does not follow the polls apparently demoted his campaign manager because of his falling poll numbers.

...but.but..but...polls are all fake!
Yes, the Soros polls aren't what they ought to be. They please the billionnaire payor, but not the American voter.
If they are Soros polls then why is the Trump campaign now in chaos with a major shakeup in progress? Why doesn‘t Trump just ignore the polls?
Now news is coming out that Parscale did not know he was being demoted till tonight. That is the very definition of chaos.
There's no chaos. We Republicans are far more level-headed than Democrats who jump up and down at everything they can possibly negativize.
Don't you ever tire of your own negativity? It will be a blight on your health as you age if you don't lighten up a little while you can. WE saw a lot of people walk away from the Democrats in recent years. If you look at the deeds of the leadership, you could ameliorate your situation if they made an effort to get back to the basics of government, which in a short phrase is good business.

The only "chaos" is inside the OP's head. :cuckoo:
Sorry Skye-light head, chaos rules the Trump campaign tonight.
Nah..... Chaos would be the campaign is failing and they made no changes. There's no evidence that the campaign is failing only the word of untrustworthy Polls. Trump's accusation toward Parscale is that was not spending the time on the campaign that Trump was paying him for. Far from chaos this is quite the business as usual.

The Trump campaign IS failing and that is why there was a shakeup tonight.
Well, Trump can just out and say something inane and embarrassing to fire up the base.
Chaos? Democrats don't even have a candidate much less a "campaign manager" a hundred days before the election.
The new campaign manager is a winner... Trump style. That equates to a loser.
You are now awarded a title that means not a whole lot to your boss.
Good luck lasting to November Seppy Boy.

"Speaking to CNN on Wednesday, former campaign manager to President Barack Obama, David Axelrod, explained that the problem isn’t exactly the leadership of the campaign being a white supremacist or a Chris Christie conservative, it’s the candidate. Trump, he said, will never stop tweeting his asinine attacks or suddenly become the president the country needs to manage the crisis before us.
Former Republican operative Amanda Carpenter similarly explained on CNN that no spinmeister could save Trump, not Stepien or even Kellyanne Conway."

Trump the man who says he does not follow the polls apparently demoted his campaign manager because of his falling poll numbers.

...but.but..but...polls are all fake!
Look closely doofus it doesn't say Trump fired him because of the poll numbers. As always the media manages to place the two sentences close enough together to make it look that way. If half of what the article says is true it looks like Trump should have let him go months ago... As it is he's not even fired only demoted.

Try to keep informed. Explain why Parscale is demoted to deputy.
Trump the man who says he does not follow the polls apparently demoted his campaign manager because of his falling poll numbers.

...but.but..but...polls are all fake!
Look closely doofus it doesn't say Trump fired him because of the poll numbers. As always the media manages to place the two sentences close enough together to make it look that way. If half of what the article says is true it looks like Trump should have let him go months ago... As it is he's not even fired only demoted.

Try to keep informed. Explain why Parscale is demoted to deputy.
Trump the man who says he does not follow the polls apparently demoted his campaign manager because of his falling poll numbers.

...but.but..but...polls are all fake!
Look closely doofus it doesn't say Trump fired him because of the poll numbers. As always the media manages to place the two sentences close enough together to make it look that way. If half of what the article says is true it looks like Trump should have let him go months ago... As it is he's not even fired only demoted.

Try to keep informed. Explain why Parscale is demoted to deputy.

Well then are we now reduced to having to deal with facts? Fact is the article never says why. It does say that the man was being scrutinized for over-charging and under-delivering.... But once again the article never cites any credible sources. The whole article is based on one single fact.... The man was demoted. The entire rest of the article this is an inflation of opinions inferences and wishful thinking, a typical product of today's opinion media similar to the 2016 polls.

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