Charges against Jan 6 Viking Man Should be Dismissed

The overreach by leftists to ruin the life of a non-violent political opponent was obviously wrong, but now that it has come out that the prosecution withheld evidence that could have reduced his sentence or eliminated it entirely, the prisoner should be immediately released with all charges dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct.

He also should sue for millions. If a black woman gets $8 million for 30 minutes of detention - without an arrest - then this guy deserves $15 million for having two years of his life stolen from him. Of course, he’s white and a Trump supporter, so he won‘t see a dime.

The man plead guilty and admitted his crimes.

You've provided no evidence that he didn't commit the crimes or that his defense didn't have access to the videos which are in no way exculpatory evidence.
That isn't what he pled guilty to though.

He was railroaded by an incompetent attorney. Would you feel that you were unjustly treated if you found out the whole event was a scam?
The man plead guilty and admitted his crimes.

You've provided no evidence that he didn't commit the crimes or that his defense didn't have access to the videos which are in no way exculpatory evidence.
Go back to the hole you dug out of. Your dictator didnt say you could leave it.
I work in a prison right now. Thought it'd be an interesting step into law enforcement. Anyway, you'd be amazed by some of the shit people do to get sentenced to 2-5 years in prison. How long is this dude's sentence? We going to keep him behind bars for as long as people that are caught purchasing child pornography? Should he be behind bars longer than guys that beat the shit out of their children and wives? Drunk drivers that maimed people for life?
His sentence is four years. Ridiculous.
He got off easy. Everyone in that building deserved a bullet. We elect people here and we don`t form an ugly mob to try and steal the highest office in the land. The law is "leftist"?:ahole-1:
He got a fucking GUIDED TOUR by the Capitol Police, warf rat!
The whole thing was a SET UP!!!!
The clips still show him, and all other interlopers, in the process of committing the crime of participating in a riot that obstructed an official proceeding. How does that help the defense? Good for him that the recordings don't show him vandalizing stuff, but that doesn't absolve him. He still gets his participation trophy.
And what about Code Pink leftists who have broken into Congress? That’s obstructing an official proceeding also. Why weren’t they sentenced to prison?

Oh, right….they’re radical liberals. Carry on.
But the US government is by and for the democrat party, not the people.

Or are you trying to ruin democracy?
Let’s try to save it while there’s still a chance. Go DeSantis! Ya with me?
And what about Code Pink leftists who have broken into Congress? That’s obstructing an official proceeding also. Why weren’t they sentenced to prison?

Oh, right….they’re radical liberals. Carry on.
What? Code Pink was there on Jan 6th to stop the EC votes from being counted too? The Hell you say!

But what the hell, lock them up.
What? Code Pink was there on Jan 6th to stop the EC votes from being counted too? The Hell you say!

But what the hell, lock them up.
No, they storm into Congress and obstruct an official proceeding. That was the reason you gave for the Viking to be imprisoned.

Besides, it’s moot now. It was a set-up and evidence that could have exonerated him was withheld by the prosecution.
He was railroaded by an incompetent attorney. Would you feel that you were unjustly treated if you found out the whole event was a scam?
If I listened to the Faux View of the Neo-GOP, I'd be pissed off too. Of course they are lying to their audience about ..... reality.
No, they storm into Congress and obstruct an official proceeding. That was the reason you gave for the Viking to be imprisoned.

Besides, it’s moot now. It was a set-up and evidence that could have exonerated him was withheld by the prosecution.
Did they have the MAGAMOB rioting behind them as they battled their way through the Capitol Police lines?

There is no exonerating evidence for the Horned One in the video Tuck aired.
Still a long time for the people being punished by leftists.
Still a long time for the people being led by a con man.

If you ^^^^ are that stupid to follow the direction of trump, you deserve to serve that time.
Did they have the MAGAMOB rioting behind them as they battled their way through the Capitol Police lines?

The is no exonerating evidence for the Horned One in the video Tuck aired.
Doesn’t matter that protestors were behind them or not. People aren’t guilty based on what others do.

And yes, the evidence the prosecution withheld could have mitigated his sentence. It’s prosecutorial misconduct and the scapegoat needs to be released. There are plenty of violent criminals walking free that should be there instead.

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