Charges against Jan 6 Viking Man Should be Dismissed

The overreach by leftists to ruin the life of a non-violent political opponent was obviously wrong, but now that it has come out that the prosecution withheld evidence that could have reduced his sentence or eliminated it entirely, the prisoner should be immediately released with all charges dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct.

He also should sue for millions. If a black woman gets $8 million for 30 minutes of detention - without an arrest - then this guy deserves $15 million for having two years of his life stolen from him. Of course, he’s white and a Trump supporter, so he won‘t see a dime.

Lol, won't happen! That traitorous POS sits and rots where he belongs. Taking it up the rear from Bubba, eating rotten bologna, and surrounded by black mold. Gives me the warm and fuzzies at night. Looking forward to the rotting of all that support him.
Still a long time for the people being led by a con man.

If you ^^^^ are that stupid to follow the direction of trump, you deserve to serve that time.
Who is being conned and lied to? It looks like it is you and anyone else who believes our government's lies.

Doesn’t matter that protestors were behind them or not. People aren’t guilty based on what others do.

And yes, the evidence the prosecution withheld could have mitigated his sentence. It’s prosecutorial misconduct and the scapegoat needs to be released. There are plenty of violent criminals walking free that should be there instead.
The rioters are the ones who assaulted and occupied the Capitol, shutting down the counting of the certified votes of every state for the next president. The horned one was part of those rioter who broke in. Video of him inside the Capitol no matter what he is doing, is evidence of his crime.
The rioters are the ones who assaulted and occupied the Capitol, shutting down the counting of the certified votes of every state for the next president. The horned one was part of those rioter who broke in. Video of him inside the Capitol no matter what he is doing, is evidence of his crime.
Yup….he MIGHT have trespassed, just like the Code Pink Leftists did. Why weren’t they put in prison?

And I have PERSONALLY been accosted by them, as I was peacefully attempting to exit a taxi and enter a Republican Pro-Israel meeting.
The rioters are the ones who assaulted and occupied the Capitol, shutting down the counting of the certified votes of every state for the next president. The horned one was part of those rioter who broke in. Video of him inside the Capitol no matter what he is doing, is evidence of his crime.
The politicians in the Capitol are criminals too. Their crimes are destroying this country. When are some of them going to get charged?
The overreach by leftists to ruin the life of a non-violent political opponent was obviously wrong, but now that it has come out that the prosecution withheld evidence that could have reduced his sentence or eliminated it entirely, the prisoner should be immediately released with all charges dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct.

He also should sue for millions. If a black woman gets $8 million for 30 minutes of detention - without an arrest - then this guy deserves $15 million for having two years of his life stolen from him. Of course, he’s white and a Trump supporter, so he won‘t see a dime.

I saw his literal "softball" interview on Fox. It's been a while since I've laughed that hard. If he thinks he can get away with just friendly interviews and still make to the White House, he's gravely mistaken.
I can't wait to see what Trump does to him. :)
It's begun and I've got the popcorn ready.

Such Irony too.

[giggle] ... and rents are increasing ... woe is you !!! ... [ka'ching] ...
make no mistake, im not hurting. fortunately my family avoided the recent layoffs at the major company my wife works for. Not everyone is a landlord and not everyone got lucky enough to avoid those layoffs.

obviously you are so short sighted that you think since YOU are doing ok, the things I mentioned don't matter!

just shows what a simpleton you really are.
The man plead guilty and admitted his crimes.

You've provided no evidence that he didn't commit the crimes or that his defense didn't have access to the videos which are in no way exculpatory evidence.
He took a plea deal largely because the government suppressed any evidence favorable to him.

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