Charleston SC Sheriff: I will not enforce new gun laws; TOLD YOU SO


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?
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Thank God the States are willing to stand up to tyranny and protect the Constitutional Rights of all Americans against the Fascist left.
2nd Oregon Sheriff Says He Won't Enforce New Gun Laws - News -

2 Oregon sheriffs have also said they wont enforce it.

Our freedoms are protected in various ways. The military protects us from foreign threats, and maintains global stability to ensure economic and personal freedom. Inside our borders, ONLY civilian law enforcement protects us from local threats AND they make the decision to protect and honor our rights through their descretion to enforce a law, or not. As a community, it seems many in the police world are going to PROTECT the 2nd amendment by not enforcing this shit, as I predicted.

(Note to crazy right wingers: See, when it comes down to it, there are MORE people than just the military protecting your ass and your rights, despite your push to demonize the cops and cut their pay/benefits as much as possible. Maybe you should rethink alienating the law enforcement community you dumbasses)
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

Forgive me if I am not excited that my 2nd amendment rights are based on my local law chief being a closet facist or not.

And I live in NYC, according to Ray Kelly only police need guns (and retired cops, and thier friends, and any firefighter that wants one wink wink, nudge nudge.)
The citizens are not subjects. Its refreshing to hear from people who believe in liberty and freedom
Thank God the States are willing to stand up to tyranny and protect the Constitutional Rights of all Americans against the Fascist left.

Facism, or just overbearing govt, isnt exclusive to the left. Our Republican ran city has a no smoking ordinance, which the local PD has not enforced one single time. We also have a "poop scoop" rule, where you have 2 minutes to pick up your dog's shit or get a $250 fine. Again, as far as I know, the cops decided to never even give that law the time of day.

Stupid ass laws exist all over the country. We have our cops to trust in that they'll use common sense and protect us from the retards in city councils and mayors seats passing these atrocious laws, and just decide to not enforce them.

A law is nothing but a piece of paper with ink. Only a man with a gun willing to enforce it can make it oppressive. Luckily, our military and police are full of folks with way too much integrity, honor and common sense to ever oppress our own people.
Check this one out: Sheriffs, State Lawmakers Push Back On Gun Control - News -

QUOTE from link: Some rural sheriffs view the federal government as an adversary, with gun ownership at the core of that belief.

In Minnesota, Pine County Sheriff Robin Cole sent an open letter to residents saying he did not believe the federal government had the right to tell the states how to regulate firearms. He said he would refuse to enforce any federal mandate he felt violated constitutional rights.

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, based in Fredericksburg, Texas, encourages that point of view. Founder Richard Mack, a former sheriff of Apache County, Ariz., speaks regularly at gatherings of Tea Party groups and gun rights organizations.

"I will tell Mr. Obama and everybody else who wants to impose gun control in America, that whether you like it or not, it is against the law," said Mack. "Now we have good sheriffs who are standing up and defending the law against our own president."
Thank God the States are willing to stand up to tyranny and protect the Constitutional Rights of all Americans against the Fascist left.

Facism, or just overbearing govt, isnt exclusive to the left. Our Republican ran city has a no smoking ordinance, which the local PD has not enforced one single time. We also have a "poop scoop" rule, where you have 2 minutes to pick up your dog's shit or get a $250 fine. Again, as far as I know, the cops decided to never even give that law the time of day.

Stupid ass laws exist all over the country. We have our cops to trust in that they'll use common sense and protect us from the retards in city councils and mayors seats passing these atrocious laws, and just decide to not enforce them.

A law is nothing but a piece of paper with ink. Only a man with a gun willing to enforce it can make it oppressive. Luckily, our military and police are full of folks with way too much integrity, honor and common sense to ever oppress our own people.

I agree with you. I think the Bush's are a prime example of power hungry Fascists. He and Obama are no different.. one in the same.. except this BOZO is emboldened by his Zombie base.
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

Forgive me if I am not excited that my 2nd amendment rights are based on my local law chief being a closet facist or not.

And I live in NYC, according to Ray Kelly only police need guns (and retired cops, and thier friends, and any firefighter that wants one wink wink, nudge nudge.)

Ray Kelly is 1 cop. There are 800,000 in the country. Not 100% will agree. But Id guess over 90% will.

But yes, like it or not, YOUR freedom rests solely in the hands of the cops and sheriffs you see daily. See....they can enforce something that is illegal, or not enforce something that is. They have huge amounts of power, and we usually dont see it because...well, they do a great job, we are very safe in general, and we just dont worry much about it.

But, your 4th amendment rights rest in the integrity of cops to not violate it. Same with your 5th. And 1st. And 2nd. And the rest.

The local street cops, literally, have more power than the NYC mayor. Yep. He can pass a law that says "Blue and Green striped shirts are now illegal, punishable by $10,000 fines", or "All New England Patriots hats are officially banned, 10 years in jail". Or any other oppressive law. Yet...if the local cops say "Fuck that, aint enforcing it", then who will? Nobody. You can wear your green and blue shirt with a NE hat, and nothing happens.

Thank goodness, the cops of America are now starting to inject come common sense into this gun debate. It isn't enforceable. And they frankly dont want to enforce it. They know it'll be nothing but lots of bloodshed, with very very VERY little positive affect on gun violence anyway. Not worth it. Stupid law.
Thank God the States are willing to stand up to tyranny and protect the Constitutional Rights of all Americans against the Fascist left.

Facism, or just overbearing govt, isnt exclusive to the left. Our Republican ran city has a no smoking ordinance, which the local PD has not enforced one single time. We also have a "poop scoop" rule, where you have 2 minutes to pick up your dog's shit or get a $250 fine. Again, as far as I know, the cops decided to never even give that law the time of day.

Stupid ass laws exist all over the country. We have our cops to trust in that they'll use common sense and protect us from the retards in city councils and mayors seats passing these atrocious laws, and just decide to not enforce them.

A law is nothing but a piece of paper with ink. Only a man with a gun willing to enforce it can make it oppressive. Luckily, our military and police are full of folks with way too much integrity, honor and common sense to ever oppress our own people.

I agree with you. I think the Bush's are a prime example of power hungry Fascists. He and Obama are no different.. one in the same.. except this BOZO is emboldened by his Zombie base.

Yep. Its why Im not a Dem or Repub. Both are full of shit. Partisans often cant grasp how a person can not pick a side. Me? I dont see how someone CAN absolutely pick a side.

I just thank God that we have such noble people in our military, and our police. The men with guns (or swords) have ALWAYS been the ones who make history happen. If we had 90% evil, wicked men with guns in our military/police, we'd be fucked. Thankfully, we only have about 5% bad apples in police work. I've never been military, so I dont know how many bad apples they may have, but Im sure its about the same, 5% or even less. Those two entities of the US will never turn en mass on their own people. And thank GOD for that.
Law, schmall. O set the example when he said he wouldn't enforce certain laws. Good for that sheriff.
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

Forgive me if I am not excited that my 2nd amendment rights are based on my local law chief being a closet facist or not.

And I live in NYC, according to Ray Kelly only police need guns (and retired cops, and thier friends, and any firefighter that wants one wink wink, nudge nudge.)

Ray Kelly is 1 cop. There are 800,000 in the country. Not 100% will agree. But Id guess over 90% will.

But yes, like it or not, YOUR freedom rests solely in the hands of the cops and sheriffs you see daily. See....they can enforce something that is illegal, or not enforce something that is. They have huge amounts of power, and we usually dont see it because...well, they do a great job, we are very safe in general, and we just dont worry much about it.

But, your 4th amendment rights rest in the integrity of cops to not violate it. Same with your 5th. And 1st. And 2nd. And the rest.

The local street cops, literally, have more power than the NYC mayor. Yep. He can pass a law that says "Blue and Green striped shirts are now illegal, punishable by $10,000 fines", or "All New England Patriots hats are officially banned, 10 years in jail". Or any other oppressive law. Yet...if the local cops say "Fuck that, aint enforcing it", then who will? Nobody. You can wear your green and blue shirt with a NE hat, and nothing happens.

Thank goodness, the cops of America are now starting to inject come common sense into this gun debate. It isn't enforceable. And they frankly dont want to enforce it. They know it'll be nothing but lots of bloodshed, with very very VERY little positive affect on gun violence anyway. Not worth it. Stupid law.

The difference is in the cases you listed, the resort is to the courts, which will be our recourse in this case at well. The final resort is of course, resistance, either peaceful or not peaceful to those laws you find completely unacceptable.

When it comes to firearms, however, the removal or even infringement of your rights with regards to them leads to 1) further infringement 2) the removal of your ability to forcefully resist if the case requires it. The real issue is that the state's agents will keep thier weapons while at the same time disarming you.

At that point the courts will likely be complicit in whatever scheme the statists are hatching, removing that method of redress.
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

The sherrif sounds like a typical right winger. Violating his solemn oath of office to uphold the laws. He should be fired.
Forgive me if I am not excited that my 2nd amendment rights are based on my local law chief being a closet facist or not.

And I live in NYC, according to Ray Kelly only police need guns (and retired cops, and thier friends, and any firefighter that wants one wink wink, nudge nudge.)

Ray Kelly is 1 cop. There are 800,000 in the country. Not 100% will agree. But Id guess over 90% will.

But yes, like it or not, YOUR freedom rests solely in the hands of the cops and sheriffs you see daily. See....they can enforce something that is illegal, or not enforce something that is. They have huge amounts of power, and we usually dont see it because...well, they do a great job, we are very safe in general, and we just dont worry much about it.

But, your 4th amendment rights rest in the integrity of cops to not violate it. Same with your 5th. And 1st. And 2nd. And the rest.

The local street cops, literally, have more power than the NYC mayor. Yep. He can pass a law that says "Blue and Green striped shirts are now illegal, punishable by $10,000 fines", or "All New England Patriots hats are officially banned, 10 years in jail". Or any other oppressive law. Yet...if the local cops say "Fuck that, aint enforcing it", then who will? Nobody. You can wear your green and blue shirt with a NE hat, and nothing happens.

Thank goodness, the cops of America are now starting to inject come common sense into this gun debate. It isn't enforceable. And they frankly dont want to enforce it. They know it'll be nothing but lots of bloodshed, with very very VERY little positive affect on gun violence anyway. Not worth it. Stupid law.

The difference is in the cases you listed, the resort is to the courts, which will be our recourse in this case at well. The final resort is of course, resistance, either peaceful or not peaceful to those laws you find completely unacceptable.

When it comes to firearms, however, the removal or even infringement of your rights with regards to them leads to 1) further infringement 2) the removal of your ability to forcefully resist if the case requires it. The real issue is that the state's agents will keep thier weapons while at the same time disarming you.

At that point the courts will likely be complicit in whatever scheme the statists are hatching, removing that method of redress.

Yes, you are right, my point is this: Who are you going to be resisting? In theory, it would be the cops coming to enforce the law, aka, take your guns.

That wont happen. Why?

The initial resistance...will be from the cops themselves. They'll resist this law be refusing to enforce it. If the cops wont, who will?

Cops aren't like the military. They are not centralized in command. They are broken down by thousands of cities, counties. So, no mass order can be given. Obama can't order city cops to do shit. Neither can a governor. They arent enlisted. There is no court martial. Cops have an enormous amount of power due to this, despite their public image of being a bunch of Barney Fifes sometimes.

So, unless every city and county in the nation gets on board, it wont happen. How do you get thousands of police chiefs and sheriffs to all give the same order, all together? And THEN get the 800,000 cops under their command to actually carry out that order, in which they face no consequence for not doing so?

It simply wont happen. The cops will resist any unreasonable or illegal gun law. It wont be enforced, because they wont enforce it. You wont have to resist anything, they are gonna do the resisting for you, by simply saying "Fuck that, Im not enforcing it."
Ray Kelly is 1 cop. There are 800,000 in the country. Not 100% will agree. But Id guess over 90% will.

But yes, like it or not, YOUR freedom rests solely in the hands of the cops and sheriffs you see daily. See....they can enforce something that is illegal, or not enforce something that is. They have huge amounts of power, and we usually dont see it because...well, they do a great job, we are very safe in general, and we just dont worry much about it.

But, your 4th amendment rights rest in the integrity of cops to not violate it. Same with your 5th. And 1st. And 2nd. And the rest.

The local street cops, literally, have more power than the NYC mayor. Yep. He can pass a law that says "Blue and Green striped shirts are now illegal, punishable by $10,000 fines", or "All New England Patriots hats are officially banned, 10 years in jail". Or any other oppressive law. Yet...if the local cops say "Fuck that, aint enforcing it", then who will? Nobody. You can wear your green and blue shirt with a NE hat, and nothing happens.

Thank goodness, the cops of America are now starting to inject come common sense into this gun debate. It isn't enforceable. And they frankly dont want to enforce it. They know it'll be nothing but lots of bloodshed, with very very VERY little positive affect on gun violence anyway. Not worth it. Stupid law.

The difference is in the cases you listed, the resort is to the courts, which will be our recourse in this case at well. The final resort is of course, resistance, either peaceful or not peaceful to those laws you find completely unacceptable.

When it comes to firearms, however, the removal or even infringement of your rights with regards to them leads to 1) further infringement 2) the removal of your ability to forcefully resist if the case requires it. The real issue is that the state's agents will keep thier weapons while at the same time disarming you.

At that point the courts will likely be complicit in whatever scheme the statists are hatching, removing that method of redress.

Yes, you are right, my point is this: Who are you going to be resisting? In theory, it would be the cops coming to enforce the law, aka, take your guns.

That wont happen. Why?

The initial resistance...will be from the cops themselves. They'll resist this law be refusing to enforce it. If the cops wont, who will?

Cops aren't like the military. They are not centralized in command. They are broken down by thousands of cities, counties. So, no mass order can be given. Obama can't order city cops to do shit. Neither can a governor. They arent enlisted. There is no court martial. Cops have an enormous amount of power due to this, despite their public image of being a bunch of Barney Fifes sometimes.

So, unless every city and county in the nation gets on board, it wont happen. How do you get thousands of police chiefs and sheriffs to all give the same order, all together? And THEN get the 800,000 cops under their command to actually carry out that order, in which they face no consequence for not doing so?

It simply wont happen. The cops will resist any unreasonable or illegal gun law. It wont be enforced, because they wont enforce it. You wont have to resist anything, they are gonna do the resisting for you, by simply saying "Fuck that, Im not enforcing it."

Which begs the question, if you are going to get this much resistance to it, why do it at all?
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

The sherrif sounds like a typical right winger. Violating his solemn oath of office to uphold the laws. He should be fired.

Sheriffs cant be fired. They are elected. They must be removed by votes.

And why should he? He and his men choose EVERY day not to enforce some laws. You want the cops giving you a ticket for EVERY time you are going 1mph over the limit? Its the law, right? What about EVERY time you dont use a turn signal?

Dont forget, upholding their oath also means upholding "pursuit of happiness", and trust you, you would NOT be happy if the cops enforced all laws 100% of the time. People have no clue just how un-free they'd be if the cops did that, and thats one area I feel people vastly underappreciate their police officers, as people have no clue just how many stupid laws are out there that cops ignore...despite some city councilman or state rep wanting it to be enforced.
The difference is in the cases you listed, the resort is to the courts, which will be our recourse in this case at well. The final resort is of course, resistance, either peaceful or not peaceful to those laws you find completely unacceptable.

When it comes to firearms, however, the removal or even infringement of your rights with regards to them leads to 1) further infringement 2) the removal of your ability to forcefully resist if the case requires it. The real issue is that the state's agents will keep thier weapons while at the same time disarming you.

At that point the courts will likely be complicit in whatever scheme the statists are hatching, removing that method of redress.

Yes, you are right, my point is this: Who are you going to be resisting? In theory, it would be the cops coming to enforce the law, aka, take your guns.

That wont happen. Why?

The initial resistance...will be from the cops themselves. They'll resist this law be refusing to enforce it. If the cops wont, who will?

Cops aren't like the military. They are not centralized in command. They are broken down by thousands of cities, counties. So, no mass order can be given. Obama can't order city cops to do shit. Neither can a governor. They arent enlisted. There is no court martial. Cops have an enormous amount of power due to this, despite their public image of being a bunch of Barney Fifes sometimes.

So, unless every city and county in the nation gets on board, it wont happen. How do you get thousands of police chiefs and sheriffs to all give the same order, all together? And THEN get the 800,000 cops under their command to actually carry out that order, in which they face no consequence for not doing so?

It simply wont happen. The cops will resist any unreasonable or illegal gun law. It wont be enforced, because they wont enforce it. You wont have to resist anything, they are gonna do the resisting for you, by simply saying "Fuck that, Im not enforcing it."

Which begs the question, if you are going to get this much resistance to it, why do it at all?

Great question. As I said...I left the GOP, but I didnt join the Dems, because both are idiots in their own way.

The left truly thinks a gun law will stop it, and the left truly thinks, imo, that the cops will enforce it.

The left thinks:

A) Cops are govt workers, and the right wing has turned on govt workers
B) See A. That means cops will be on the side of the Dems and union supporters

And in theory, they'd be right. Except they dont understand cops. 99% of cops think politicians of all breeds are fucking idiots. And sure, they'll maybe vote for the ones who treat their pay/benefits better.

But in the end...they became cops for a reason, because certain shit is more important than pay. And protecting people....even the dumb something they believe in. And a mass gun confiscation is wrong and illegal. The cops in the end will NOT do it. And we are starting to see a slow emergence of some of the sheriffs who are coming out and saying it.

Sheriffs are elected, not hired or fired, so they have a lot more job security than a city chief, which is why the city chiefs will be a bit slower coming out against this. But if it pushes far enough, thatll happen too.
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

The sherrif sounds like a typical right winger. Violating his solemn oath of office to uphold the laws. He should be fired.

So you're saying he should ignore the 2nd amendment?
Thank God the States are willing to stand up to tyranny and protect the Constitutional Rights of all Americans against the Fascist left.

Facism, or just overbearing govt, isnt exclusive to the left. Our Republican ran city has a no smoking ordinance, which the local PD has not enforced one single time. We also have a "poop scoop" rule, where you have 2 minutes to pick up your dog's shit or get a $250 fine. Again, as far as I know, the cops decided to never even give that law the time of day.

Stupid ass laws exist all over the country. We have our cops to trust in that they'll use common sense and protect us from the retards in city councils and mayors seats passing these atrocious laws, and just decide to not enforce them.

A law is nothing but a piece of paper with ink. Only a man with a gun willing to enforce it can make it oppressive. Luckily, our military and police are full of folks with way too much integrity, honor and common sense to ever oppress our own people.

The smoking ban they just passed in Goose Creek is ridiculous...

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