Charleston SC Sheriff: I will not enforce new gun laws; TOLD YOU SO

Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

Since when were County Sheriffs expected to enforce federal laws?
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

Since when were County Sheriffs expected to enforce federal laws?

Hasnt the Republican Party been fighting to allow local LE to enforce federal immigration? Yep. Just had a huge wave of lawsuits over just that. Local cops CAN detain a person for a violation of federal law. They cant write the ticket, but they can hold them and notify the local FBI officer.

But, if the city, county, state cops cant enforce federal laws.........then WHY are you guys so worried about a gun law? If the cops cant enforce it, WHO will? The FBI? CIA? No. They arent big enough. ATF? No chance. Not big enough. The military? They wont. Any federal gun law would have to include a concurrent jurisdiction agreement of some sort granting local cops authority to enforce it, and the local cops will not do it. The Feds know they wont do it.

And whoever above brought up the Goose Creek smoking ban, yes, you're right, its insanity. How about MUSC's ban on smoking on a public sidewalk?
But, if the city, county, state cops cant enforce federal laws.........then WHY are you guys so worried about a gun law?

[ame=]Obama civilian national security force. - YouTube[/ame]
Sheriff Cannon says he may choose not to enforce new gun laws - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

All you people in a mad panic over "dey gurrna take ma guns" need to relax. It aint happening. I said the military and police simply wont do it. The first to say no would be, and appears to be happening now, are the local city and county police. Once that happens, only martial law and a flat out civil war would, and thats not gonna happen, period. The military wouldnt do it. Our troops would simply not do that. You may have isolated incidents like Waco and Katrina that are clusterfucks. But a mass beatdown of the US citizens by our mlitary? Never.

So, there ya go. Yet another one. This time the Charleston County sherriff, the state's largest and most economically significant metro area. He said flat out he'd likely choose to simply not enforce any new gun laws, and that an assault weapons ban wont do shit to stop violence.

I told ya so. Now you idiots in a panic: Can you please start posting ANYTHING other than yet another "dey tryna takes me guns" thread?

Since when were County Sheriffs expected to enforce federal laws?

Hasnt the Republican Party been fighting to allow local LE to enforce federal immigration? Yep. Just had a huge wave of lawsuits over just that. Local cops CAN detain a person for a violation of federal law. They cant write the ticket, but they can hold them and notify the local FBI officer.

But, if the city, county, state cops cant enforce federal laws.........then WHY are you guys so worried about a gun law? If the cops cant enforce it, WHO will? The FBI? CIA? No. They arent big enough. ATF? No chance. Not big enough. The military? They wont. Any federal gun law would have to include a concurrent jurisdiction agreement of some sort granting local cops authority to enforce it, and the local cops will not do it. The Feds know they wont do it.

And whoever above brought up the Goose Creek smoking ban, yes, you're right, its insanity. How about MUSC's ban on smoking on a public sidewalk?

Gun shops and private sellers will be expected to comply with federal law. They violate the law at their own peril. They could be arrested and prosecuted, fined and/or jailed. Furthermore, business entities could (and probably would) lose their license to sell firearms if they don't comply with federal law. The local sheriff wouldn't be involved in any arrests other than to be notified as a professional courtesy and to possibly use their local jail until the suspect was arraigned in a federal court.
All that fear mongering,,,,,for nothing.
I think some people need to dump their favorite partisan talking heads,,,,,,,,,,,for a good reason,,,,reality! :D
All that fear mongering,,,,,for nothing.
I think some people need to dump their favorite partisan talking heads,,,,,,,,,,,for a good reason,,,,reality! :D

That is exactly why Hannity's ratings dropped to half of what it was before the last election.
All that fear mongering,,,,,for nothing.
I think some people need to dump their favorite partisan talking heads,,,,,,,,,,,for a good reason,,,,reality! :D

Fear is profitable. They won't give it up...not when there's money to be made.
Thank God the States are willing to stand up to tyranny and protect the Constitutional Rights of all Americans against the Fascist left.

Facism, or just overbearing govt, isnt exclusive to the left. Our Republican ran city has a no smoking ordinance, which the local PD has not enforced one single time. We also have a "poop scoop" rule, where you have 2 minutes to pick up your dog's shit or get a $250 fine. Again, as far as I know, the cops decided to never even give that law the time of day.

Stupid ass laws exist all over the country. We have our cops to trust in that they'll use common sense and protect us from the retards in city councils and mayors seats passing these atrocious laws, and just decide to not enforce them.

A law is nothing but a piece of paper with ink. Only a man with a gun willing to enforce it can make it oppressive. Luckily, our military and police are full of folks with way too much integrity, honor and common sense to ever oppress our own people.

Maybe the sheriff can decide not to go after those who hurt a certain race next.
More is coming out about this sheriff's press conference. He took a revolver, dumped the bullets (all on camera, love it) and said "Now...the only way I can hurt you with this is to hit you with it. Criminals dont follow laws. Thats why they are criminals."

This is a great man. We need more straight talking people in office like him.
He also said "People are trying to take advantage of broken hearts".
He's a dittohead, venting. What are they going to pass, anyway? LOL Not much! Background checks, MAYBE.

What a bunch of sky is falling twits these big tough guys are...Big tough cream puffs lol
He's a dittohead, venting. What are they going to pass, anyway? LOL Not much! Background checks, MAYBE.

What a bunch of sky is falling twits these big tough guys are...Big tough cream puffs lol

Remember during the primaries...the tough talk about not wanting Romney. When it came time, most if not all voted for him.

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