Charlie Hebdo caricaturists shooting hoax: WHY was it staged at Paris? WHY on Jan 7, 2015? ANSWER


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Apr 26, 2014
Charlie Hebdo caricaturists shooting hoax: Why was it staged at Paris? why on Jan 7, 2015?
For a start: to celebrate having just rewritten the start of World War II. What better than, 3 days later, a remake of Hitler's victory march in Paris 1940?

Charlie Hebdo shooting hoax - WHY Jan 7, 2015
Jan 15 201 reads "I,ISIS" in date format, the date illuminati will drop the Shanksville bomb, part of the ongoing remake of 9/11 2001 at Jerusalem.
In other words: black boxes of second missing Malaysia plane will reveal that brave passengers prevented ISIS terrorists from hijacking the plane.
But make no mistake: the main reason for the timing of the "Je suis Charlie" mockery is what happened:
- Jan 6 at Berlin: proclamation of the new "TRUTH" about the start of World War II: Hitler was the victim not the butcher.
- Jan 11 in Paris: crowds finally answer an illuminati call for a march.

Remake of Hitler's 1940 victory march in Paris, 75 years later
The celebration of "total victory": this time the treasonous russian gov, represented by foreign minister Lavrov, marchs together with Hiter's younger daughter Angela.
Only a detail: because the detonation of suicide bomber "Obama", alias the launch the BIG BANG, had to be postponed several times, Hitlery Clinton could not be called on stage to hold her half-sister's Angela hand.

Jan 11, 2015: Paris: march sets milestone for endless deception.

Hitler Tours Paris, 1940 - " ... Hitler stood for a long time at the tomb of Napoleon. "
Hitler Tours Paris 1940

Jan 6, 2015: Rewrite History: Soviet Union invaded Hitler's Germany: Berlin Milestone hours before the "Paris shooting" hoax
Rewrite History Not Hitler but soviets started War - Berlin Milestone hours before Paris Charlie Hebdo shooting hoax

Angela Merkel is daughter of Gretl Braun and half-sister of Hillary Clinton,
They both used to appear in public with their REAL mothers.
Illuminati exposed - Basics Who Goal Tactics
We have nut cases claiming Sandy Hook was faked....I'm not surprised to see this now too.
It looks it will be rather Jan 17, in a 666 parallelism to the Paris hoax
Jan 7, 2015 it's 666 days since Jonathan Pryce, the Hollywood actor playing the role of False Prophet in the anti-Bible, was "empowered".
Jan 15 2015 reads "I,ISIS" in date format.
Jan 17 2015 it's 666 days since actor Obama playued "Abomination of Desolation at the Temple Mount", in Jerusalem, part of the anti-Bible script.
The illuminati will drop the Shanksville bomb, part of the ongoing remake of 9/11 2001 at Jerusalem, at one of these two dates
In other words: black boxes of second missing Malaysia plane will reveal that brave passengers prevented ISIS terrorists from hijacking the plane.
This also points at the "Boeing 777" hitting the Temple Mount rather than the Knesset in the final act for the remake of 11 September 2001.

Illuminati Celebrations Remake of Hitler s victory march in Paris 1940 or WHY Charlie Hebdo shooting hoax on Jan 7 2015
The American Absence in Paris

I think the Paris Hebdo attack was a false flag one which was a warning and punishment on France for its compromise to the Russia. Russia is the top consideration in US world strategy right now. That’s why they planned this “terror attack” and of course the top US leader won’t present in Paris parade.

Hollande Risks EU Split Over Russian Sanctions Relief
By James G. Neuger Dec 19, 2014

Europe stumbled into a debate over the end of sanctions on the economically distressed Russia after French President Francois Hollande became the first major leader to dangle the prospect of easing the curbs.

Hollande’s appeal at a European Union summit yesterday was a reminder that the bans on financing of major Russian banks and the export of energy-exploration equipment will lapse next July unless renewed unanimously by the 28 EU governments.

Hollande Risks EU Split Over Russian Sanctions Relief - Bloomberg
Huge Crowds, World Leaders Gather For Paris Unity March

World leaders, mainly of European's, knew it's a terror intimidation from US . They have a unity march to say no to the US. That's the story why US was absent.
Paris attack designed to shore up France’s vassal status: Roberts
Sat Jan 10, 2015

A former White House official says the terrorist attack that killed 12 people on Wednesday in Paris was a false flag operation “designed to shore up France’s vassal status to Washington.”

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, made the remarks in an article published on Thursday.
Dr. Roberts stated that French President Francois Hollande this week said that the sanctions against Russia should end. “This is too much foreign policy independence on France’s part for Washington.”

He added that the CIA has apparently resurrected a policy that it followed against Europeans during the post-WW II era when the US spy agency would carry out attacks in European states and blame them on communist groups
Dr. Roberts said now the US agencies have planned false flag operations in Europe to create hatred against Muslims and bring European countries under Washington’s sphere of influence.

He noted that “the attack on Charlie Hebdo was an inside job and that people identified by NSA as hostile to the Western wars against Muslims are going to be framed for an inside job designed to pull France firmly back under Washington’s thumb.”
In Minsk Truce, German and France insist to solve Ukraine crisis by diplomacy, US suggest by suppling arm. US was absent in Minsk. In Paris world leaders unity March against "terror attack", US was absent too. The divergence is very clear.

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