Charlie Hebdo Cartoons No One Will Show You


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
"Below are cartoons drawn over the past several decades by Cabu, one of the most emblematic cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo (if not the most).

"Cabu was murdered along with his colleagues this past week.

"He was 75 years old.

"Although no media outlet in the US will show you these images, they can all be found online with a simple Google search."


"This cartoon by Cabu was published in 1979 in the antiwar journal of the Pacifist Union.

"While this specific image might not have been published in Charlie Hebdo (I don't have access to their archives), it strikingly conveys Cabu's lifelong antiwar and anticolonialist politics, which always fit right in at Charlie Hebdo (and were shared by the majority of the journalists and cartoonists there).

"The caption reads: 'France doesn't have oil, but she has an army!'"

Blood for oil?
Charlie knows.

The Charlie Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you.
So apparently they were against all attempts to preserve French culture, and rein in radical muslims?

Now they died for it. Hmmm.
"Below are cartoons drawn over the past several decades by Cabu, one of the most emblematic cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo (if not the most).

"Cabu was murdered along with his colleagues this past week.

"He was 75 years old.

"Although no media outlet in the US will show you these images, they can all be found online with a simple Google search."


"This cartoon by Cabu was published in 1979 in the antiwar journal of the Pacifist Union.

"While this specific image might not have been published in Charlie Hebdo (I don't have access to their archives), it strikingly conveys Cabu's lifelong antiwar and anticolonialist politics, which always fit right in at Charlie Hebdo (and were shared by the majority of the journalists and cartoonists there).

"The caption reads: 'France doesn't have oil, but she has an army!'"

Blood for oil?
Charlie knows.

The Charlie Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you.

Do you have a point?

If so could you share it with us?
"The Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you..." and then, "I don't have access to their archives." Umm...
"The Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you..." and then, "I don't have access to their archives." Umm...
"Below are cartoons drawn over the past several decades by Cabu, one of the most emblematic cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo (if not the most). Cabu was murdered along with his colleagues this past week. He was 75 years old."
You find this confusing?
The Charlie Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you.
Not very impressive.
I wonder why they were targeted.
"The Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you..." and then, "I don't have access to their archives." Umm...
"Below are cartoons drawn over the past several decades by Cabu, one of the most emblematic cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo (if not the most). Cabu was murdered along with his colleagues this past week. He was 75 years old."
You find this confusing?
The Charlie Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you.

The cartoons you are providing obviously are being shown, unless this is your secret stash. The ones you have so far seem to be anti-war not making fun of a prophet. So again, what is your point?
"The Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you..." and then, "I don't have access to their archives." Umm...
"Below are cartoons drawn over the past several decades by Cabu, one of the most emblematic cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo (if not the most). Cabu was murdered along with his colleagues this past week. He was 75 years old."
You find this confusing?
The Charlie Hebdo cartoons no one is showing you.

Not confusing, but not very interesting, either. Second rate satire combined with third rate artistry. I wonder why the IslamoNazis even bothered with him.
Not confusing, but not very interesting, either. Second rate satire combined with third rate artistry. I wonder why the IslamoNazis even bothered with him.
Chris Hedges had a similar reaction in his latest column:
"The cartoons of the Prophet in the Paris-based satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo are offensive and juvenile. None of them are funny. And they expose a grotesque double standard when it comes to Muslims. In France a Holocaust denier, or someone who denies the Armenian genocide, can be imprisoned for a year and forced to pay a $60,000 fine. It is a criminal act in France to mock the Holocaust the way Charlie Hebdo mocked Islam."
5 million North Africans living in France are not considered to be French by their fellow countrymen. With rampant unemployment and little chance of changing their miserable living conditions, many find solace in religion in stead of petty crime and drugs.
" Muslim prayer, held five times a day, gives you your only sense of structure and meaning, and, most importantly, self-worth. And when the privileged of the world ridicule the one thing that provides you with dignity, you react with inchoate fury. This fury is exacerbated when you and nearly everyone around you feel powerless to respond."
Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
So this makes at least two threads you have started to defend the Paris Terrorists, feel better?
Although NOT attending the march, Fearless Leader did show some spine about the incident.... He must have gotten a message from George Soros about it!

So this makes at least two threads you have started to defend the Paris Terrorists, feel better?
Explanation of why something happened is not a defense of what happened; patriotism explains why some engaged in Operation Iraqi Freedom (or Phoenix) but it doesn't justify the terror they inflicted upon their victims, does it?

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