Charlie Hebdo Erdogan Cartoon sparks Outrage in Islamic World


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
This has sent the unhinged followers of the pedo prophet into a frenzy. Just more proof these mentally unstable people do not belong in Western Civilization.

  • Charlie Hebdo published the cartoon amid tensions between France and Turkey
  • Erdogan called the cartoonists 'scoundrels' and accused the West of wanting to 'relaunch the crusades' with attacks on Islam
  • Macron has drawn anger in the Islamic world by defending offensive cartoons
  • School teacher was murdered for showing Mohammed cartoons to his class
  • Iran's president Hassan Rouhani said insulting Mohammed encouraged violence
  • Pakistan's PM said the West should treat blasphemy like it does Holocaust denial


I’m actually quite surprised the French Cuck Macron is standing up for free speech. I don’t suspect it will last long.



Protests in Bangladesh:


A few years ago, I was thrilled to hear that the Turkish military had overthrown the dictator.

Darn it! The good news proved to be premature.

In the good old days, the Turkish military kicked out (and sometimes executed) presidents who got too big for their britches.
The French lawmakers need to pass and enforce Blasphemy Laws.
They have a large muslim population.
Insult the Prophet and you'll pay the price. ... :cool:
I am just astonished by this audacity. Islam doesn't belong in Europe (for the largely most part, at least). Respect the free speech or get out to where you belong.
I am just astonished by this audacity. Islam doesn't belong in Europe (for the largely most part, at least). Respect the free speech or get out to where you belong.
Free speech still has its limitations.
It's against the law to yell fire in a crowed theater when there isn't a fire.
Or to use inflammatory speech to incite a riot.
Blasphemy against the Prophet needs to be added to that list. ... :cool:
I am just astonished by this audacity. Islam doesn't belong in Europe (for the largely most part, at least). Respect the free speech or get out to where you belong.
Free speech still has its limitations.
It's against the law to yell fire in a crowed theater when there isn't a fire.
Or to use inflammatory speech to incite a riot.
Blasphemy against the Prophet needs to be added to that list. ... :cool:
Yes, some limitations surely should be. But what can be considered blasphemy concerning Muhammad? If someone says Muhammad is a false prophet, is it blasphemy?
If someone says Muhammad is a false prophet, is it blasphemy?
If said during a religious debate with non muslims it's not blasphemy.
But publishing irreverent cartoons poking fun at the Prophet is blasphemy and needs to be against the law as hate speech. ... :cool:
You made a significant remark - in a debate with non muslims. Religious debates shouldn't be restricted by anyone with no matter who participants are.
You made a significant remark - in a debate with non muslims. Religious debates shouldn't be restricted by anyone with no matter who participants are.
Try putting on your thinking cap before you post.
Muslims would never debate with each other over Muhammad being a false prophet.
Obviously, that debate would only happen with or between non muslims. ... :cool:
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You made a significant remark - in a debate with non muslims. Religious debates shouldn't be restricted by anyone with no matter who participants are.
Try putting on your thinking cap before you speak.
Muslims would never debate with each other over Muhammad being a false prophet.
Obviously, that debate would only happen with non muslims. ... :cool:
Then I misread your post. My thought was if I am a non Muslim debate the prophet with another non Muslim, then it is okay; if my opponent is a Muslim, then it is blasphemy.
Although, France likes to claim they are a bastion of Free Speech.
Yet, if a French citizen says anything derogatory about the so called Holocaust, they will be arrested for Holocaust denial, and if convicted of the charge, will be fined and sentenced to prison. ... :cool:
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Although, France likes to claim they are a bastion of Free Speech.
Yet, if a French citizen says anything derogatory about the so called Holocaust, they will be arrested for Holocaust denial, and if convicted of the charge, will be fined and sentenced to prison. ... :cool:

Dredging up that old worn out analogy? Again?

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