Charming: Online Gamers Slaughter "Tea Party Zombies"

Good news: Angry liberals can now vicariously hunt down and kill the world's most dangerous prey. No, not human beings; Tea Party Zombies.:eusa_eh: The Left continues to usher in our great new age of selective "civility" with the introduction of, at which anyone -- from White House messaging gurus, to talentless "comedians," to Congressional Black Caucus members, to New York Times columnists -- can quench their (projected) bloodlust by massacring avatars of Tea Party activists. These zombified targets include "generic pissed off old white guys," Glenn Beck, a blood-drenched Sarah Palin, and a two-headed Koch brothers creature, among others. Enlightened gamers can choose from a wide array of weapons, including crow bars, crossbows, and firearms, with which to dispatch their living-dead political foes

Liberals? Or just kids? The Teabirthers are a joke world wide. Not just to liberals.

Have you even got a passport? :lol:


You think people from other countries take them seriously? Hilarious.
Are you seriously that fucking thick?? If you want to deny that the left in general, your dear Olbermann aside, has not condemned such actions, then have fun in your fantasy land.:cuckoo:
OK. So I can claim that The Right - IN GENERAL - are a bunch of war-mongerers who hate poor people, and that's perfectly alright with you because I'm generalizing?

Don't ever apply to be a train engineer.:lol: The topic is violent rhetoric and the oppositions response...on that subject, you've made it clear that you allow one loon to speak on YOUR behalf.

Yes - against violent rhetoric. Too bad that you wingnuts can't do the same and condemn Palin, Bachmann, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh for their violent rhetoric.

I believe it's a failure of character.
Liberals? Or just kids? The Teabirthers are a joke world wide. Not just to liberals.

Have you even got a passport? :lol:


You think people from other countries take them seriously? Hilarious.

This might come as a shock to you, but the vast majority of people around the world have never even heard of the TEA Party. It is left wing American arrogance that you think the world marches to your drum.



  • $love-to-poop-150x150.jpg
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Good news: Angry liberals can now vicariously hunt down and kill the world's most dangerous prey. No, not human beings; Tea Party Zombies.:eusa_eh: The Left continues to usher in our great new age of selective "civility" with the introduction of, at which anyone -- from White House messaging gurus, to talentless "comedians," to Congressional Black Caucus members, to New York Times columnists -- can quench their (projected) bloodlust by massacring avatars of Tea Party activists. These zombified targets include "generic pissed off old white guys," Glenn Beck, a blood-drenched Sarah Palin, and a two-headed Koch brothers creature, among others. Enlightened gamers can choose from a wide array of weapons, including crow bars, crossbows, and firearms, with which to dispatch their living-dead political foes

No links to where we can get one of these? You suck. :doubt:
OK. So I can claim that The Right - IN GENERAL - are a bunch of war-mongerers who hate poor people, and that's perfectly alright with you because I'm generalizing?

Don't ever apply to be a train engineer.:lol: The topic is violent rhetoric and the oppositions response...on that subject, you've made it clear that you allow one loon to speak on YOUR behalf.

Yes - against violent rhetoric. Too bad that you wingnuts can't do the same and condemn Palin, Bachmann, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh for their violent rhetoric.

I believe it's a failure of character.

Oh geez, we're back to the "you started it" finger pointing bullshit.:lol: All you had to do was acknowledge that this particular incident wasn't roundly criticized by the left, and then move the fuck that above your pay grade?:D
Don't ever apply to be a train engineer.:lol: The topic is violent rhetoric and the oppositions response...on that subject, you've made it clear that you allow one loon to speak on YOUR behalf.

Yes - against violent rhetoric. Too bad that you wingnuts can't do the same and condemn Palin, Bachmann, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh for their violent rhetoric.

I believe it's a failure of character.

Oh geez, we're back to the "you started it" finger pointing bullshit.:lol: All you had to do was acknowledge that this particular incident wasn't roundly criticized by the left, and then move the fuck that above your pay grade?:D
Who say it wasn't roundly criticized by the left? You? Huckameenajad? :lol:

I already gave you one example. Took 10 seconds to find it.
Yes - against violent rhetoric. Too bad that you wingnuts can't do the same and condemn Palin, Bachmann, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh for their violent rhetoric.

I believe it's a failure of character.

Oh geez, we're back to the "you started it" finger pointing bullshit.:lol: All you had to do was acknowledge that this particular incident wasn't roundly criticized by the left, and then move the fuck that above your pay grade?:D
Who say it wasn't roundly criticized by the left? You? Huckameenajad? :lol:

Well get on us what you've got besides Olbermann.:eusa_whistle:
Have you even got a passport? :lol:


You think people from other countries take them seriously? Hilarious.

This might come as a shock to you, but the vast majority of people around the world have never even heard of the TEA Party. It is left wing American arrogance that you think the world marches to your drum.


Yeah..if you keep saying that maybe it will be true.

Or maybe not.

Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That your boyfriend?

A lot of times, yes. I don't have a TV show.

He thinks for you too!

Obama knows someone has to - you sure don't have the capacity of thought...

I haven't quoted him at all. You did. And what he said was utter bullshit. As I proved.

You being a mindless drone proves Huckabee was spewing bullshit?

You fascists have some odd views...
A lot of times, yes. I don't have a TV show.

He thinks for you too!

Obama knows someone has to - you sure don't have the capacity of thought...

I haven't quoted him at all. You did. And what he said was utter bullshit. As I proved.

You being a mindless drone proves Huckabee was spewing bullshit?

You fascists have some odd views...

They really do. Crosshairs on a map, incitement to violence. Games for morons to pretend they are shooting real actual living individuals... that's freedom of speech.

As I've said before, if it wasn't for double standards, the left would have no standards.
A lot of times, yes. I don't have a TV show.

I haven't quoted him at all. You did. And what he said was utter bullshit. As I proved.

What a lame cop out...and weak-minded to let other people assume some talking head always shares your views. Your claim is that Huckabee said "never", when he was go ahead and deny it.:eusa_liar:

It's very clear what Huckameenajad said:

I'm not a fan of Huckabee, but I agree with his statement...

"I'm personally flattered to be included in this young game-makers efforts to be funny, and I even support his First Amendment rights to produce things that are in poor taste or unseemly to rational people," he said. "But I do not support the hypocrisy of the left who scream at all offenses they can manufacture toward conservatives, but turn their backs on the same standards when applied to someone of their own political ilk," he told

Read more: Video Game Targets 'Tea Party Zombies,' Fox News Personalities | Fox News


So, who exactly is he talking about?
He's talking about your violent ilk, and the abject hypocrisy from you fools.
Oh geez, we're back to the "you started it" finger pointing bullshit.:lol: All you had to do was acknowledge that this particular incident wasn't roundly criticized by the left, and then move the fuck that above your pay grade?:D
Who say it wasn't roundly criticized by the left? You? Huckameenajad? :lol:

Well get on us what you've got besides Olbermann.:eusa_whistle:
Not interested in running errands for you.

You (and Huck) made an assertion, and I blew it out of the water. My work here is done.
Fascism is Rightwing.

Really stupid?

So a command economy where the state controls the means of production is "right" wing?


often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

You remain one of the biggest fucking idiots on this board.
A lot of times, yes. I don't have a TV show.

He thinks for you too!

Obama knows someone has to - you sure don't have the capacity of thought...

I haven't quoted him at all. You did. And what he said was utter bullshit. As I proved.
You being a mindless drone proves Huckabee was spewing bullshit?

You fascists have some odd views...

They really do. Crosshairs on a map, incitement to violence. Games for morons to pretend they are shooting real actual living individuals... that's freedom of speech.

As I've said before, if it wasn't for double standards, the left would have no standards.

Crosshairs on the map was Palin, you idiot, and all you wingnut teabaggers defended her.

So you defend it when it's a wingnut doing it, and criticize when it's a Liberal doing it.

What were you saying about double standards?
He thinks for you too!

Obama knows someone has to - you sure don't have the capacity of thought...

You being a mindless drone proves Huckabee was spewing bullshit?

You fascists have some odd views...

They really do. Crosshairs on a map, incitement to violence. Games for morons to pretend they are shooting real actual living individuals... that's freedom of speech.

As I've said before, if it wasn't for double standards, the left would have no standards.

Crosshairs on the map was Palin, you idiot, and all you wingnut teabaggers defended her.

So you defend it when it's a wingnut doing it, and criticize when it's a Liberal doing it.

What were you saying about double standards?
Yeah, and i'm sure your lilly livered lil' liberal ass was howling like the chihuahua you are when the dem's put targets on maps, loooooooooooooong before Palin, correct?
Fascism is Rightwing.

Really stupid?

So a command economy where the state controls the means of production is "right" wing?


often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

You remain one of the biggest fucking idiots on this board.

So retard; a command economy where the state controls the means of production is "right" wing?

Is that your claim, moron?

Hey retard, prior to forming the Fascisti, Benito Mussolini was the head of what party?

A.) The Reelect George W. Bush party
B.) The TEA party
C.) The Italian Bolshevik party

Uneducated and stupid - you'll be voting for Obama...
Crosshairs on the map was Palin, you idiot, and all you wingnut teabaggers defended her.

No stupid fuck, we just pointed out what hypocrites you fascists are.


So you defend it when it's a wingnut doing it, and criticize when it's a Liberal doing it.

What were you saying about double standards?

No stupid fuck, we just point out what hypocrites you fascists are.

There is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy!

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