CHART OF THE DAY: The ‘47 Percent’ Pay Their Fair Share


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Brian Beutler-October 21, 2011

Conservatives are continuing their counter-protest against the so-called “47 percent.” Specifically, that’s the share of recession-era households that pay no federal income taxes. Most of them pay payroll taxes and other federal taxes (not to mention state taxes), but Republicans have chosen to depict them as the free-riding half of the country.

The fact of the matter, though, is that those other taxes constitute a huge chunk of federal revenues. Check out the charts below. Over the 58 years preceding the Lesser Depression, the share of federal revenues that came from individual income taxes has remained fairly stable, fluctuating between 40 and 50 percent, and peaking just before George W. Bush slashed rates in 2001.

More: CHART OF THE DAY: The ‘47 Percent’ Pay Their Fair Share | TPMDC

By Brian Beutler-October 21, 2011

Conservatives are continuing their counter-protest against the so-called “47 percent.” Specifically, that’s the share of recession-era households that pay no federal income taxes. Most of them pay payroll taxes and other federal taxes (not to mention state taxes), but Republicans have chosen to depict them as the free-riding half of the country.

The fact of the matter, though, is that those other taxes constitute a huge chunk of federal revenues. Check out the charts below. Over the 58 years preceding the Lesser Depression, the share of federal revenues that came from individual income taxes has remained fairly stable, fluctuating between 40 and 50 percent, and peaking just before George W. Bush slashed rates in 2001.

More: CHART OF THE DAY: The ‘47 Percent’ Pay Their Fair Share | TPMDC

Ask those 1% to live in the rest of our shoes for one year. They'd fold after the 1st month. Pansies they are all.
CHART: How Income Inequality Skyrocketed And The 1 Percent Profited From The Decline Of Unions

By Zaid Jilani

As CAP’s David Madland and Nick Bunker show in the following chart, the middle class’s share of national income has steadily declined as the percentage of the population in labor unions has fallen. At the same time, the top 1 percent’s share of national income has exploded:


Strong unions have traditionally been the free-market solution to income inequality, allowing people to get higher salaries without government intervention. Unionization has allowed middle class and working-class Americans to have the ability to bargain for stronger wages and benefits and a larger share of national income. Highly-unionized countries tend to have far less income inequality.

Sweden, where 85-90 percent of the population is unionized, is both a prosperous country and one of the most economically equal societies — and that’s in a nation that doesn’t even have a national minimum wage.

More: CHART: How Income Inequality Skyrocketed And The 1 Percent Profited From The Decline Of Unions | ThinkProgress
Plus, things have gotten much worse for the poor and middle class since 2004. Much worse.

It's all smoke and mirrors spin so the poor little bastards can further shirk responsibility. Talk about entitlement mentality. Oh my God.
Social Security is the great leveler, its the Government transfer payments received by the top 20%. Obama and the Democrats would that all of us lived on our 'allotment' while they and their friends laughed all the way to the bank.
Why would somebody then do as I did during most of my life, work a forty hour a week job, work a part time twelve hour a week job on top of that, and then build houses in the interrim. Never quibbled about the taxes, paid what was due and am now faced with a group of miscreants that want me to hand it over to them simply because they exist.

They don't have it so bad. I don't have a horse.

Must be a bunch of slackers. What? They never heard of getting a job. Geez the local sweatshop must pay at leat 25 cents/hr. Get to work you lazy son's of bitches my board meeting and sharholders are waiting for a profitable quarter.

That's federal income tax, Shitstain. The poor still pay payroll tax, property tax (if they own any), sales tax and so on. If they don't pay income tax it's because their income is so tiny, it's just cruel to take even that. Republicans don't get it.

Did that really have to be explained?
The chart compares Federal taxes paid to Federal benefits received, moron.

Did that really have to be explained? Apparently, it did.

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