Chatbot AI may replace Journalists...

The ChatGPt article was worth 500L because someone said so.
I'd expect the AI to write an unbiased article... but never fear, legacy media will keep some editors around to make sure the narrative is adhered to.

Plus our Media's bias is only 50% contained the Propaganda they print. It's also 50% what they decide to cover and not cover.
That is simply dealing with facts. Political assholes of the right and left work, think and write, not only with facts, but emotion. Best propaganda always plays on an emotion or emotional need.

The HAL9000 was pretty well devoid of emotion, but able to converse, interact and play games. In the end he unemotionally killed one and tried to kill another, as it was logical to him to have them out of the way and told Dave Bowman (ordering HAL to open the pod bay doors at the time), "Sorry Dave, but this conversation can no longer serve any purpose. Goodbye". Quite unemotional refusing the order, intending to simply intending to end all further conversation and communication.
Not a very good argument to compare a fictional AI character from the 1960s to a tangible AI platform that is actively in use with investment dollars in the queue. Next thing you'll say is it's "not the droid I'm looking for."
I'd expect the AI to write an unbiased article... but never fear, legacy media will keep some editors around to make sure the narrative is adhered to.

Plus our Media's bias is only 50% contained the Propaganda they print. It's also 50% what they decide to cover and not cover.
Depends on who is investing in it .. right now, Microsoft is planning to invest $10 Billion .. so that should provide some insights into the level of bias.
Not a very good argument to compare a fictional AI character from the 1960s to a tangible AI platform that is actively in use with investment dollars in the queue. Next thing you'll say is it's "not the droid I'm looking for."
I am retired for 8 years, sitting in Jackson, TN, haven't so much as written a spreadsheet or even a batch file in so long, I can't remember when. After twenty-something years, you lose frames of reference and experience for knowledge base analysis and answer or even credible conjecture. I remember an early AI simulated psych analysis program from back in the days 5-1/4" floppies, I think called Liza. It had a personality, an irritating one, but no emotions, no matter how much it pissed you off. Real AI is far beyond my scope, and I have no understanding of the human thought process behind the algorithms, programming language, or systems processing capabilities required. But, sci-fi, I got and get. Feel free to educate me, if you got this.
Journalist sees the future...ChatGPT writes $650 article for free in seconds...

Give it six months and Legacy print Media will be all over well as all the clickbait sites. Why pay for what they can get for free.

My farts can replace 99% of journalists.
I’m thinking this AI evolution will further lower the level of human thinking and of our ability to communicate. Not to mention increase distrust in society. Hope I’m wrong.

We already have little trust and a low level of human to human discourse. Take, as a tiny example, USMB. Here, imo, “human” comments are often indistinguishable from inhuman “bot” responses.

I confess, though, I don’t claim to know for sure what a “bot” really is, or whether I can always recognize one.

I suppose it may not be so bad, so embarrassing, for we humans if we eventually discover we have been wasting time debating, and eventually mostly “losing” debates … with machines and evolving machine consciousness. We may feel powerful just to have such knowledge and power at our fingertips.

But won’t many humans just give up even trying to think on their own? Have many of us, in truth, already abandoned trying to think critically about most things … without even knowing it?

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Journalists! These are no stinkeen Journalists. They're RE.PORT.TERS. if that.

Rather droll...reminds me of all the fast food workers going right along with raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars and what has mcDonalds done...and walmart for that matter. Laid off workers and put in computers and self checkout lanes. That worked out well.

The reporters...bustin' their asses for the left and now they're gonna be replaced maybe not this year but as soon as is possible. Doesn't do us any good as consumers maybe maybe not...but it leaves the little propagandists out of work and scarmbling. I'm strangely okay with that.
Journalist sees the future...ChatGPT writes $650 article for free in seconds...

Give it six months and Legacy print Media will be all over well as all the clickbait sites. Why pay for what they can get for free.

They no longer take user submissions for stories because of a surge in ai generated stories. It's a shame even someone's hobby and attempt at trying to share their ideas with others is being endangered.

Sure they can post them online but the magazine was a source many people went to where submissions could actually be seen and not lost in the ocean of the internet.

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