Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.

No citizen interfered but when you are unable to come up with a good defense, just make something up.
You going to stand by your false statement that no citizen tried to interfer with the George Floyd arrest ?? If you distract an arresting officer in the least, you are interfering in the arrest. Talking to them is distracting them, and that constitutes interfering in the arrest.

However, I will say that Chauvin didn't seem distracted as he was Lazer focused on detaining Floyd, but he took it to far as the video showed. The other officer's were distracted by citizen's, but they should have stopped (if they could have), what Chauvin was doing.

Not sure if they could have though, otherwise if Chauvin was the senior officer in the group, where as they themselves couldn't have interfered with him due to his rank or seniority in the field maybe. That's the thing about chain of command whether in the military or within the police forces. Privates are taught big time to respect the chain of command. On the battlefields in past wars, and unfortunately will be continued in future wars, we have had event's where thing's go way out of whack, and the lower rank had no power to stop it.

Only during military trials back home do we see justice play out in those cases that went wrong, otherwise if the case is strong enough against the one who committed the crime. That's where the playing field is made equal, and if the judge is a good one, then equal justice is given under the law. No excuses for anyone, I'm just reviewing the case.

They were telling him that Floyd was having a medical problem. If you call that "distracting' the officer that only makes your narrative even worse.
What kind of medical problem ? Did they know ??

Did they know? They were telling him he was having an issue. You don't have to have a medical degree to understand.
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.

No citizen interfered but when you are unable to come up with a good defense, just make something up.
You going to stand by your false statement that no citizen tried to interfer with the George Floyd arrest ?? If you distract an arresting officer in the least, you are interfering in the arrest. Talking to them is distracting them, and that constitutes interfering in the arrest.

However, I will say that Chauvin didn't seem distracted as he was Lazer focused on detaining Floyd, but he took it to far as the video showed. The other officer's were distracted by citizen's, but they should have stopped (if they could have), what Chauvin was doing.

Not sure if they could have though, otherwise if Chauvin was the senior officer in the group, where as they themselves couldn't have interfered with him due to his rank or seniority in the field maybe. That's the thing about chain of command whether in the military or within the police forces. Privates are taught big time to respect the chain of command. On the battlefields in past wars, and unfortunately will be continued in future wars, we have had event's where thing's go way out of whack, and the lower rank had no power to stop it.

Only during military trials back home do we see justice play out in those cases that went wrong, otherwise if the case is strong enough against the one who committed the crime. That's where the playing field is made equal, and if the judge is a good one, then equal justice is given under the law. No excuses for anyone, I'm just reviewing the case.

They were telling him that Floyd was having a medical problem. If you call that "distracting' the officer that only makes your narrative even worse.
What kind of medical problem ? Did they know ??

Did they know? They were telling him he was having an issue. You don't have to have a medical degree to understand.
Well Chauvin should have known that Floyd was having an issue also, but Chauvins emotion's were in super steroid adrenaline mode, so he didn't give a crap after struggling with Floyd who was a big guy, otherwise since the struggling incident had begun.

Floyd quickly became a very weakened guy during and after his struggling was over, and this was evident as he lay there dying from the alledged lethal dose of drug's in his system, coupled with the improper actions of Chauvin who has become to cold in his demeanor during the incident....

The Police followed procedure in detainment of an alledged criminal who was resisting arrest, but Chauvin blew it for the entire case. One cop's action's spoiled the whole case, and hopefully it's a lesson in what not to do once a person is safely detained. Always be aware of everything, but once detained be aware of the detainees physical well being while in police custody. They must be afforded their proper and fair justice under the law.

The other cop's should have talked Chauvin off of him, otherwise before time had elapsed for as long as it did, and therefore at the least create a show of humanity in which would have prevailed if they would have just adjusted into a rescue mode instead of staying in arrest mode at the point in which Floyd no longer could resist. Just a bad deal altogether, and Chauvin I bet wishes that he could go back, and be that person looking on instead of the blinded person that he had became of his own actions on that tragic day for all involved.
I read every word of what everyone said here except ignored posts. I realize I am likely in the minority of what the leftist press claims, but this would not have happened if the deceased had not involved himself with that counterfeit money he tried to pass off on a small store that may have lost any profit to stay in business on account of people thinking what difference does it make if I get something for nothing by passing counterfeit bills, plus people who take a lethal dose of fentanyl are frequently shot with the bizzaroworld behavior their uber high state solicits against whoever they try to shove around such as a homeowner protecting his family from the lunatic the drugged person becomes in his near lethal self-inflicted state. The counterfeiter did not stop resisting arrest when the cops came around to prevent him from hurting other people or himself. It is pretty wearing on whoever is trying to avoid getting decked by a wild man. Punishing that cop for his exhaustion and failure to be assertive is not right. And I saw the video too. What he had to physically put up with by the raging maniac by way of his his illegal drug use did not excuse him from inappropriate resisting arrest. Nobody looks good when they are bone tired from hand to hand battle with a huge big man who is trying to beat up a cop or two. Chauvin just did the best he could. He didn't deserve a jail sentence. He didn't deserve to be fired. The entire situation he was in should never have happened. He worked hard streets for 18 years. Once the analysis of the drug in the deceased's body was brought to light as the likely cause of his death, that should have been the end of the controversy. It wasn't. The event was used as an excuse for the nation's Marxists to rally a happening for their nefarious causes. They relished taking down a cop who was worn out after trying to restrain a drug-induced maniac who was twice his size and pissed off because he got caught passing counterfeit money.
The Marxist sympathizers in the judicial system are a disgrace. And that's what I think.
I read every word of what everyone said here except ignored posts. I realize I am likely in the minority of what the leftist press claims, but this would not have happened if the deceased had not involved himself with that counterfeit money he tried to pass off on a small store that may have lost any profit to stay in business

Hold on. I want to post a picture that shows the complete stupidity of what Buttress just said.


Chauvin just did the best he could. He didn't deserve a jail sentence. He didn't deserve to be fired. The entire situation he was in should never have happened. He worked hard streets for 18 years.

Uh, yeah, he worked the street for 18 years, and was involved in a whole lot of incidents of excessive force. It was only a matter of time before he killed someone.

I read every word of what everyone said here except ignored posts. I realize I am likely in the minority of what the leftist press claims, but this would not have happened if the deceased had not involved himself with that counterfeit money he tried to pass off on a small store that may have lost any profit to stay in business

Hold on. I want to post a picture that shows the complete stupidity of what Buttress just said.

View attachment 506781

Chauvin just did the best he could. He didn't deserve a jail sentence. He didn't deserve to be fired. The entire situation he was in should never have happened. He worked hard streets for 18 years.

Uh, yeah, he worked the street for 18 years, and was involved in a whole lot of incidents of excessive force. It was only a matter of time before he killed someone.

Excessive force in a town where entitled criminals go after cops and maim one as a fraternity beats up on afledgling freshman, except in Chauvin's town a smaller cop is the one they choose to beat up on. It requires exponential excessive force just to get their drugged out eyes open. In the case we are over-discussing, Chauvin used necessary excessive force less than once every two years. The job required him to be stronger than public assailants, and the creepies had the same amount of time pumping iron so a small cop could not stop them from stealing, raping, robbing, and snatching purses of well-heeled pale old ladies.

I support the cop no matter how bad it looked against a man on a mission of cheating or harming himself and others. Amd Democrats are crazy for making people afraid of them so they bully people on the streets, on the air and everywhere. They bullied Republicans watching over the polls with lies about being done and locking the precinct doors behind them and criminally repeating counting the same box of thousands of xeroxed votes over and over ad nauseum once they had their enemy Republicans out of they way! :puke3:
I wonder if you had to choose your neighbor from only two people, Floyd and Chauvin, who would you prefer to live next to?
I wonder if you had to choose your neighbor from only two people, Floyd and Chauvin, who would you prefer to live next to?
I guess that answer would depend on if you are a criminal or not. If Chauvin never caused any harm to the innocent in life, and the neighbor next to Chauvin is an innocent, then it's safe to say that Chauvin would be a good neighbor. However if the neighbor is a criminal, then it's probably best that the neighbor not advertise his criminality in the neighborhood where a Chauvin and him might live.

Not sure about the history of Floyd, but if he never done any harm to the innocent, then an innocent neighbor would choose Floyd as well as Chauvin to be good neighbors with.

Some people are criminal's yes, but they are no harm to anyone other than breaking a law or two here and there. Plenty of people aren't innocent in life, but they aren't any harm to another human being in the physical sense.

Cop's and criminal's encountering each other in the field, usually leads to bad things for both in the encounter sometimes. It is always hoped that calm heads prevail, but it can easily get out of control depending on the action's of the individuals that are engaged in the situation unfortunately.
Excessive force in a town where entitled criminals go after cops and maim one as a fraternity beats up on afledgling freshman, except in Chauvin's town a smaller cop is the one they choose to beat up on. It requires exponential excessive force just to get their drugged out eyes open. In the case we are over-discussing, Chauvin used necessary excessive force less than once every two years. The job required him to be stronger than public assailants, and the creepies had the same amount of time pumping iron so a small cop could not stop them from stealing, raping, robbing, and snatching purses of well-heeled pale old ladies.

Uh, no. Very few people are dumb enough to attack cops. George Floyd wasn't attacking the cops, he was helpless and handcuffed when Chauvin murdered him.

Thug cops don't make us safer. Quite the opposite, they reduce trust in the police and cost billions in settlements that could be going to protecting us.

For instance, Chicago paid out 118 million to settle police brutality claims in 2018. That's just nuts.
Excessive force in a town where entitled criminals go after cops and maim one as a fraternity beats up on afledgling freshman, except in Chauvin's town a smaller cop is the one they choose to beat up on. It requires exponential excessive force just to get their drugged out eyes open. In the case we are over-discussing, Chauvin used necessary excessive force less than once every two years. The job required him to be stronger than public assailants, and the creepies had the same amount of time pumping iron so a small cop could not stop them from stealing, raping, robbing, and snatching purses of well-heeled pale old ladies.

Uh, no. Very few people are dumb enough to attack cops. George Floyd wasn't attacking the cops, he was helpless and handcuffed when Chauvin murdered him.

Thug cops don't make us safer. Quite the opposite, they reduce trust in the police and cost billions in settlements that could be going to protecting us.

For instance, Chicago paid out 118 million to settle police brutality claims in 2018. That's just nuts.
118 million in settlements in Chicago eh ? What does that say about the encounter's and/or activities between criminal's and the police in Chicago Joe ?? Why so many encounters between the cop's and criminal's in Chicago Joe ??? Why so many settlement's in Chicago Joe ?? What's truly going on in Chicago Joe ?? Would you be a cop in Chicago today Joe, and especially a white cop in the big windy city ?? What leads to so many cop's losing it in the big blue cities today Joe ?? What's going on in these Democrat run cities Joe ??

What's the solution's Joe ??
118 million in settlements in Chicago eh ? What does that say about the encounter's and/or activities between criminal's and the police in Chicago Joe ?? Why so many encounters between the cop's and criminal's in Chicago Joe ??? Why so many settlement's in Chicago Joe ?? What's truly going on in Chicago Joe ?? Would you be a cop in Chicago today Joe, and especially a white cop in the big windy city ?? What leads to so many cop's losing it in the big blue cities today Joe ?? What's going on in these Democrat run cities Joe ??

What's the solution's Joe ??

Here's my solution.

Get rid of the bad apples. A survey after the Laquan McDonald Shooting found that 50% of the complaints about excessive force could be linked to 137 of the 14,000 CPD officers. (Or about 1% of the force). Yet none of these officers were fired an the review board found in the officer's favor 98% of the time. The union (FOP) makes it impossible to get rid of bad officers.

While Chicago is only 35% white, white people make up 67% of the police force.

Keep in mind, settlements mean that City Lawyers looked at the case, realized they wanted this going nowhere near a jury, and offered the person money.
118 million in settlements in Chicago eh ? What does that say about the encounter's and/or activities between criminal's and the police in Chicago Joe ?? Why so many encounters between the cop's and criminal's in Chicago Joe ??? Why so many settlement's in Chicago Joe ?? What's truly going on in Chicago Joe ?? Would you be a cop in Chicago today Joe, and especially a white cop in the big windy city ?? What leads to so many cop's losing it in the big blue cities today Joe ?? What's going on in these Democrat run cities Joe ??

What's the solution's Joe ??

Here's my solution.

Get rid of the bad apples. A survey after the Laquan McDonald Shooting found that 50% of the complaints about excessive force could be linked to 137 of the 14,000 CPD officers. (Or about 1% of the force). Yet none of these officers were fired an the review board found in the officer's favor 98% of the time. The union (FOP) makes it impossible to get rid of bad officers.

While Chicago is only 35% white, white people make up 67% of the police force.

Keep in mind, settlements mean that City Lawyers looked at the case, realized they wanted this going nowhere near a jury, and offered the person money.
So you place the blame on the cop's for the crime rates in Chicago ??
So you place the blame on the cop's for the crime rates in Chicago ??

I blame them for not being particularly good at their jobs, and making matters worse.

Case in point, in 2018, only 17% of homicides in the city were solved by the CPD. Part of that is because the community doesn't want to talk to them, part of is that they are going to get paid, regardless, so why put in an effort.

Not to worry, they didn't leave any stone unturned proving that Jussie Smollet hired two guys to beat him up.
So you place the blame on the cop's for the crime rates in Chicago ??

I blame them for not being particularly good at their jobs, and making matters worse.

Case in point, in 2018, only 17% of homicides in the city were solved by the CPD. Part of that is because the community doesn't want to talk to them, part of is that they are going to get paid, regardless, so why put in an effort.

Not to worry, they didn't leave any stone unturned proving that Jussie Smollet hired two guys to beat him up.
Good at their job's in a violent out of control place like Chicago ? Why don't you go sign up mouth of the south, and let's see how good at the job you are in such a violent place ??? You probably wouldn't last a month. Am I right ??
So you place the blame on the cop's for the crime rates in Chicago ??

I blame them for not being particularly good at their jobs, and making matters worse.

Case in point, in 2018, only 17% of homicides in the city were solved by the CPD. Part of that is because the community doesn't want to talk to them, part of is that they are going to get paid, regardless, so why put in an effort.

Not to worry, they didn't leave any stone unturned proving that Jussie Smollet hired two guys to beat him up.
They ???? As in the Democrat official's who run the place ? Who is they ??
Good at their job's in a violent out of control place like Chicago ? Why don't you go sign up mouth of the south, and let's see how good at the job you are in such a violent place ??? You probably wouldn't last a month. Am I right ??

I was in the army for 11 years. I've done my bit to serve and protect, thanks.

In any event, I'm not the one who let John Burge torture people into false confessions or let Jason Van Dyke still be a cop after 20 incidents of police brutality before he shot Laquan McDonald 16 times. Or chased Adam Toledo down an alley and shot him after he put his hands up. I could go on and on... but me being a cop wouldn't make up for decades of largely unpunished misconduct by the CPD.

They ???? As in the Democrat official's who run the place ? Who is they ??

No, I mean the FOP who INSISTED that Kim Foxx throw the book at this kid for a prank. Then ran a campaign against her because she didn't. (She still won re-election, BTW)
Good at their job's in a violent out of control place like Chicago ? Why don't you go sign up mouth of the south, and let's see how good at the job you are in such a violent place ??? You probably wouldn't last a month. Am I right ??

I was in the army for 11 years. I've done my bit to serve and protect, thanks.

In any event, I'm not the one who let John Burge torture people into false confessions or let Jason Van Dyke still be a cop after 20 incidents of police brutality before he shot Laquan McDonald 16 times. Or chased Adam Toledo down an alley and shot him after he put his hands up. I could go on and on... but me being a cop wouldn't make up for decades of largely unpunished misconduct by the CPD.

They ???? As in the Democrat official's who run the place ? Who is they ??

No, I mean the FOP who INSISTED that Kim Foxx throw the book at this kid for a prank. Then ran a campaign against her because she didn't. (She still won re-election, BTW)
My points still stand. All you have are twisted excuses.

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