Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

An officer of the law, who was following local written procedures of handling an uncooperative suspect who was accused of perpetrating an act of passing a bogus twenty dollar bill and unbeknownst to himself and others had consumed a lethal dose of illegal narcotics, used his foot to restrain the captured suspect who died after resisting arrest was convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years because the press politicized his action ss a hate crime and police brutality?

Except he wasn't following procedures. This is where you get confused. Use of a knee, not a foot, on the neck is proihibited.

Who needs a judge and jury when the press tarnishes a cop working within written job requirements of dealing with big, strong bullies, because the procedure offended the illegal drug lords and their users?

Except he wasn't working in written procedures.

If there ever were such a thing that happened to a Hollywood superstar restraining a perpetrator the press would have decimated the death of the deceased, fit the story to a paragraph on page 54 and blamed the counterfiet industry. The superstar would be credited with a self-defense victory who took a bad, bad bully off the streets.

Um... when has a Hollywood Superstar ever had to do this? They usually have bodyguards to do this sort of thing, I guess. But I've never heard of this being done with a lethal effect.

No fair just because leftists hate cops and want to defund and discourage police from protecting America and replace them with people they can control like Antifa and BLM. Then they can bathe in gold pens and put a pox on Trump and those who voted for him.

Excuse me, how exactly am I being "protected" by the use of excessive force? Quite the contrary, when this happens, we end up paying for it when the families of the victims go to court and win big settlements.
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
An officer of the law, who was following local written procedures of handling an uncooperative suspect who was accused of perpetrating an act of passing a bogus twenty dollar bill and unbeknownst to himself and others had consumed a lethal dose of illegal narcotics, used his foot to restrain the captured suspect who died after resisting arrest was convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years because the press politicized his action ss a hate crime and police brutality?

Except he wasn't following procedures. This is where you get confused. Use of a knee, not a foot, on the neck is proihibited.

Who needs a judge and jury when the press tarnishes a cop working within written job requirements of dealing with big, strong bullies, because the procedure offended the illegal drug lords and their users?

Except he wasn't working in written procedures.

If there ever were such a thing that happened to a Hollywood superstar restraining a perpetrator the press would have decimated the death of the deceased, fit the story to a paragraph on page 54 and blamed the counterfiet industry. The superstar would be credited with a self-defense victory who took a bad, bad bully off the streets.

Um... when has a Hollywood Superstar ever had to do this? They usually have bodyguards to do this sort of thing, I guess. But I've never heard of this being done with a lethal effect.

No fair just because leftists hate cops and want to defund and discourage police from protecting America and replace them with people they can control like Antifa and BLM. Then they can bathe in gold pens and put a pox on Trump and those who voted for him.

Excuse me, how exactly am I being "protected" by the use of excessive force? Quite the contrary, when this happens, we end up paying for it when the families of the victims go to court and win big settlements.
Foot on the neck instead of the knee eh ?? LOL. Wonder how that would look to an activist cell phone user ? You better come out of that squad car with ice cream, a prize, and some money to give away to a criminal these days. Otherwise beg and bribe them to just go home, and leave the area. It's where we are bud, it's where we are.... Obama was brilliant in making sure free Obama phones got out there so they could be used to alert for drug deals going down, and protect the criminal's when they decide to resist arrest, otherwise when the cop's end up having to struggle with the criminal in order to get them to comply with simple arrest orders.
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.
Foot on the neck instead of the knee eh ?? LOL. Wonder how that would look to an activist cell phone user ? You better come out of that squad car with ice cream, a prize, and some money to give away to a criminal these days. Otherwise beg and bribe them to just go home, and leave the area. It's where we are bud, it's where we are.... Obama was brilliant in making sure free Obama phones got out there so they could be used to alert for drug deals going down, and protect the criminal's when they decide to resist arrest, otherwise when the cop's end up having to struggle with the criminal in order to get them to comply with simple arrest orders.

You do realize the "Obamaphone" program began under Reagan, right?

The point was, there wasn't a need to arrest Floyd that day. Get his identification, write him up a citation for passing the fake $20.00, and impound his vehicle until he could show up sober to pick it up.

That the cops escalated a nuisance complaint to lethal force was the problem here.

Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it).

Except three medical examiners found that the suffocation was the cause of his death, not the drugs.

Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

Except no one "interfered". Yelling to let the poor man breathe is not interference. He had three of his fellow cops there to keep a peaceful crowd under control. Futher, he blocked a paramedic from rendering aid to Floyd.

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.

There was a long pattern of Chauvin being a bully, including a case where he used the same knee to the neck manuever on a 14 year old.
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.

No citizen interfered but when you are unable to come up with a good defense, just make something up.
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.

No citizen interfered but when you are unable to come up with a good defense, just make something up.
You going to stand by your false statement that no citizen tried to interfer with the George Floyd arrest ?? If you distract an arresting officer in the least, you are interfering in the arrest. Talking to them is distracting them, and that constitutes interfering in the arrest.

However, I will say that Chauvin didn't seem distracted as he was Lazer focused on detaining Floyd, but he took it to far as the video showed. The other officer's were distracted by citizen's, but they should have stopped (if they could have), what Chauvin was doing.

Not sure if they could have though, otherwise if Chauvin was the senior officer in the group, where as they themselves couldn't have interfered with him due to his rank or seniority in the field maybe. That's the thing about chain of command whether in the military or within the police forces. Privates are taught big time to respect the chain of command. On the battlefields in past wars, and unfortunately will be continued in future wars, we have had event's where thing's go way out of whack, and the lower rank had no power to stop it.

Only during military trials back home do we see justice play out in those cases that went wrong, otherwise if the case is strong enough against the one who committed the crime. That's where the playing field is made equal, and if the judge is a good one, then equal justice is given under the law. No excuses for anyone, I'm just reviewing the case.
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.

No citizen interfered but when you are unable to come up with a good defense, just make something up.
You going to stand by your false statement that no citizen tried to interfer with the George Floyd arrest ?? If you distract an arresting officer in the least, you are interfering in the arrest. Talking to them is distracting them, and that constitutes interfering in the arrest.

However, I will say that Chauvin didn't seem distracted as he was Lazer focused on detaining Floyd, but he took it to far as the video showed. The other officer's were distracted by citizen's, but they should have stopped (if they could have), what Chauvin was doing.

Not sure if they could have though, otherwise if Chauvin was the senior officer in the group, where as they themselves couldn't have interfered with him due to his rank or seniority in the field maybe. That's the thing about chain of command whether in the military or within the police forces. Privates are taught big time to respect the chain of command. On the battlefields in past wars, and unfortunately will be continued in future wars, we have had event's where thing's go way out of whack, and the lower rank had no power to stop it.

Only during military trials back home do we see justice play out in those cases that went wrong, otherwise if the case is strong enough against the one who committed the crime. That's where the playing field is made equal, and if the judge is a good one, then equal justice is given under the law. No excuses for anyone, I'm just reviewing the case.

They were telling him that Floyd was having a medical problem. If you call that "distracting' the officer that only makes your narrative even worse.
Within 15 or so years from now, there will be the use of, what amounts to basically, brain scanners that not only “read” what a person has done and is thinking, but what they could do in the future. Imagine how useful that will be in cases like this… and millions more. Too bad we’ll never know the particulars of this case.

Even though both were in the wrong and video evidence of Chauvin’s disregard for his training (according to his superior officer’s testimony) and I have little to no respect for any negligent parent (Floyd’s daughter’s speech patterns closer resembled a 3 to 4 year old instead of 7 year old (George was partly responsible without question) and no respect for his thuggery-laced chosen lifestyle, he still had the right to life and safety under custody with our laws.

I have been influenced by the opinions of several good cops and what they have said about Chauvin. There is a huge difference between the behaviors of professional “good” cops and a cop who does what Chauvin did particularly for as long as he did it when it was totally unnecessarily.

I knew the judge wasn’t going to give him the maximum because of his statement that he wasn’t going to make any large statements with sentencing. Considering when Chauvin will get out with good behavior, he got off pretty lightly. His defense lawyer did a good job at the end there… not sure if it mattered because likely that judge had pre-determined what he was going to do before hand, but who knows. That will be something in the future that will be known.
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I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the atitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And histor yis ripe with example.
These guys, cops, run to situations that pussies run from. What is it you don't understand?
Yea....I know..
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.
You were not disgusted cuck...

The only disgust you had was the fact it was caught on are probably more upset at the 17 yr old girl who filmed it than you are at the murderer...

But folks like you love to suck up to long as that power has it's knee on the neck of the people you hate....but cucks gonna cuck

The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.
You were not disgusted cuck...

The only disgust you had was the fact it was caught on are probably more upset at the 17 yr old girl who filmed it than you are at the murderer...

But folks like you love to suck up to long as that power has it's knee on the neck of the people you hate....but cucks gonna cuck

View attachment 506444
Does expressing your filthy mind make you feel important. Because your subsequent filthy mouth puts you on my iggy list.
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.
You were not disgusted cuck...

The only disgust you had was the fact it was caught on are probably more upset at the 17 yr old girl who filmed it than you are at the murderer...

But folks like you love to suck up to long as that power has it's knee on the neck of the people you hate....but cucks gonna cuck

View attachment 506444
Does expressing your filthy mind make you feel important. Because your subsequent filthy mouth puts you on my iggy list.
Don't clutch your pearls at me about filth when your goofy ass been bowing down in worship to an orange moron for the past 5 yrs.....


Take that fake ass outrage and faint on someone else's morons always fly into theatrics to avoid these points that keep kicking you in the ass
I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the atitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And histor yis ripe with example.
These guys, cops, run to situations that pussies run from. What is it you don't understand?
Yea....I know..
View attachment 506443

Why is it that blacks should just relent and do what they are told but it doesn't apply to her?

(asked in a general way to see if anyone will answer)
I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the atitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And histor yis ripe with example.
These guys, cops, run to situations that pussies run from. What is it you don't understand?
Yea....I know..
View attachment 506443

Why is it that blacks should just relent and do what they are told but it doesn't apply to her?

(asked in a general way to see if anyone will answer)

Because blacks are usually armed and male, she wasn't. And nowhere in the video does anyone tell her anything. Shes not the one who broke the window, she caused zero damage in the building and attacked nobody and was shot dead by a negro.
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.

No citizen interfered but when you are unable to come up with a good defense, just make something up.
You going to stand by your false statement that no citizen tried to interfer with the George Floyd arrest ?? If you distract an arresting officer in the least, you are interfering in the arrest. Talking to them is distracting them, and that constitutes interfering in the arrest.

However, I will say that Chauvin didn't seem distracted as he was Lazer focused on detaining Floyd, but he took it to far as the video showed. The other officer's were distracted by citizen's, but they should have stopped (if they could have), what Chauvin was doing.

Not sure if they could have though, otherwise if Chauvin was the senior officer in the group, where as they themselves couldn't have interfered with him due to his rank or seniority in the field maybe. That's the thing about chain of command whether in the military or within the police forces. Privates are taught big time to respect the chain of command. On the battlefields in past wars, and unfortunately will be continued in future wars, we have had event's where thing's go way out of whack, and the lower rank had no power to stop it.

Only during military trials back home do we see justice play out in those cases that went wrong, otherwise if the case is strong enough against the one who committed the crime. That's where the playing field is made equal, and if the judge is a good one, then equal justice is given under the law. No excuses for anyone, I'm just reviewing the case.

They were telling him that Floyd was having a medical problem. If you call that "distracting' the officer that only makes your narrative even worse.
What kind of medical problem ? Did they know ??
The press incited the public against the officer, and the press determined not only the verdict but any chance of a fair verdict. Press bias is the bat Democrats are using to destroy law and order across the land so they can communize America without any interference from good guys.

How was the press going to spin this in Chauvin's favor, exactly? The tape by itself is pretty damning.
Chauvin did screw himself in the case, because he let his emotion's kick in, and he lost it, but it still doesn't prove that Floyd died because of what Chauvin did. The lethal amount of fentanyl in Floyd's body was probably the culprit, because he was claiming he couldn't breathe before he was placed into the squad car upon going in (cop's figured he was faking it). Once he lay on the ground afterwards the clock just ran out while Chauvin was on top of him, and then there was the distraction's of citizen's interfering with the arrest in which caused more time to elapse. The citizen's don't realize that when you interfer with an arrest, then it causes more time to erode in completing the arrest. Cop's being distracted by people interfering causes them to have to deal with not only the task at hand, but with the public as well. Everyone on the scene led to the delay of the arrest to be completed, and therefore delayed Floyd from getting the help he needed if the arrest could have been completed sooner. Remember second's and minute's mattered right ?

However, I do agree that Chauvin was to cold in his demeanor after the struggle, and it showed big time in the video in which disgusted 98.9% of the country (me included), who had viewed the situation in the video. Chauvin was definitely guilty, but maybe not of murder in the case, but he sure was guilty of losing his credibility as a competent and good officer when it came to handling himself in the situation correctly. If a pattern existed of Chauvin being a bad bully officer in the past, then he probably got what he deserved, otherwise to be fired, and charged with crimes against his fellow human beings, but murder if it's not totally proven that his actions caused a murder ? No one wants that to happen to anyone.
You were not disgusted cuck...

The only disgust you had was the fact it was caught on are probably more upset at the 17 yr old girl who filmed it than you are at the murderer...

But folks like you love to suck up to long as that power has it's knee on the neck of the people you hate....but cucks gonna cuck

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Does expressing your filthy mind make you feel important. Because your subsequent filthy mouth puts you on my iggy list.
I reported his post. He doesn't want to debate in a decent manor, and seeks to attack like an animal anyone who doesn't agree with him. The members here don't have to take the bullcrap. Report him.

This is the problem today with posters like this, they can't debate in a civilized way, and therefore they should be banned when they step over the line (it should be applied by degrees to anyone that begins attacking instead of debating in a civilized manor). If this place is to be taken seriously, then the moderators need to be more aware of posters that try to violate the rules, and therefore attempt to shut down civilized debate.
People should refrain from engaging in racist comments, and should use civilized debate on the issues. To many times people fall into the traps of racism, and let their emotion's get the best of them on either side of the coins. We as American's can do better than this
I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the atitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And histor yis ripe with example.
These guys, cops, run to situations that pussies run from. What is it you don't understand?
Yea....I know..
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Why is it that blacks should just relent and do what they are told but it doesn't apply to her?

(asked in a general way to see if anyone will answer)

Because blacks are usually armed and male, she wasn't. And nowhere in the video does anyone tell her anything. Shes not the one who broke the window, she caused zero damage in the building and attacked nobody and was shot dead by a negro.

Always with the double standards.

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