Chechnya opens world first concentration camp for homosexuals campaigners say gay men are beaten


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.

It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

A report by Novoya Gazeta said authorities had set up several camps where

Chechnya 'opens first concentration camp for homosexuals' | Daily Mail Online

And so many indoctrinated gays think they have it sooooo bad here in America even when they weren't forcing it down people's throats and being some are part of the Obama, Clintom, Bil Ayers cult circles it is they who has turned this Country upside down in so many ways.

Even the idiots who accept Isalm teachings in our school, but not Christians, or Jewish whatever ........... Wake the fk up you are destroying the freedoms we had/have morons. .

meanwhile that religion will kill you if you are gay .....lmfao

Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.

It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

A report by Novoya Gazeta said authorities had set up several camps where

Chechnya 'opens first concentration camp for homosexuals' | Daily Mail Online

And so many indoctrinated gays think they have it sooooo bad here in America even when they weren't forcing it down people's throats and being some are part of the Obama, Clintom, Bil Ayers cult circles it is they who has turned this Country upside down in so many ways.

Even the idiots who accept Isalm teachings in our school, but not Christians, or Jewish whatever ........... Wake the fk up you are destroying the freedoms we had/have morons. .

meanwhile that religion will kill you if you are gay .....lmfao

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Mindwars, can you agree that Scientific Humanism is better for gays - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an, and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT)? Can we agree on that? And can we agree that Jesus should have already, in the last 2000 years, seeing how he's supposedly a teacher of ethics, have come down and said "the Bible got it wrong - treat gays as equals".

Let's to the loving thing and both agree to this, Mindwars? Ok?
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)

Is that another name for Scientology might want to make sure that isn't another name covering for that same practice .
The Bible doesn't say kill gays or even beat gays.

Since gays are depraved aberrations there is no benefit to treat them as equals. They are not. Leave them to themselves in their own peace and happiness.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)

Is that another name for Scientology might want to make sure that isn't another name covering for that same practice .
Hehe, good point. Nope, no "thetans" or DC8's with rocket engines in Scientific Humanism.
Leave it to South Park to explain Scientology: What Scientologist Actually Believe
The Bible doesn't say kill gays or even beat gays....
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Contrast this with the most LGBT-friendly belief system ever, Scientific Humanism, which believes "loves gays, equally".

We love LGBT. They have contributed greatly to the world.

It also believes that gays are good for the earth, since they on their own, by themselves, can't have children - and the earth is going to, at the end of this century, have more people than it can feed. So the "natural birth control" that gays innately practice is good for our environment. Gays are only a small percentage of humans, but do help to generally help the planet by the birth control that their similar anatomies create.
Even Fidel Castro (at one time) was against gays - so Scientific Humanism is more compassionate, and more forward thinking that that communist icon was. I'm proud of that.
The Bible doesn't say kill gays or even beat gays.

Since gays are depraved aberrations there is no benefit to treat them as equals. They are not. Leave them to themselves in their own peace and happiness.
Your gay Apartheid is no better than regular Apartheid was.
Please get to know some LGBT folks - you'll see that they are just like straight people like us. Like if you were against, say, blacks....same principle.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)

Is that another name for Scientology might want to make sure that isn't another name covering for that same practice .
No, no, no!! That's not true at all!!

PS see my cool new movie, "The Mummy", coming out June 9, 2017!
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The Bible doesn't say kill gays or even beat gays.

Since gays are depraved aberrations there is no benefit to treat them as equals. They are not. Leave them to themselves in their own peace and happiness.
Your gay Apartheid is no better than regular Apartheid was.
Please get to know some LGBT folks - you'll see that they are just like straight people like us. Like if you were against, say, blacks....same principle.
They are just like anyone else with an aberration. They are harmless enough until they are permitted to poison the social well. They are degenerates. When you accept degeneracy as nomal what does that make you?
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
It would appear that JESUS is the liar since he approved of the Adam/Eve story, and that story, through the geneologies, says the world is about 6000 years old, which is a lie of course. Would you, if you had Jesus' alleged superpowers, have come down in the last 2000 years and said "I got it wrong, sorry - Adam/Eve is a lie, so there's no original sin, so I didn't have to die on the cross, sorry for misleading you like I did."
We forgive Jesus for that, however, because we are the most forgiving belief system.

With these 6 words are you smarter than any prophet?

One reason we're only 70-80% Muslim, and 70-80% Buddhist, etc., and not 100%, is because even though we love many things they say, we assume that if the prophets knew big things like where we go when we die they'd also know how old their god's favorite creation was (earth)! They would have been the first to tell the world how old the earth actually - instead, scientists were the first to correctly inform us of that. The Biblical geneologies imply the world is 6000 years old, for example, so they are off by 75,000,000%. In your life you're never been off about anything by 75,000,000% - so you're doing better than the Biblical prophets. The Hindu texts say the earth sits on the back of elephants on top of a giant space turtle - so like the Bible, they are less credible than Scientific Humanism. Six simple words - "earth is 4.5 billion years old" - is all that would have had to have been said to give any religion instant credibility - centuries ahead of it's time, and so convincing that millions of non-believers over the years would then been more likely to have believed in the religion, and therefore avoided the brutal torture that is meted out to non-believers.

A loving god would of course do that, and you as a Scientific Humanist would of course have done that - because you "love everybody, equally", as the Book of Scientific Humanism states.

Six simple words. Not ONE prophet ever correctly knew the age of their god's favorite creation - but you do, so when you tell your children the "earth is 4.5 billion years old", you're smarter than all the prophets. Every. Single. One. As a Scientific Humanist you'll believe in yourself that much.
Center for Scientific Humanism: With these 6 words are you smarter than any prophet?
The Bible doesn't say kill gays or even beat gays.

Since gays are depraved aberrations there is no benefit to treat them as equals. They are not. Leave them to themselves in their own peace and happiness.
Your gay Apartheid is no better than regular Apartheid was.
Please get to know some LGBT folks - you'll see that they are just like straight people like us. Like if you were against, say, blacks....same principle.
They are just like anyone else with an aberration. They are harmless enough until they are permitted to poison the social well. They are degenerates. When you accept degeneracy as nomal what does that make you?
I am a more loving human being than god/Jesus/Christians, because I've risen to a level where I can't let anti-gay hatred into the main book that I endorse to my children.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?

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