Chechnya opens world first concentration camp for homosexuals campaigners say gay men are beaten

Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
There is nothing innocent about homosexuals, dont kid everybody.
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?
Hold on - I'm debating you about the Bible - I showed you quotes from the Bible in an effort to debate you! You said the Bible doesn't teach vigilantism so I debated you on that, but showing you evidence that it does. But instead of just saying "you're wrong, and you're an a-hole!" like too many posters do, I want to show you what TO believe in, so I show you a more loving alternative.

For example, here are some upcoming LGBT celebrations that you might want to check into:
May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
May 22: Harvey Milk Day
Month of June, annually: LGBT Pride Month
You are preaching. You're gay we get it. You want everyone to be gay. We get that too. You want gay to control the world and everyone in it. Yeah we get that too.

What you are really doing is creating sympathy and understanding for those who burn gays alive.
You are going on a typical Christian (not Scientific Humanist) assumption - that people only work to defend their own group. I'm not LGBT. I'm not trying to get anyone to not be who they are ("you want everyone to be gay".) But I've moved beyond Christian/god/Jesus' ethics to care enough about OTHER groups, say LGBT, Muslims, etc. that I want to defend those groups. No harming gays, no acceptance of "eternal torture" for Muslims, etc. Love drives me. Let love drive you too.

PS I defend Muslims, but not the parts of the Islamic texts that our belief system can't bring forward (Q4:34, Q8:41, Q2:282, Q9:5, Q9:29, etc., and the "kill apostates" wording in the hadith....but we love Muslims.)
This board is not your personal church.
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
Killing innocent people who are not harming you is indeed a problem.
Let's increase the amount of love in the world, not decrease it.
Decreasing the amount of obnoxious is even more important than increasing love. Decreasing the number of perverts is decreasing the amount of obnoxious they produce. Chechnya has decreased perverts thereby decreasing obnoxious. There is no problem.
With hatred towards innocent people like you express, if you believe that god is a loving and all-knowing entity, then if there is an after-life, I think you risk a worse reward/punishment if you are not as loving as I am. Something to think about, my friend. A loving god would say "WTF, Tipsy, why all the hatred!? Don't you know that I'm a loving god!?" I wouldn't want to be in your shoes if he's actually a loving god.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
There is nothing innocent about homosexuals, dont kid everybody.
They are not harming you!
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Disliking perverts and not wanting to associate with them doesn't equate to hate.

It's just a choice.

They chose to be homo's, I choose to avoid them.

Quite simple when you think about it. .... :cool:
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
Killing innocent people who are not harming you is indeed a problem.
Let's increase the amount of love in the world, not decrease it.
Decreasing the amount of obnoxious is even more important than increasing love. Decreasing the number of perverts is decreasing the amount of obnoxious they produce. Chechnya has decreased perverts thereby decreasing obnoxious. There is no problem.
With hatred towards innocent people like you express, if you believe that god is a loving and all-knowing entity, then if there is an after-life, I think you risk a worse reward/punishment if you are not as loving as I am. Something to think about, my friend. A loving god would say "WTF, Tipsy, why all the hatred!? Don't you know that I'm a loving god!?" I wouldn't want to be in your shoes if he's actually a loving god.
YOU see yourself as a loving god. I see the father of lies who should be mocked and ridiculed. You want perversion to be loved and degeneracy to be respected. Then you come here wrapping yourself in the new age religion and suck your thumb when you get your pee pee whacked.
There is nothing innocent about homosexuals, dont kid everybody.
They are not harming you!
Yes, they are by indirect means, by passing along diseases (not just STDs) as the homosexual community is a disease super highway. There are many heterosexuals who have fallen to temptation and had affairs with people and contracted diseases that homosexuals spread through our society.

Homosexuals as a community are also high percentage illegal drug users and thereby aid the criminal networks, fencers, thieves as well as drug dealers.

Finally, they inflict dreadful clothing styles on our female population.
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Disliking perverts and not wanting to associate with them doesn't equate to hate.

It's just a choice.

They chose to be homo's, I choose to avoid them.

Quite simple when you think about it. .... :cool:
Sure, avoid them all you want, that's your right - but can we agree that the Scientific Humanist teachings of "loving gays" is more loving than the Biblical/Islamic/Jewish way of having them killed?
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.

It's just a choice.

They chose to be homo's, I choose to avoid them.

Science shows that much of the reason is that your god made them that way (if you god is indeed lord of the universe like most religions teach.)
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

........ Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
Not at all - god himself was cruel and violent in torturing poor Job, and in killing first born sons in Egypt, and in approving of Moses' slaughter of 3000 people who simply had a different religion/voices-in-their-head than he did.

PS we believe there a just as many good and just as many bad things in the Islamic texts as the Bible, so we draw from the best parts of both (and don't draw on the bad parts of both)....and we can say the same for the Buddhist texts, etc., as well.
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Disliking perverts and not wanting to associate with them doesn't equate to hate.

It's just a choice.

They chose to be homo's, I choose to avoid them.

Quite simple when you think about it. .... :cool:
Considering them perverts is where the hatred first begins, my friend.
Why not have a hate-free "religion"?
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.
A Molested Generation Loses Its Will to Survive

The only way you can believe in that suicidal creed is if you believe there is no such thing as a group of self-indulgent, pushy, and dangerous degenerates who must be changed or chained.

Faith should not follow the feelings of escapist weaklings. If you are allowed any unanswered crybully babble, you will lead a formerly healthy society into the valley of death. You're trying to use unrealistic preaching about indiscriminate tolerance to get over on us.

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