Chechnya opens world first concentration camp for homosexuals campaigners say gay men are beaten

Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
It would appear that JESUS is the liar since he approved of the Adam/Eve story, and that story, through the geneologies, says the world is about 6000 years old, which is a lie of course. Would you, if you had Jesus' alleged superpowers, have come down in the last 2000 years and said "I got it wrong, sorry - Adam/Eve is a lie, so there's no original sin, so I didn't have to die on the cross, sorry for misleading you like I did."
We forgive Jesus for that, however, because we are the most forgiving belief system.

With these 6 words are you smarter than any prophet?

One reason we're only 70-80% Muslim, and 70-80% Buddhist, etc., and not 100%, is because even though we love many things they say, we assume that if the prophets knew big things like where we go when we die they'd also know how old their god's favorite creation was (earth)! They would have been the first to tell the world how old the earth actually - instead, scientists were the first to correctly inform us of that. The Biblical geneologies imply the world is 6000 years old, for example, so they are off by 75,000,000%. In your life you're never been off about anything by 75,000,000% - so you're doing better than the Biblical prophets. The Hindu texts say the earth sits on the back of elephants on top of a giant space turtle - so like the Bible, they are less credible than Scientific Humanism. Six simple words - "earth is 4.5 billion years old" - is all that would have had to have been said to give any religion instant credibility - centuries ahead of it's time, and so convincing that millions of non-believers over the years would then been more likely to have believed in the religion, and therefore avoided the brutal torture that is meted out to non-believers.

A loving god would of course do that, and you as a Scientific Humanist would of course have done that - because you "love everybody, equally", as the Book of Scientific Humanism states.

Six simple words. Not ONE prophet ever correctly knew the age of their god's favorite creation - but you do, so when you tell your children the "earth is 4.5 billion years old", you're smarter than all the prophets. Every. Single. One. As a Scientific Humanist you'll believe in yourself that much.
Center for Scientific Humanism: With these 6 words are you smarter than any prophet?
Homo Sapiens Against Neanderthal Is Still On

It was about 6,000 years ago that man quit being a destructive and stupid jungle animal. That's all Genesis means, the birth of civilization. But only in some places, which give God credit for that and Satan blame for the other species' places.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
:offtopic: :offtopic:
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
Despite your otherwise lofty opinion of yourself, you are not Jesus.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
:offtopic: :offtopic:
You do realize that RELIGIOUS hatred of gays is exactly what is driving them to hate gays so much that they will put them in concentration camps, no?
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
Despite your otherwise lofty opinion of yourself, you are not Jesus.
I'm more ethical than Jesus because I'd let ethical Muslims and ethical Hindus into "heaven" and avoid "hell". They haven't harmed him, but his scheme sees that they get brutally tortured - worse than Hitler ever tortured his worst enemy, and for far far longer.

A better way is to say this prayer "Jesus, I love people so much that I beg you to change your ways and find it in your heart to let ethical hard-working non-believers into "heaven" and avoid "hell" - I forgive you if you won't, but I believe it's the loving thing to do. Thanks."

Can you say this most-loving prayer, Spiritual Warfare?
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

your understanding of the bible is VERY ISLAMIC-----In fact---according to jewish law-----the girls taken in THAT war could not be raped----they could not even
engage in consensual sex------If----after many months of Mourning----they
WANTED to have sex-----that act constituted MARRIAGE and they became
wives. Give up reading the bible----you have no idea what you are reading. The
rules you read in Numbers refers to a SPECIFC war with specific people----
notably AMALEKIM-----the people who sacrificed infants by dumping
them in fires for their "god" called "moloch" Jews never got over their
deep hatred for sacrifice of children-----it was considered something that was
so obscene that the people who so engaged should not survive. If you can
read----try reading sometime. The word AMALEK shows up in literature
dealing with real hot shot EVIL. The AMALEK issue no longer exists although
some people did suggest that your hero ADOLF was a remnant of that tribe
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
It would appear that JESUS is the liar since he approved of the Adam/Eve story, and that story, through the geneologies, says the world is about 6000 years old, which is a lie of course. Would you, if you had Jesus' alleged superpowers, have come down in the last 2000 years and said "I got it wrong, sorry - Adam/Eve is a lie, so there's no original sin, so I didn't have to die on the cross, sorry for misleading you like I did."
We forgive Jesus for that, however, because we are the most forgiving belief system.

With these 6 words are you smarter than any prophet?

One reason we're only 70-80% Muslim, and 70-80% Buddhist, etc., and not 100%, is because even though we love many things they say, we assume that if the prophets knew big things like where we go when we die they'd also know how old their god's favorite creation was (earth)! They would have been the first to tell the world how old the earth actually - instead, scientists were the first to correctly inform us of that. The Biblical geneologies imply the world is 6000 years old, for example, so they are off by 75,000,000%. In your life you're never been off about anything by 75,000,000% - so you're doing better than the Biblical prophets. The Hindu texts say the earth sits on the back of elephants on top of a giant space turtle - so like the Bible, they are less credible than Scientific Humanism. Six simple words - "earth is 4.5 billion years old" - is all that would have had to have been said to give any religion instant credibility - centuries ahead of it's time, and so convincing that millions of non-believers over the years would then been more likely to have believed in the religion, and therefore avoided the brutal torture that is meted out to non-believers.

A loving god would of course do that, and you as a Scientific Humanist would of course have done that - because you "love everybody, equally", as the Book of Scientific Humanism states.

Six simple words. Not ONE prophet ever correctly knew the age of their god's favorite creation - but you do, so when you tell your children the "earth is 4.5 billion years old", you're smarter than all the prophets. Every. Single. One. As a Scientific Humanist you'll believe in yourself that much.
Center for Scientific Humanism: With these 6 words are you smarter than any prophet?
Homo Sapiens Against Neanderthal Is Still On

It was about 6,000 years ago that man quit being a destructive and stupid jungle animal. That's all Genesis means, the birth of civilization. But only in some places, which give God credit for that and Satan blame for the other species' places.
So if Genesis shouldn't be taken literally, then to be intellectually-consistent, we should also NOT take the magic-sounding story of a magic man who died 2000 years ago, who now lives up in the sky, and will give people who believe in him (but not others - no matter if they happen to be more ethical than most of his followers, say) eternal life up in the invisible place in the sky with him, right?

Can we at least agree to be intellectually consistent, mi amigo?

Have a great night.
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

........ The
rules you read in Numbers refers to a SPECIFC war with specific people----
So then the Bible is apparently wrong when it says that god doesn't change.
Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
Despite your otherwise lofty opinion of yourself, you are not Jesus.
I'm more ethical than Jesus because I'd let ethical Muslims and ethical Hindus into "heaven" and avoid "hell". They haven't harmed him, but his scheme sees that they get brutally tortured - worse than Hitler ever tortured his worst enemy, and for far far longer.

A better way is to say this prayer "Jesus, I love people so much that I beg you to change your ways and find it in your heart to let ethical hard-working non-believers into "heaven" and avoid "hell" - I forgive you if you won't, but I believe it's the loving thing to do. Thanks."

Can you say this most-loving prayer, Spiritual Warfare?

Jesus was a Pharisee------he would let ethical gentiles into Heaven---
you are thinking of "saint" constantine
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

,,,,, that your hero ADOLF was a remnant of that tribe
I condemn Hitler's genocide and god's genocide in his "flood" (which killed more than Hitler's genocide (including innocent animals).
Can you join me in moving to this very high level of ethical understand, my friend? Can you condemn them both, too? Or are some genocides acceptable to you?
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
Despite your otherwise lofty opinion of yourself, you are not Jesus.
I'm more ethical than Jesus because I'd let ethical Muslims and ethical Hindus into "heaven" and avoid "hell". They haven't harmed him, but his scheme sees that they get brutally tortured - worse than Hitler ever tortured his worst enemy, and for far far longer.

A better way is to say this prayer "Jesus, I love people so much that I beg you to change your ways and find it in your heart to let ethical hard-working non-believers into "heaven" and avoid "hell" - I forgive you if you won't, but I believe it's the loving thing to do. Thanks."

Can you say this most-loving prayer, Spiritual Warfare?

Jesus was a Pharisee------he would let ethical gentiles into Heaven---
you are thinking of "saint" constantine
We are so loving that if we had Jesus' alleged super-powers that we'd have come down in the last 2000 years and educated people on these very very confusing issues.
Can you agree with us, irosie91?
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

........ The
rules you read in Numbers refers to a SPECIFC war with specific people----
So then the Bible is apparently wrong when it says that god doesn't change.

where does the bible say " "GOD" doesn't change? " To what book are
you referring? What is the "change"? -----someone "a prophet"------detailed
specific rules about a specific war during a specific time -----the belief being
that the prophet was DIVINELY INSPIRED. You have a problem with
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

,,,,, that your hero ADOLF was a remnant of that tribe
I condemn Hitler's genocide and god's genocide in his "flood" (which killed more than Hitler's genocide (including innocent animals).
Can you join me in moving to this very high level of ethical understand, my friend? Can you condemn them both, too? Or are some genocides acceptable to you?

the bible describes a BIG FLOOD----knocking off everyone and everything around-------as was the customary understanding of the time-----an act of Nature was
described as mediated from heaven and meaning was attached and still is on a METAPHYSICAL LEVEL ----you have a very shallow understanding of scriptural literature-----like moron level.
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
Despite your otherwise lofty opinion of yourself, you are not Jesus.
I'm more ethical than Jesus because I'd let ethical Muslims and ethical Hindus into "heaven" and avoid "hell". They haven't harmed him, but his scheme sees that they get brutally tortured - worse than Hitler ever tortured his worst enemy, and for far far longer.

A better way is to say this prayer "Jesus, I love people so much that I beg you to change your ways and find it in your heart to let ethical hard-working non-believers into "heaven" and avoid "hell" - I forgive you if you won't, but I believe it's the loving thing to do. Thanks."

Can you say this most-loving prayer, Spiritual Warfare?

Jesus was a Pharisee------he would let ethical gentiles into Heaven---
you are thinking of "saint" constantine
What about Buddhists? It says non-Christians go to hell - which Scientific Humanists can't bring forward to our book because we believe "love everybody, equally" - as much as feasible.
Is Scientific Humanism more compassionate - we'd let the Dalai Lama into "heaven" if it was up to us - or is Jesus more compassionate for not letting him into "heaven"?

John 14:6: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
Acts 4:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-10, John 3:18, John 10:27-28, Matthew 10:32, Luke 12:8, John 5:2, John 3:36, John 6:47, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Revelation 19:20, 20:10,14-15, 21:8, John 15:6: Jesus said “Unless a person remains united with me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, where they are burned up."
Gays are beaten in these camps because Bible/Quran say that gays are vastly inferior, and the Bible/Qur'an have a combined total of 1853 verses of cruelty and violence:
Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?

The best solution? The Book of Scientific has exactly 1853 FEWER verses of cruelty and violence in it.

your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

,,,,, that your hero ADOLF was a remnant of that tribe
I condemn Hitler's genocide and god's genocide in his "flood" (which killed more than Hitler's genocide (including innocent animals).
Can you join me in moving to this very high level of ethical understand, my friend? Can you condemn them both, too? Or are some genocides acceptable to you?

the bible describes a BIG FLOOD----knocking off everyone and everything around-------as was the customary understanding of the time-----an act of Nature was
described as mediated from heaven and meaning was attached and still is on a METAPHYSICAL LEVEL ----you have a very shallow understanding of scriptural literature-----like moron level.
Yes, maybe god did not cause it....can you condemn god if, repeat if, hypothetically for argument's sake here (to get at our moral levels, not Biblical accurace) he did actually cause all those innocent animals to die? We bring forward "love your neighbor", but not the parts about "god", because he doesn't seem as ethical as we are, and we can't worship someone less ethical than we are, obviously.

Enjoy this sunny day.
Try not telling people what religion to follow.
Can you tell that to Jesus, then?
Despite your otherwise lofty opinion of yourself, you are not Jesus.
I'm more ethical than Jesus because I'd let ethical Muslims and ethical Hindus into "heaven" and avoid "hell". They haven't harmed him, but his scheme sees that they get brutally tortured - worse than Hitler ever tortured his worst enemy, and for far far longer.

A better way is to say this prayer "Jesus, I love people so much that I beg you to change your ways and find it in your heart to let ethical hard-working non-believers into "heaven" and avoid "hell" - I forgive you if you won't, but I believe it's the loving thing to do. Thanks."

Can you say this most-loving prayer, Spiritual Warfare?

Jesus was a Pharisee------he would let ethical gentiles into Heaven---
you are thinking of "saint" constantine
What about Buddhists? It says non-Christians go to hell - which Scientific Humanists can't bring forward to our book because we believe "love everybody, equally" - as much as feasible.
Is Scientific Humanism more compassionate - we'd let the Dalai Lama into "heaven" if it was up to us - or is Jesus more compassionate for not letting him into "heaven"?

John 14:6: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
Acts 4:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-10, John 3:18, John 10:27-28, Matthew 10:32, Luke 12:8, John 5:2, John 3:36, John 6:47, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Revelation 19:20, 20:10,14-15, 21:8, John 15:6: Jesus said “Unless a person remains united with me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, where they are burned up."

Buddhism and Judaism are so compatible that lots of Buddhists live
in Israel-----and/or marry jews in the rest of the world with whom they
got on living THE BUDDHIST life-style. In the far east----jews living there
liked to eat in Buddhist monasteries------vegetarian and therefore KOSHER.
I know of a few Israeli jews of orthodox flavor----married to Buddhists. I cannot
comment on "saint" Constantine-----he was a nazi
your idiot islamo Nazi phrase count is meaningless. The issue is that which
the books LAUD as holy. There are probably more "violent phrases" in
a textbook of ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY than in either book.-----"incise the skin"---
"chip the bone" "crack the skull" <<<< that's orthopedic surgery. The purpose is CURE THE INJURED. The purpose of the Koran is to glorify murder and
rape. Murder and rape is vilified in the bible
If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

,,,,, that your hero ADOLF was a remnant of that tribe
I condemn Hitler's genocide and god's genocide in his "flood" (which killed more than Hitler's genocide (including innocent animals).
Can you join me in moving to this very high level of ethical understand, my friend? Can you condemn them both, too? Or are some genocides acceptable to you?

the bible describes a BIG FLOOD----knocking off everyone and everything around-------as was the customary understanding of the time-----an act of Nature was
described as mediated from heaven and meaning was attached and still is on a METAPHYSICAL LEVEL ----you have a very shallow understanding of scriptural literature-----like moron level.
Yes, maybe god did not cause it....can you condemn god if, repeat if, hypothetically for argument's sake here (to get at our moral levels, not Biblical accurace) he did actually cause all those innocent animals to die? We bring forward "love your neighbor", but not the parts about "god", because he doesn't seem as ethical as we are, and we can't worship someone less ethical than we are, obviously.

Enjoy this sunny day.

theologically-----the "ethics" of "god" is not definable-------ask einstein
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
You shifted from gays to women? Nor am I a Christian, don't need to justify anything. Like I said, not very scientifically minded.

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