Chechnya opens world first concentration camp for homosexuals campaigners say gay men are beaten

Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
Open your heart, like a Scientific Humanist, and then you will see the problem, mi amigo.

One exercise we do to get people to be more tolerant, more loving, kinder, is to have them peruse this list - looking for people that they admire or felt have improved their life in some way:
List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people - Wikipedia

Doing this will open your eyes to how great ALL humans can be, regardless of sexual orientation.

I find lesbian Ellen DeGeneres to be one of the funniest people I've seen - and so does her wife.
I am a more loving human being than god/Jesus/Christians, because I've risen to a level where I can't let anti-gay hatred into the main book that I endorse to my children.
So you've created s god in YOUR own image. Congrats. You did what MudHamMud did.

The only problem is GOD is God. Your duty is to find Him and accept His wisdom.

If you would have life, you must LOSE YOUR LIFE FOR MY SAKE.

In the end it only matters what your Creator thinks. Your thoughts will die soon enough.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?
Hold on - I'm debating you about the Bible - I showed you quotes from the Bible in an effort to debate you! You said the Bible doesn't teach vigilantism so I debated you on that, but showing you evidence that it does. But instead of just saying "you're wrong, and you're an a-hole!" like too many posters do, I want to show you what TO believe in, so I show you a more loving alternative.

For example, here are some upcoming LGBT celebrations that you might want to check into:
May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
May 22: Harvey Milk Day
Month of June, annually: LGBT Pride Month
I am a more loving human being than god/Jesus/Christians, because I've risen to a level where I can't let anti-gay hatred into the main book that I endorse to my children.
So you've created s god in YOUR own image. Congrats. You did what MudHamMud did.

The only problem is GOD is God. Your duty is to find Him and accept His wisdom.

If you would have life, you must LOSE YOUR LIFE FOR MY SAKE.

In the end it only matters what your Creator thinks. Your thoughts will die soon enough.
Our only "god" is love (until such time as a particular "god" can provide us a court-room level of evidence that he's actually more real than any other of the 5000 claimed gods out there.)
Open your heart, like a Scientific Humanist, and then you will see the problem, mi amigo.
One exercise we do to get people to be more tolerant, more loving, kinder, is to have them peruse this list - looking for people that they admire or felt have improved their life in some way:
List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people - Wikipedia
Doing this will open your eyes to how great ALL humans can be, regardless of sexual orientation.
I find lesbian Ellen DeGeneres to be one of the funniest people I've seen - and so does her wife.
Even if a homo solved global hunger.

They are still filthy perverts who need culled from society and locked up in the interest of public safety. ..... :cool:
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
Are you ready to give up Islam for the church of the holy buttfuck?

After reading joy's preachings, I'm ready to throw a few gays off buildings myself just on general principles.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The New Testament does not teach killing homosexuals, you ignoramus.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?
I've discussed as much as almost any poster on this forum today, I bet.
The Bible doesn't say kill gays or even beat gays....
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Contrast this with the most LGBT-friendly belief system ever, Scientific Humanism, which believes "loves gays, equally".

We love LGBT. They have contributed greatly to the world.

It also believes that gays are good for the earth, since they on their own, by themselves, can't have children - and the earth is going to, at the end of this century, have more people than it can feed. So the "natural birth control" that gays innately practice is good for our environment. Gays are only a small percentage of humans, but do help to generally help the planet by the birth control that their similar anatomies create.
That is Old Testament.

Christians are not bound to obey OT teachings, only New Testament teachings.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The New Testament does not teach killing homosexuals, you ignoramus.
So you've removed the OT from your Bible, then (if the OT is so non-applicable like you appear to believe)?
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The New Testament does not teach killing homosexuals, you ignoramus.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?
Hold on - I'm debating you about the Bible - I showed you quotes from the Bible in an effort to debate you! You said the Bible doesn't teach vigilantism so I debated you on that, but showing you evidence that it does. But instead of just saying "you're wrong, and you're an a-hole!" like too many posters do, I want to show you what TO believe in, so I show you a more loving alternative.

For example, here are some upcoming LGBT celebrations that you might want to check into:
May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
May 22: Harvey Milk Day
Month of June, annually: LGBT Pride Month
You are preaching. You're gay we get it. You want everyone to be gay. We get that too. You want gay to control the world and everyone in it. Yeah we get that too.

What you are really doing is creating sympathy and understanding for those who burn gays alive.
The New Testament does not teach killing homosexuals, you ignoramus.
So you've removed the OT from your Bible, then (if the OT is so non-applicable like you appear to believe)?

No, Christianity keeps the OT for the historical framework it provides, and the Messianic prophesies, but it has no authority for the Christian faith, only the New Testament does.

The Old Testament for us is like the old Articles of Confederation that preceded our current federal Constitution. We keep in the US legal code as a founding document to provide a framework for understanding the intentions and mind set of the Founding Fathers, but it still has no authority in the US legal code.
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
Killing innocent people who are not harming you is indeed a problem.
Let's increase the amount of love in the world, not decrease it.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The Bible DOESNT teach vigilantism. You LIE.
Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?
Hold on - I'm debating you about the Bible - I showed you quotes from the Bible in an effort to debate you! You said the Bible doesn't teach vigilantism so I debated you on that, but showing you evidence that it does. But instead of just saying "you're wrong, and you're an a-hole!" like too many posters do, I want to show you what TO believe in, so I show you a more loving alternative.

For example, here are some upcoming LGBT celebrations that you might want to check into:
May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
May 22: Harvey Milk Day
Month of June, annually: LGBT Pride Month
You are preaching. You're gay we get it. You want everyone to be gay. We get that too. You want gay to control the world and everyone in it. Yeah we get that too.

What you are really doing is creating sympathy and understanding for those who burn gays alive.
You are going on a typical Christian (not Scientific Humanist) assumption - that people only work to defend their own group. I'm not LGBT. I'm not trying to get anyone to not be who they are ("you want everyone to be gay".) But I've moved beyond Christian/god/Jesus' ethics to care enough about OTHER groups, say LGBT, Muslims, etc. that I want to defend those groups. No harming gays, no acceptance of "eternal torture" for Muslims, etc. Love drives me. Let love drive you too.

PS I defend Muslims, but not the parts of the Islamic texts that our belief system can't bring forward (Q4:34, Q8:41, Q2:282, Q9:5, Q9:29, etc., and the "kill apostates" wording in the hadith....but we love Muslims.)
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
Killing innocent people who are not harming you is indeed a problem.
Let's increase the amount of love in the world, not decrease it.
Decreasing the amount of obnoxious is even more important than increasing love. Decreasing the number of perverts is decreasing the amount of obnoxious they produce. Chechnya has decreased perverts thereby decreasing obnoxious. There is no problem.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.

Homosexual behavior is not equal to heterosexual behavior as heterosexual behavior is the only one that can produce children, dude.

It is also the only form of sexual behavior sanctioned by God.

But there is no legal punishment prescribed for it. IT i s propagated against under the category of "Spiritual Warfare".
I'm shocked at the amount of hatred towards innocent people that I see on this forum (towards gays, Jews, etc.) In your life, try to create a hate-free zone.

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