Chechnya opens world first concentration camp for homosexuals campaigners say gay men are beaten

If you're against rape, then can you condemn god for approving of Moses saying to take the virgins for themselves as sex-slaves, and kill the non-virgin women, and kill the boys, effectively being a genocidal maniac? Scientific Humanism is simply too caring to bring these verses (and Moses and god) forward in our belief system, of course:
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every boy, and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man. 31:18 But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

,,,,, that your hero ADOLF was a remnant of that tribe
I condemn Hitler's genocide and god's genocide in his "flood" (which killed more than Hitler's genocide (including innocent animals).
Can you join me in moving to this very high level of ethical understand, my friend? Can you condemn them both, too? Or are some genocides acceptable to you?

the bible describes a BIG FLOOD----knocking off everyone and everything around-------as was the customary understanding of the time-----an act of Nature was
described as mediated from heaven and meaning was attached and still is on a METAPHYSICAL LEVEL ----you have a very shallow understanding of scriptural literature-----like moron level.
Yes, maybe god did not cause it....can you condemn god if, repeat if, hypothetically for argument's sake here (to get at our moral levels, not Biblical accurace) he did actually cause all those innocent animals to die? We bring forward "love your neighbor", but not the parts about "god", because he doesn't seem as ethical as we are, and we can't worship someone less ethical than we are, obviously.

Enjoy this sunny day.

theologically-----the "ethics" of "god" is not definable-------ask einstein
If his ethics can not be pinned down then we shouldn't use him (nor the Bible, then) as a role model for ethics, then, of course.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)

your prattle is childish-------I think PAUL wrote Corinthians----he was GREEK---
and is describing that which was very definitely GREEK CUSTOM. Did you
ever read any books in your youth?
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
You shifted from gays to women? Nor am I a Christian, don't need to justify anything. Like I said, not very scientifically minded.
Can we agree that the Bible/Qur'an treat both terribly?
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
You shifted from gays to women? Nor am I a Christian, don't need to justify anything. Like I said, not very scientifically minded.
Can we agree that the Bible/Qur'an treat both terribly?

no------books do not treat people------people treat people
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.

It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

A report by Novoya Gazeta said authorities had set up several camps where

Chechnya 'opens first concentration camp for homosexuals' | Daily Mail Online

And so many indoctrinated gays think they have it sooooo bad here in America even when they weren't forcing it down people's throats and being some are part of the Obama, Clintom, Bil Ayers cult circles it is they who has turned this Country upside down in so many ways.

Even the idiots who accept Isalm teachings in our school, but not Christians, or Jewish whatever ........... Wake the fk up you are destroying the freedoms we had/have morons. .

meanwhile that religion will kill you if you are gay .....lmfao

View attachment 121176

Wish you'd keep your fantasies to yourself -

Or, tell who is 'forcing WHAT down your throat'.


Idiot, you're the one who wants to destroy freedoms and using your cult to excuse it.


Sent from my iPad using
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
You shifted from gays to women? Nor am I a Christian, don't need to justify anything. Like I said, not very scientifically minded.
Can we agree that the Bible/Qur'an treat both terribly?
No. Christian women are treated very well. In fact the western marriage code and tradition benefits Christian women mightily. The downside is many stayed in bad marriages but divorce is better than getting your nose hacked off.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)

your prattle is childish-------I think PAUL wrote Corinthians----he was GREEK---
and is describing that which was very definitely GREEK CUSTOM. Did you
ever read any books in your youth?
It doesn't matter if he was Greek, Canadian, or from Neverland - impressionable young girls read the Bible and believe that they are inferior or else that would have been removed many centuries ago. Please care for children as much as Scientific Humanists do, and stop making excuses for misogyny in the most quoted book in world history.
Can we agree that a better way is to teach "love women as equals", and "don't be a misogynist", and believe in free speech like we do?
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
You shifted from gays to women? Nor am I a Christian, don't need to justify anything. Like I said, not very scientifically minded.
Can we agree that the Bible/Qur'an treat both terribly?
No. Christian women are treated very well. In fact the western marriage code and tradition benefits Christian women mightily. The downside is many stayed in bad marriages but divorce is better than getting your nose hacked off.
Change the biblical texts, then.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)

your prattle is childish-------I think PAUL wrote Corinthians----he was GREEK---
and is describing that which was very definitely GREEK CUSTOM. Did you
ever read any books in your youth?
It doesn't matter if he was Greek, Canadian, or from Neverland - impressionable young girls read the Bible and believe that they are inferior or else that would have been removed many centuries ago. Please care for children as much as Scientific Humanists do, and stop making excuses for misogyny in the most quoted book in world history.
Can we agree that a better way is to teach "love women as equals", and "don't be a misogynist", and believe in free speech like we do?

"REMOVED" ??? ----the bible is a scriptural writing-----like the ODYSSEY----you want to EDIT IT? I read both as a child------I wanted to read the ORIGINALS
(albeit it translation) About what sort of stupid girls are you complaining?
You want to edit Shakespeare too?
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
You shifted from gays to women? Nor am I a Christian, don't need to justify anything. Like I said, not very scientifically minded.
Can we agree that the Bible/Qur'an treat both terribly?

no------books do not treat people------people treat people

Islamic law is the interpretation of the Koran by recognized Islamic
"scholars"-------"G-d" help us. Islamic scholars are vile barbarians
Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
Are you ready to give up Islam for the church of the holy buttfuck?

After reading joy's preachings, I'm ready to throw a few gays off buildings myself just on general principles.
This Is a Fake Sexuality Sponsored by the Swamplords

If some predatory group is given an inch and takes a mile, we should not only take back the original inch but more as punitive damages. Gayism must be outlawed and punished more severely than it was before all this forced march to the sewers got started. These are sick and dangerous people with an obsessive, addictive, and escapist psychological disorder that hides the fact that when puberty hit them, they were afraid to grow up.
There is no freedom without the freedom to walk away from and not participate in homosexuality.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The New Testament does not teach killing homosexuals, you ignoramus.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.
Spare the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

Your smug and self-righteous silliness is backed only by the sick and aggressive "undeniable truths" that you try to sucker the weak and confused into accepting without proof. You're covering up for your own inadequate upbringing.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
You shifted from gays to women? Nor am I a Christian, don't need to justify anything. Like I said, not very scientifically minded.
Can we agree that the Bible/Qur'an treat both terribly?

no------books do not treat people------people treat people

But if they are "from god" then of course they have tremendous influence - we are in the longest war in US history, with no end in sight, because one of those books magically promises 72 virgins in heaven (and avoidance of hell) if followers will for that god against Infidels who stand in the way of Sharia Law.
You aren't very scientific minded. In the Christian bible the NT supersedes the old. Nowhere can you justify murdering homosexuals. Treating gays as equals is fine but treating gender as if it was irrelevant isn't.
So which of these do you believe is the fairest, and best for the world?
1. "Treat women as equals" - Scientific Humanism.
2. New Testament: First Cor 14:34: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says."

I choose "1", and we can't bring forward "2" to endorse to our impressionable young children. We give the Bible as part of our belief system, but only endorse certain parts of it (the parts that are best for the world.)
You shifted from gays to women? Nor am I a Christian, don't need to justify anything. Like I said, not very scientifically minded.
Can we agree that the Bible/Qur'an treat both terribly?

no------books do not treat people------people treat people

But if they are "from god" then of course they have tremendous influence - we are in the longest war in US history, with no end in sight, because one of those books magically promises 72 virgins in heaven (and avoidance of hell) if followers will for that god against Infidels who stand in the way of Sharia Law.

they have tremendous influence because so many people are
as shallow as are you and accept the idea that "god" mailed
copies of HIS BOOK-----to Moses and Paul and Muhummad
There is no freedom without the freedom to walk away from and not participate in homosexuality.

I am free-----I have never been forced to participate in homosexuality and
never have-------someone RAPED YOU?
When the service provider is compelled to attend gay events or risk losing their business yes, they have been raped. I don't have to be personally raped to recognize that rape occurs.
There is no freedom without the freedom to walk away from and not participate in homosexuality.

I am free-----I have never been forced to participate in homosexuality and
never have-------someone RAPED YOU?
When the service provider is compelled to attend gay events or risk losing their business yes, they have been raped. I don't have to be personally raped to recognize that rape occurs.

can you be more specific? you mean a professional photographer who
cannot refuse to photo a gay wedding? That person is PARTICIPATING
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The New Testament does not teach killing homosexuals, you ignoramus.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.
Spare the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

Your smug and self-righteous silliness is backed only by the sick and aggressive "undeniable truths" that you try to sucker the weak and confused into accepting without proof. You're covering up for your own inadequate upbringing.
Do you honestly think that a book that says to kill gays and that says they can't get into heaven so they are relegated to barbaric torture is ethically superior to a seemingly more tolerant belief that believes "gay is ok", and "love gays, equally", and "gay = straight", like my belief system basically teaches? This is starting to sound farcical, I gotta say.
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The New Testament does not teach killing homosexuals, you ignoramus.
Does is say "gay is ok", or "love gays, equally", like my belief system basically teaches? If not, then an improved Bible is in order.
Spare the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

Your smug and self-righteous silliness is backed only by the sick and aggressive "undeniable truths" that you try to sucker the weak and confused into accepting without proof. You're covering up for your own inadequate upbringing.
Who said "I am the truth, and the way, and the life"? THAT person would appear to be the most "smug and self-righteous".

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