Chechnya opens world first concentration camp for homosexuals campaigners say gay men are beaten

Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?
I've discussed as much as almost any poster on this forum today, I bet.
You say that like it's a good thing.
"Discussion" was my point, and yes "discussing" a topic does seem like a good thing.
Not the way you do it. You spread stupidity.
Show me exactly where a post of mine was wrong - can you do that?
Again, it's just one of many verses that teach hatred of innocent people:
Lev 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Scientific Humanism is very very clear when it comes to gays: "gay is ok!"

I'm asking you, begging you actually, because I love humanity so much, to join us in thinking that "gay is ok!"

What would it get you to replace the hatred that the Bible has put in your heart with the love that we teach? You are better than the god of the Bible - if you can find your compassion and love gays. I know you can do this - I have in you. I have more faith in you than I do in a book that says to kill innocent people for being the way god made them. We love certain parts of the Bible, but can't bring forward the parts that are bad for humanity.

Too many good parts of too many other belief systems to have to bring forward the bad parts of just one book (the Bible.).
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?
I've discussed as much as almost any poster on this forum today, I bet.
You say that like it's a good thing.
"Discussion" was my point, and yes "discussing" a topic does seem like a good thing.
Not the way you do it. You spread stupidity.
The Bible says that a man can live inside a fish for 3 days, and that unicorns and dragons are real.....can we agree that that "spreads stupidity"?
There is no freedom without the freedom to walk away from and not participate in homosexuality.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They are perverts and degenerates. They are the equal of and should be treated as any other pervert and degenerate.
Get to know 10 of them, and I'm pretty sure you'll come to love gays like Scientific Humanists do.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
I know many! How do you think I formed my opinion.

Judging by yourself alone, scientific humanists should be burned atnthe stake.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.
Quit ordering others around.
There is no freedom without the freedom to walk away from and not participate in homosexuality.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They are perverts and degenerates. They are the equal of and should be treated as any other pervert and degenerate.
Get to know 10 of them, and I'm pretty sure you'll come to love gays like Scientific Humanists do.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
I know many! How do you think I formed my opinion.

Sure, the ones you met might or might not be great - who knows, but we can at least agree that our belief that we'd let them into "heaven" (if we had that power), and avoid "hell", if being gay was the only thing keeping them from that, is the most compassionate belief, correct?
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.
Quit ordering others around.
So you'd have a problem if I said the same thing to a Nazi who said he hated Jews? "I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend."
Religions say to kill gays, so they are just dutifully following their religions' lead. Seems like religion is the underlying problem. I converted to Scientific Humanism - "treat gays as equals", vs. the kill gays in the Bible/Qur'an and saying that gays absolutely can't get into heaven (Jesus and pals in Romans in the NT.)
The New Testament does not teach killing homosexuals, you ignoramus.
So you've removed the OT from your Bible, then (if the OT is so non-applicable like you appear to believe)?
It's too cerebral for you to understand. To comprehend the bible, you have to read it and study it.

And you have done neither. Yet you think you are qualified to challenge the understanding of those who have? Be off, speck.


Can you post the exact place where your god tells you to treat others like shit, calling them "speck" because you're such an excellent christian?

"Speck". Is that name Jesus used against those with whom he disagreed? Is that how he brought others into "the fold"?

The real pervs are you RWNJ fundie nutters who use the bible as a reason to spread filth.

Damn Peeping Tom christians, always lying and meddling to see who you can hurt, lives you can ruin.

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I don't even care if they marry each other, just leave everyone else out of it.
Jesus defined marriage as between a man and a woman - can we agree that man/man, and woman/woman is ok, as long as they don't, say, force you to attend (so you believe it should be perfectly legal, and also not keep them out of heaven, per se)?
Ohhh you are here to proselytize! Why didn't you say you were using this board to attract converts to your religion?

You aren't here to debate or even discuss. You are here to preach. What is this board then, you own little church?
I've discussed as much as almost any poster on this forum today, I bet.
You say that like it's a good thing.
"Discussion" was my point, and yes "discussing" a topic does seem like a good thing.
Not the way you do it. You spread stupidity.
The Bible says that a man can live inside a fish for 3 days, and that unicorns and dragons are real.....can we agree that that "spreads stupidity"?

Nope, we can't.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.
Quit ordering others around.
SUGGESTIONS - to raise your level of morality and compassion. You are under NO obligation to rise to this moral level - you have religious freedom, we believe.
There is no freedom without the freedom to walk away from and not participate in homosexuality.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They are perverts and degenerates. They are the equal of and should be treated as any other pervert and degenerate.
Get to know 10 of them, and I'm pretty sure you'll come to love gays like Scientific Humanists do.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
I know many! How do you think I formed my opinion.

Sure, the ones you met might or might not be great - who knows, but we can at least agree that our belief that we'd let them into "heaven" (if we had that power), and avoid "hell", if being gay was the only thing keeping them from that, is the most compassionate belief, correct?
Are you agreeing with yourself on my behalf?
I've discussed as much as almost any poster on this forum today, I bet.
You say that like it's a good thing.
"Discussion" was my point, and yes "discussing" a topic does seem like a good thing.
Not the way you do it. You spread stupidity.
The Bible says that a man can live inside a fish for 3 days, and that unicorns and dragons are real.....can we agree that that "spreads stupidity"?

Nope, we can't. do you have a problem differentiating fantasy from reality? In other words, please tell us how you differentiate between the DRAGONS in Game Of Thrones, the dragons in Harry Potter, the dragons in LOTR, and the dragons in the Bible.
Is the answer "if one threatens to send me to hell for daring to question it then I believe in THOSE particular dragons are real, but if one of them does NOT threaten to send me to hell for daring to question is then I DON'T believe that those particular dragons are real". Is that it - you're driven by fear?
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They are perverts and degenerates. They are the equal of and should be treated as any other pervert and degenerate.
Get to know 10 of them, and I'm pretty sure you'll come to love gays like Scientific Humanists do.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
I know many! How do you think I formed my opinion.

Sure, the ones you met might or might not be great - who knows, but we can at least agree that our belief that we'd let them into "heaven" (if we had that power), and avoid "hell", if being gay was the only thing keeping them from that, is the most compassionate belief, correct?
Are you agreeing with yourself on my behalf?
Can at least agree that our belief that we'd let them into "heaven" (if we had that power), and avoid "hell", if being gay was the only thing keeping them from that, is the most compassionate belief, correct?
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.
Quit ordering others around.
SUGGESTIONS - to raise your level of morality and compassion. You are under NO obligation to rise to this moral level - you have religious freedom, we believe.
You are judging my morality! How moral of you.
They are perverts and degenerates. They are the equal of and should be treated as any other pervert and degenerate.
Get to know 10 of them, and I'm pretty sure you'll come to love gays like Scientific Humanists do.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
I know many! How do you think I formed my opinion.

Sure, the ones you met might or might not be great - who knows, but we can at least agree that our belief that we'd let them into "heaven" (if we had that power), and avoid "hell", if being gay was the only thing keeping them from that, is the most compassionate belief, correct?
Are you agreeing with yourself on my behalf?
Can at least agree that our belief that we'd let them into "heaven" (if we had that power), and avoid "hell", if being gay was the only thing keeping them from that, is the most compassionate belief, correct?
No we cannot agree.
There is no freedom without the freedom to walk away from and not participate in homosexuality.
Not enough. We must not fear the lawmakers who protect it from Straight vengeance. That is cowardice and apathy. We must attack that dangerous mental disorder in order to protect society, and especially our youth, from its practicioners.

The Sage of Main Street

You're just another perverted, vile, little worm, spreading as much hate and harm as you can.

You morons will never stop fighting to gut the US Constitution and, unless you can show me where it says "except gays and anyone else I choose to attack", they have same rights as you do.


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