Chechnya opens world first concentration camp for homosexuals campaigners say gay men are beaten do you have a problem differentiating fantasy from reality? In other words, please tell us how you differentiate between the DRAGONS in Game Of Thrones, the dragons in Harry Potter, the dragons in LOTR, and the dragons in the Bible.

When you are capable of making an argument without using false premise and false narratives with no substance, maybe I'll speak to you.

Till then, on ignore you go. Waste of time.
I KNEW you couldn't answer that question! I was right!
SH 1
Jesus 0

I answered you. It's a false premise, trying to create a false narrative. There is nothing there to answer, because you are demanding answers to questions that have no meaning to this subject.
Tell us why - you tend to skate around with broad condemnations and generalities - I think you are not capable of hitting the nitty-gritty detail....I'm calling you out.
Why what?
Do you know what a false premise is? It's when you make unfounded assertions and claim consensus that doesn't exist, to base an argument upon. You demand people defend claims they never made, and when they refuse to, you claim they are *dodging*.

The false premise is that unicorns and dragons are fantasy and have never existed. There actually is no consensus on THAT and in fact the assumption is that dragons and unicorns DID exist, though they have become stylized into something quite different now. A lot of now extinct animals have existed concurrent with man, and they are learning about more of them every day.

And why would I differentiate between dragons? What is your authority to require me to do that? I never made any claims about their likeness to your favorite movies' special effects. Why would I answer such an absurd question that has nothing to do with the subject?

I think you don't understand the subject matter, and therefore cannot take part in any sort of meaningful discussion about this topic. Which is sad because you obviously think you've conversing at an advanced level.
So you are saying that dragons did exist during the time of the Bible, but are now extinct?
When you are capable of making an argument without using false premise and false narratives with no substance, maybe I'll speak to you.

Till then, on ignore you go. Waste of time.
I KNEW you couldn't answer that question! I was right!
SH 1
Jesus 0

I answered you. It's a false premise, trying to create a false narrative. There is nothing there to answer, because you are demanding answers to questions that have no meaning to this subject.
Tell us why - you tend to skate around with broad condemnations and generalities - I think you are not capable of hitting the nitty-gritty detail....I'm calling you out.
Why what?
Do you know what a false premise is? It's when you make unfounded assertions and claim consensus that doesn't exist, to base an argument upon. You demand people defend claims they never made, and when they refuse to, you claim they are *dodging*.

The false premise is that unicorns and dragons are fantasy and have never existed. There actually is no consensus on THAT and in fact the assumption is that dragons and unicorns DID exist, though they have become stylized into something quite different now. A lot of now extinct animals have existed concurrent with man, and they are learning about more of them every day.

And why would I differentiate between dragons? What is your authority to require me to do that? I never made any claims about their likeness to your favorite movies' special effects. Why would I answer such an absurd question that has nothing to do with the subject?

I think you don't understand the subject matter, and therefore cannot take part in any sort of meaningful discussion about this topic. Which is sad because you obviously think you've conversing at an advanced level.
I see your point but the BIBLE believes dragons are real - so you agree that the Bible is wrong - otherwise tell us how you differentiate between the Harry Potter dragons being not real and the dragons in the Bible being real (again, the Bible believes they are real - or is the Bible unreliable?)

See, another false premise/false narrative.

No, "we people" don't believe that the Bible is wrong. And I explained how the dragons of the bible can be different than the Harry Potter dragons, for whatever it's worth. I don't know why I bothered, it's COMPLETELY irrelevant to this discussion.
When you are capable of making an argument without using false premise and false narratives with no substance, maybe I'll speak to you.

Till then, on ignore you go. Waste of time.
I KNEW you couldn't answer that question! I was right!
SH 1
Jesus 0

I answered you. It's a false premise, trying to create a false narrative. There is nothing there to answer, because you are demanding answers to questions that have no meaning to this subject.
Tell us why - you tend to skate around with broad condemnations and generalities - I think you are not capable of hitting the nitty-gritty detail....I'm calling you out.
Why what?
Do you know what a false premise is? It's when you make unfounded assertions and claim consensus that doesn't exist, to base an argument upon. You demand people defend claims they never made, and when they refuse to, you claim they are *dodging*.

The false premise is that unicorns and dragons are fantasy and have never existed. There actually is no consensus on THAT and in fact the assumption is that dragons and unicorns DID exist, though they have become stylized into something quite different now. A lot of now extinct animals have existed concurrent with man, and they are learning about more of them every day.

And why would I differentiate between dragons? What is your authority to require me to do that? I never made any claims about their likeness to your favorite movies' special effects. Why would I answer such an absurd question that has nothing to do with the subject?

I think you don't understand the subject matter, and therefore cannot take part in any sort of meaningful discussion about this topic. Which is sad because you obviously think you've conversing at an advanced level.
So you are saying that dragons did exist during the time of the Bible, but are now extinct?

I'm saying that yes, they did exist. In what form, I'm not sure. Could be the Harry Potter type, the bible doesn't actually describe them minutely.
I KNEW you couldn't answer that question! I was right!
SH 1
Jesus 0

I answered you. It's a false premise, trying to create a false narrative. There is nothing there to answer, because you are demanding answers to questions that have no meaning to this subject.
Tell us why - you tend to skate around with broad condemnations and generalities - I think you are not capable of hitting the nitty-gritty detail....I'm calling you out.
Why what?
Do you know what a false premise is? It's when you make unfounded assertions and claim consensus that doesn't exist, to base an argument upon. You demand people defend claims they never made, and when they refuse to, you claim they are *dodging*.

The false premise is that unicorns and dragons are fantasy and have never existed. There actually is no consensus on THAT and in fact the assumption is that dragons and unicorns DID exist, though they have become stylized into something quite different now. A lot of now extinct animals have existed concurrent with man, and they are learning about more of them every day.

And why would I differentiate between dragons? What is your authority to require me to do that? I never made any claims about their likeness to your favorite movies' special effects. Why would I answer such an absurd question that has nothing to do with the subject?

I think you don't understand the subject matter, and therefore cannot take part in any sort of meaningful discussion about this topic. Which is sad because you obviously think you've conversing at an advanced level.
So you are saying that dragons did exist during the time of the Bible, but are now extinct?

I'm saying that yes, they did exist. In what form, I'm not sure. Could be the Harry Potter type, the bible doesn't actually describe them minutely.
Religions get people to believe that dragons are real - here's proof, folks.
and that unicorns and dragons are real?
Unicorns are. Your problem is that you don't understand the language of the day.

THIS is the descendant of the unicorn. Sorry it doesn't match today's MYTH:

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Can we agree that Jesus' magic return to earth some day is just some sort of parable, as well?
Nope. The Return is a PROMISE. But there's no magic in that, anymore than the "magic" of you visiting your kids.
"Magic" is an invisible place up in the sky, where a 2000 year old zombie will magically return to earth and take his dead supremacist followers' magic "souls" with him back up to the magic invisible place up in the sky. If that's not "magic" then nothing is. To be intellectually-consistent, you'd have to, yes have to, believe that Lord Of The Rings has no "magic" in it, and that Harry Potter has no "magic" in it. Religions are anti-science, and no one has taken people away from science as the magic-spouting founder/head of the most popular religion of all time....Jesus - no one has taken more people away from science that Jesus - he is the #1 enemy of science, arguably from that standpoint.
Here is what was probably the actual unicorn. You're letting the current myth get in the way of the facts.
Ancient 'unicorn' rhino may have lived alongside humans
There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that COULD have been put in the Bible that Christians would not illogically try to defend with their last breath. NOTHING. It could have, just say, invisible people flying around that have wings on and....wait.....hold on......oh never mind, it already HAS that (and of course Christians will defend that.) Sigh.
Can we agree that Jesus' magic return to earth some day is just some sort of parable, as well?
Nope. The Return is a PROMISE. But there's no magic in that, anymore than the "magic" of you visiting your kids.
No "magic"? Then how does a clearly DEAD BODY, rotted in the ground in the cemetery, actually get up to the bigoted exclusive Hindu-free gated community in the sky to live with the invisible magic zombie, then?
Here is what was probably the actual unicorn. You're letting the current myth get in the way of the facts.
Ancient 'unicorn' rhino may have lived alongside humans
There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that COULD have been put in the Bible that Christians would not illogically try to defend with their last breath. NOTHING. It could have, just say, invisible people flying around that have wings on and....wait.....hold on......oh never mind, it already HAS that (and of course Christians will defend that.) Sigh.
No, its pretty well understood what the unicorn was. The problem is, LEGENDS develop about these things over thousands of years. You're the one believing the myth.

BTW, I didn't used to believe dinosaurs (dragons) existed along with Man pre-flood, but I to lean that way now. There is lots of evidence for that. Loch Ness is one modern example.

But you really need to take this discussion to the religion forum instead of hijacking this forum to proselytize.
Can we agree that Jesus' magic return to earth some day is just some sort of parable, as well?
Nope. The Return is a PROMISE. But there's no magic in that, anymore than the "magic" of you visiting your kids.
No "magic"? Then how does a clearly DEAD BODY, rotted in the ground in the cemetery, actually get up to the bigoted exclusive Hindu-free gated community in the sky to live with the invisible magic zombie, then?

and when this corruptible may have put on incorruption, and this mortal may have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the word that hath been written, 'The Death was swallowed up -- to victory;
Here is what was probably the actual unicorn. You're letting the current myth get in the way of the facts.
Ancient 'unicorn' rhino may have lived alongside humans
There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that COULD have been put in the Bible that Christians would not illogically try to defend with their last breath. NOTHING. It could have, just say, invisible people flying around that have wings on and....wait.....hold on......oh never mind, it already HAS that (and of course Christians will defend that.) Sigh.
..... The problem is, LEGENDS develop about these things over thousands of years. You're the one believing the myth.........
LEGENDS can develop about magical "sons of god" too, now can't they?
Can we agree that Jesus' magic return to earth some day is just some sort of parable, as well?
Nope. The Return is a PROMISE. But there's no magic in that, anymore than the "magic" of you visiting your kids.
No "magic"? Then how does a clearly DEAD BODY, rotted in the ground in the cemetery, actually get up to the bigoted exclusive Hindu-free gated community in the sky to live with the invisible magic zombie, then?

and when this corruptible may have put on incorruption, and this mortal may have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the word that hath been written, 'The Death was swallowed up -- to victory;
Magic, in other words. Let's see you magic all-powerful invisible friend who lives in the sky produce a court-room level of evidence that he's the one true god, and that the others are pretenders. Let's see it. Ask him to produce that.
"Magic" is an invisible place up in the sky, where a 2000 year old zombie will magically return to earth and take his dead supremacist followers' magic "souls" with him back up to the magic invisible place up in the sky. If that's not "magic" then nothing is. Religions are anti-science, and no one has taken people away from science as the magic-spouting founder/head of the most popular religion of all time....Jesus - no one has taken more people away from science that Jesus - he is the #1 enemy of science, arguably from that standpoint.
So much for all your syrupy sweet talk about Love and Acceptance of other people.

Your hypocritical double standard of hatred is shinning bright and clear for everyone to see. ... :thup: ... :cool:
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Fake news! The liberal press mis-translated. It was actually a "mindfulness retreat".
Here is what was probably the actual unicorn. You're letting the current myth get in the way of the facts.
Ancient 'unicorn' rhino may have lived alongside humans
There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that COULD have been put in the Bible that Christians would not illogically try to defend with their last breath. NOTHING. It could have, just say, invisible people flying around that have wings on and....wait.....hold on......oh never mind, it already HAS that (and of course Christians will defend that.) Sigh.
..... The problem is, LEGENDS develop about these things over thousands of years. You're the one believing the myth.........
LEGENDS can develop about magical "sons of god" too, now can't they?
It makes more sense than your garbage.
Magic, in other words. Let's see you magic all-powerful invisible friend who lives in the sky produce a court-room level of evidence that he's the one true god, and that the others are pretenders. Let's see it. Ask him to produce that.
My-oh-my your disgust and hatred of other people is really starting to show.

Can't we agree on that? .... :cool:

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