Chechnya opens world first concentration camp for homosexuals campaigners say gay men are beaten

LEGENDS can develop about magical "sons of god" too, now can't they?
Except his resurrection was witnessed. His followers who lived with Him for 3 1/2 years walked with Him and died based on their first hand account of His life on earth. Like most God-rejecting atheists, you have a lot of hatred when confronted with those things you want to reject.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.

The term you have been misusing is Secular Humanist.
Not the way you do it. You spread stupidity.
The Bible says that a man can live inside a fish for 3 days, and that unicorns and dragons are real.....can we agree that that "spreads stupidity"?

Nope, we can't.
So "smart" (vs. "stupid") people believe that a man can live inside a fish for 3 days, and that unicorns and dragons are real?
Whales are not fish. What was that about smart or stupid people again?
It's a FISH:
39He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here."

— Gospel of Matthew, 12:39–41 (New International Version)

Man, you are some ridiculous piece of work! Goodbye!
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.

The term you have been misusing is Secular Humanist.
I see how you could easily think that, for sure. Yes, Scientific Humanism is fairly close to Secular Humanism, but is a new belief system: Center for Scientific Humanism
The Bible says that a man can live inside a fish for 3 days, and that unicorns and dragons are real.....can we agree that that "spreads stupidity"?

Nope, we can't.
So "smart" (vs. "stupid") people believe that a man can live inside a fish for 3 days, and that unicorns and dragons are real?
Whales are not fish. What was that about smart or stupid people again?
It's a FISH:
39He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here."

— Gospel of Matthew, 12:39–41 (New International Version)

Man, you are some ridiculous piece of work! Goodbye!
What!? NIV says "fish", not "whale". It was a fish, they claim, and a man living inside a fish for 3 days is no more believable than Frodo being given a magic ring that a huge-eyed evil dictator wants for himself. Those are all fairy tales - just like the magic of "Jesus" is just a fairy-tale.
Excuse me? Are gays being put in slaughterhouses"? Um no, they aren't. What they ARE is being hysterical assholes.. Gays are just self important neurotic assholes. Like Dr. Smith said, "The pain, OH, the pain".Give it it up already.
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There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.

The term you have been misusing is Secular Humanist.
I see how you could easily think that, for sure. Yes, Scientific Humanism is fairly close to Secular Humanism, but is a new belief system: Center for Scientific Humanism
You were inspired by L Ron Hubbard and decided to create a few gods in your image, weren't you.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.

The term you have been misusing is Secular Humanist.
I see how you could easily think that, for sure. Yes, Scientific Humanism is fairly close to Secular Humanism, but is a new belief system: Center for Scientific Humanism
BLOGSPOT?! you couldnt even get a domain for your new religion?!

Nevermind. I see you forward your .org to this blog.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.

The term you have been misusing is Secular Humanist.
I see how you could easily think that, for sure. Yes, Scientific Humanism is fairly close to Secular Humanism, but is a new belief system: Center for Scientific Humanism
You were inspired by L Ron Hubbard and decided to create a few gods in your image, weren't you.
Of course not - there are no man-gods in our belief system (SH), we don't worship people - we believe in concepts.
There is no freedom without the freedom for gays to be treated the same as straights and be fully allowed to get married and not be relegated to second-class citizens.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.

The term you have been misusing is Secular Humanist.
I see how you could easily think that, for sure. Yes, Scientific Humanism is fairly close to Secular Humanism, but is a new belief system: Center for Scientific Humanism
BLOGSPOT?! you couldnt even get a domain for your new religion?!

Nevermind. I see you forward your .org to this blog.
They did, actually:
Excuse me? Are gays being put in slaughterhouses"? Um no, they aren't. ......
Um, YEAH, they ARE: for over 99.99999999999999999% of their total existence, counting the supposed "after-life", they will be tortured beyond belief in god/Jesus', and in the equally barbaric Allah's, savage after-life reward/punishment scheme. Just read the Christian and Islamic texts and you'll see what I mean.
They ARE free to marry. As long as it's to the opposite sex. That IS the only definition of marriage.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.

The term you have been misusing is Secular Humanist.
I see how you could easily think that, for sure. Yes, Scientific Humanism is fairly close to Secular Humanism, but is a new belief system: Center for Scientific Humanism
BLOGSPOT?! you couldnt even get a domain for your new religion?!

Nevermind. I see you forward your .org to this blog.
They did, actually:
Yeah, I saw that. I corrected my statement.
Excuse me? Are gays being put in slaughterhouses"? Um no, they aren't. ......
Um, YEAH, they ARE: for over 99.99999999999999999% of their total existence, counting the supposed "after-life", they will be tortured beyond belief in god/Jesus', and in the equally barbaric Allah's, savage after-life reward/punishment scheme. Just read the Christian and Islamic texts and you'll see what I mean.
Can you point out in Scripture where the wicked are tortured for all eternity?

MY Bible says the wicked will be ashes under our feet. Ever burning Hell is a concept borrowed by the Catholic and Protestant churches from Paganism, but it is not taught in the Bible. DEATH for unrepented sin (homosexuality) IS taught in the Bible, however.
Nope, we can't.
So "smart" (vs. "stupid") people believe that a man can live inside a fish for 3 days, and that unicorns and dragons are real?
Whales are not fish. What was that about smart or stupid people again?
It's a FISH:
39He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here."

— Gospel of Matthew, 12:39–41 (New International Version)

Man, you are some ridiculous piece of work! Goodbye!
What!? NIV says "fish", not "whale". It was a fish, they claim, and a man living inside a fish for 3 days is no more believable than Frodo being given a magic ring that a huge-eyed evil dictator wants for himself. Those are all fairy tales - just like the magic of "Jesus" is just a fairy-tale.
And you are just the chosen preacher to bring the truth.
I'm afraid that is bigoted and hateful - please find the compassion of a Scientific Humanist, my friend.

The term you have been misusing is Secular Humanist.
I see how you could easily think that, for sure. Yes, Scientific Humanism is fairly close to Secular Humanism, but is a new belief system: Center for Scientific Humanism
BLOGSPOT?! you couldnt even get a domain for your new religion?!

Nevermind. I see you forward your .org to this blog.
They did, actually:
Yeah, I saw that. I corrected my statement.
I saw that, I wince, I have done the same thing, to err is human.
So then the Bible is apparently wrong when it says that god doesn't change.
God did not change, mankind changed, we matured to the point that we could accept the arrival of the Son of God who died for our sins and gave us the Holy Spirit who is guiding us into all of God's Truth.

God has different approaches to different situations and people. When we change or the situation changes, God goes to a different status in regard to us.

Your route to work doesnt change just because you turn onto a different street if that street is part of your route to work.

God takes turns but all with a preset goal in mind that does not entail a change on His part.
Excuse me? Are gays being put in slaughterhouses"? Um no, they aren't. What they ARE is being hysterical assholes.. Gays are just self important neurotic assholes. Like Dr. Smith said, "The pain, OH, the pain".Give it it up already.
It started out with Chechnya putting gays in camps where they are beaten. If the gays are anything like joy, here , it is reasonable to beat them at least until they shut up.

After joy's interesting remarks, I have a new respect for Russian laws against proselytizing.

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