Checking Genitalia


Sep 23, 2010
The general election in 2016 will tread the same path every election follows. The media will go all out to pump up interest. The media will pick the Republican candidate while they pull for the Democrat. Should the Republican win the election he or she must be a safe substitute for the Democrat. In media circles a half-ass liberal is always better than a conservative.

Around about the third week in October 2016 the media will discover that turnout wins elections.

There is only one detour in 2016 on the well-worn path. TEA PARTY CONSERVATIVES IN THE PRIMARIES.

Republicans are in the process of sorting themselves out. Will the nominee be a Karl Rove Republican or a true conservative? I have no idea.

On the Democrat side Hillary Clinton appears to be a lock. Joe Biden appears to her only competition. There’s not much sorting out between those two. In fact, you’d have to check their genitals to find any difference.

The Republican nominee is a mystery. That gives me the opportunity to talk about Hillary Clinton without having to compare her policies to the policies of a specific opponent. Everyone knows, or should know, her policies; so let’s examine her personally.

Begin with Hillary Clinton’s admiration for Saul Alinski’s garbage and you’ll find that her political file is full of decaying fecal matter. Not one item in her sorry record will convince Democrat voters to vote against her. The only time Democrats rejected her was for Barack Taqiyya who is a lying sack of shit in his own right. I’m not sure her record will turn moderates against her since they always seem to come down on the side liberalism.


The details involving Clinton in any one of the quoted articles would make Republicans abandon their candidate faster than the Germans scuttled the Admiral Graf Spee.

The first article reminds us that Hillary Clinton cannot be separated from Bill Clinton when it comes to the policies and decisions that are mistakenly attributed to Bill alone:

Although McLaine's testimony demolished the CIA's case, Polk and CNN brushed right by the CIA's corrupt analysis as though it were an incidental detail, but it was not. If the eyewitnesses did not see a rocketing 747, they saw missiles.

As to what was left out, Kosik asked me with about one minute left who fired the missiles, why, and why the cover-up. I chose to answer the last part of the question. I said TWA Flight 800 was Clinton's "Benghazi moment," a national security disaster that threatened his reelection, and like Obama, he just tried to kick the can down the road past November.

June 26, 2013
CNN Edits Out Comparison of TWA 800 and Benghazi
By Jack Cashill

Articles: CNN Edits Out Comparison of TWA 800 and Benghazi

This next one defines the sickest media aspect of Clinton’s lust for power:

Ready for Hillary is the PAC run by an environmentalist sweatshop owner and sleazy Texas storm chasing lawyer whose mission is to pave the way for the coronation of Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

And then the cameras will pan to the strategically selected multiracial girls sitting on the shoulders of their mothers holding up signs reading, “Hillary Taught Me I Can Be Anything I Want To Be” and the same media personalities who trashed her bid in 2008 will be discussing how great it will be to have a female president in 2016.

Ready for Hillary
By Daniel Greenfield Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ready for Hillary

In 2008, media liberals said the same thing about a back guy and look what the country got. I’m guessing the media wants to compensate Hillary for dumping her in 2008 by giving her the chance to kick America when it is down thanks to Barack Taqiyya’s sneak punches.

This next one is the end of a disgrace the Clinton’s got away with:

Rich fled from the United States to Switzerland in 1983 after he was indicted by a U.S. federal grand jury on more than 50 counts of fraud, racketeering, trading with Iran during the U.S. Embassy hostage crisis and evading more than $48 million in income taxes - crimes that could have earned him more than 300 years in prison.

Rich remained on the FBI's Most Wanted List, narrowly escaping capture in Finland, Germany, Britain and Jamaica, until Clinton granted him a pardon on Jan. 20, 2001 - the day he handed over the keys to the White House to George W. Bush.


Federal authorities investigated but found no evidence of wrongdoing, while election officials also dismissed a complaint accusing Denise Rich of donating campaign money and furniture to Hillary Clinton in exchange for the pardon. Bill Clinton also denied any wrongdoing and said he acted on advice by prominent legal experts not connected to the trader.

Eric Holder, the current U.S. attorney general, was deputy attorney general to Clinton, and recommended Rich's pardon.

Financier Marc Rich dies in Switzerland
Jun 26, 6:42 AM (ET)

My Way News - Financier Marc Rich dies in Switzerland

I could go back to Whitewater, the Rose Law Firm, and her part in part in covering up her husband’s crimes to show that Hillary Clinton was always a willing participant rather than a victim, but I’ll settle for this:

Progressive Review
The Vince Foster Case
101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vince Foster


This next one exposes Clinton’s “children” strategy, a mainstay in Democrat campaigns. I should say live children because one is never quite sure who she is talking about. Clinton sucks up to the infanticide crowd (dead children) as well as to voters who like their children alive:

. . . in her four-minute "Too Small to Fail" video, Hillary, the consummate queen of didacticism, preaches at her audience in a hypnotic voice about how she plans to misuse children for political gain. She begins by saying things like "Our country's future depends on healthy kids and loving families. They're the building blocks of a strong and prosperous society."

Besides the fact that our country has no future as long as liberals are in power, this is a woman who comes from the most infamous of all dysfunctional marriages -- and she's preaching to us about "loving families"?

June 27, 2013
Hillary's Children are 'Too Small to Fail'
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Articles: Hillary's Children are 'Too Small to Fail'

I applaud Rep. Issa for trying to get to the truth of the murders in Benghazi, but Clinton has already skated on that one:

A report by the Accountability Review Board specifically identified four mid-level officials as having failed to show leadership in the run-up to the attack.

Republicans, however, say the report let too many senior officials off the hook — particularly former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was overseeing the department at the time of the attack.

Rep. Darrell Issa issues Benghazi subpoenas to State Department
By Shaun Waterman
The Washington Times
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rep. Darrell Issa issues Benghazi subpoenas to State Department, calls delay 'irresponsible' - Washington Times

Unless Issa can tie Hillary Clinton to the mysterious “stand down” order there is not a chance she will lose any support —— or sleep:

Dempsey then said that a contingent was not sent because the State Department didn't request one.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack
By Ashley Fantz, CNN
updated 9:07 PM EST, Thu February 7, 2013

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

The military needing a request to act is a smokescreen. It also implies that somebody was micro managing America’s military response in Benghazi à la Mogadishu and the United Nations.

The photos taken by Canadian photographer Paul Watson, of a dead American soldier being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu spelled the beginning of the end for U.S.-U.N. peacekeeping force. Domestic opinion turned hostile as horrified TV viewers watched images of the bloodshed—-including this Pulitzer-prize winning footage of Somali warlord Mohammed Aideed’s supporters dragging the body of U.S. Staff Sgt. William David Cleveland through the streets of Mogadishu, cheering. President Clinton immediately abandoned the pursuit of Aideed, the mission that cost Cleveland his life and gave the order for all American soldiers to withdraw from Somalia by March 31, 1994. Other Western nations followed suit.

When the last U.N. peacekeepers left in 1995, ending a mission that had cost more than $2 billion, Mogadishu still lacked a functioning government.

U.S Soldier dragged through Mogadishu | Iconic Photos

Sending military help to Americans under attack in Mogadishu would not have triggered WWIII; nor would sending military help to Americans fighting in Benghazi have triggered anything except outrage from the United Nations.

Here’s the real tragedy:

“There wasn’t enough time for help to get there” stands as the Administration’s excuse for not helping Americans fighting for their lives. The fact is this: Nobody knew how long the men under attack could hold out at the time somebody gave the order to stand down. Nor could anyone be certain the attackers would not withdraw after assuming armed drones, and/or marines, would surely arrive in minutes. More so after the battle had been raging for hours. Question: How could anybody in the Administration say that help would NOT have arrived in time to do any good?

Tie Hillary Clinton to that “stand down” order and even Democrats might say “Enough of that woman is more than enough.” I say “might” because every foul thing Clinton ever did only increased her luster among the America-haters.

I know this for sure. Clinton’s age will have no effect among voters:

WASHINGTON — Stuart Stevens, the top strategist for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, declared to an audience of reporters at a breakfast last month that electing Hillary Rodham Clinton would be like going back in time. “She’s been around since the ’70s,” he said.

At a conservative conference earlier in the year, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, ridiculed the 2016 Democratic field as “a rerun of ‘The Golden Girls,’ ” referring to Mrs. Clinton and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who is 70.


The 2016 election may be far off, but one theme is becoming clear: Republican strategists and presidential hopefuls, in ways subtle and overt, are eager to focus a spotlight on Mrs. Clinton’s age. The former secretary of state will be 69 by the next presidential election, a generation removed from most of the possible Republican candidates.

Despite her enduring popularity, a formidable fund-raising network and near unanimous support from her party, Mrs. Clinton, Republican leaders believe, is vulnerable to appearing a has-been.

One final observation. Karl Rove and the New York Times talking about moving forward are the last people Tea Partiers should be listening to:

“Perhaps in the Democratic primary and certainly in the general election, there’s going to be an argument that the time for a change of leadership has come,” said the Republican strategist Karl Rove. “The idea that we’re at the end of her generation and that it’s time for another to step forward is certainly going to be compelling.”

Republicans Paint Clinton as Old News for 2016 Presidential Election
Published: June 29, 2013
I had to peek at a thread with such a title.

And I feel cheated. There's no dirty talk at all.
As I said on another forum, Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein. I'd love to see her debate the brain damaged excuse of a V.P. democrats are carrying today. I heard Biden once slapped her on the ass.
The only difference between Obama and Hillary is Hillary doesn't use race, she'll use sex as a crutch. They're pretty much interchangeable and backed by the same exact establishment.
Hillary is one vicious babe who organized the "bimbo eruption squad" dedicated to ruining the life of any one of the many women her husband abused if they dared come forward with allegations.
As I said on another forum, Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein. I'd love to see her debate the brain damaged excuse of a V.P. democrats are carrying today. I heard Biden once slapped her on the ass.

The only difference between Obama and Hillary is Hillary doesn't use race, she'll use sex as a crutch. They're pretty much interchangeable and backed by the same exact establishment.

Hillary is one vicious babe who organized the "bimbo eruption squad" dedicated to ruining the life of any one of the many women her husband abused if they dared come forward with allegations.

To whitehall & mudwhistle: Gentlemen, I do believe we are in agreement.
Democrats reject their own candidate?

That, happened, once.

We got Reagan.

We won't get fooled again.

As I said on another forum, Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein. I'd love to see her debate the brain damaged excuse of a V.P. democrats are carrying today. I heard Biden once slapped her on the ass.

And, your PROOF is ... ?

As I said on another forum, Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein. I'd love to see her debate the brain damaged excuse of a V.P. democrats are carrying today. I heard Biden once slapped her on the ass.

And, your PROOF is ... ?


What administration in the history of American politics could get away with something so insulting as a "bimbo eruption squad". It's not hard to find out that Hillary was behind the whole thing. She spent her whole adult life covering for her husband's infidelity and today she is a vindictive bitter woman approaching old age. The video of Hillary accusing something she called "the vast right wing conspiracy" of smearing her husband when she must have known about the DNA on Monica's dress is hilarious. I'd love to see Clinton's infidelity become an issue and personally I'd love to see the video of dopey Joe slapping Hillary on the ass. Democrats are tons of laughs. I'd love to see her run.
I had to peek at a thread with such a title.

And I feel cheated. There's no dirty talk at all.

I'll take a go...

I demand that only women be allowed to check my genitalia!!! And I want a second and third opinion each time! Just to be sure of course...
You can bet your ass (no pun intended) that former president Bill Clinton checked out a lot of genitalia in his day, with or without consent, but it didn't matter to the slobbering liberal media or his wife.
You can bet your ass (no pun intended) that former president Bill Clinton checked out a lot of genitalia in his day, with or without consent, but it didn't matter to the slobbering liberal media or his wife.

It was part of the plan for him to be president first, then her, and if she did anything about his philandering, it would ruin the plan.
It depends on how bad obama gets and if the well is poisoned for anyone connected to him or his regime. Hillary has no accomplishments of her own. Her stint as secretary of state was remarkable for being unremarkable. Her shining accomplishment is not knowing anything about Benghazi.
If Hilary is still kicking health-wise '16 and '20, she'll win. The Democrat faithful will vote for her, a lot of Republican women will vote for her because of what's between her legs, and many Independents will vote for her because it's historic. It doesn't matter who the Republicans run. That's before we put immigration and the mass of new citizens into the mix.

Truthfully, I'm not certain we'll ever see another Republican president. If the Republicans run white guys, they lose. If they run minorities or women, they look like they are pandering and they lose. Maybe they'll keep one or both houses of Congress, but given how demographics are changing, I doubt it.

But something interesting will happen. In time the Democrats will control everything and will for some time. When the promised utopia doesn't arrive, then what? The Republican boogyman can only be blamed for so long. At some point even the party faithful will say "you've been in control of DC for years, why isn't it getting better?" What happens then is anyone's guess.
If Hilary is still kicking health-wise '16 and '20, she'll win. The Democrat faithful will vote for her, a lot of Republican women will vote for her because of what's between her legs, and many Independents will vote for her because it's historic. It doesn't matter who the Republicans run. That's before we put immigration and the mass of new citizens into the mix.

Truthfully, I'm not certain we'll ever see another Republican president. If the Republicans run white guys, they lose. If they run minorities or women, they look like they are pandering and they lose. Maybe they'll keep one or both houses of Congress, but given how demographics are changing, I doubt it.

But something interesting will happen. In time the Democrats will control everything and will for some time. When the promised utopia doesn't arrive, then what? The Republican boogyman can only be blamed for so long. At some point even the party faithful will say "you've been in control of DC for years, why isn't it getting better?" What happens then is anyone's guess.

To Steven_R: Benghazi may yet be Clinton’s undoing. The entire coverup is being carried out to protect the Left’s investment in her becoming president, or at least getting the nomination in 2016. She is finished if she gave the stand down order while the attack was in progress. This video shows how far the Left is going just to keep her name from slipping out at a hearing:

[ame=]Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements - YouTube[/ame]

Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements
10:33 AM, Jul 18, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER

Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements | The Weekly Standard
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Bengazi will be ancient history by the time 2015 rolls around. If Hillary didn't go down by now, she's not going to. Holder skated on arming the cartels and getting hundreds, if not thousands, of Mexicans killed. All Hillary has to do is play the "I had back information and that's why I stopped the rescue" card.

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