Cheesy Road De-icing?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Wisconsin is known for two things: its cheese and its wicked winters. Now the state is combining the two in a unique feat of recycling genius

Amazing the things they come up with. I remember the damage salt did to my cars when I lived back east and makes me wonder if this stuff will be easier on vehicles – and the pavement.

Read more @ Wisconsin Uses Cheese Brine to Keep Roads Clear of Ice - D-brief |
Cool. There's also a company that recovers frac fluids which contain a lot of brine. They clean it up and spread it on roads.
In some parts of Canada, they use the juice extracted from sugar beets because it lowers the freezing point of the surface 20-30 deg (C). In Wisconsin, it's evidently cheese brine.
Wherever you may be, you get to use what's most available and best does the job.
1. water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt.
2. a salt and water solution for pickling.
3. the sea or ocean.
4. the water of the sea.
5. Chemistry any saline solution.
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