Chelsea is 35...

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
What are your predictions for the year she will run for president, and which Bush will she be running against?
Chelsea is even duller than her awful Mama.

She'll never be elected to anything other than the Clinton Foundation Board.
What are your predictions for the year she will run for president, and which Bush will she be running against?

After her momma serves two terms Chelsea will ascend to the throne....
The Libs will go nuts over it being caught up in the historical significance of the first
woman President turning over the office to first daughter of the first woman to hold office.....

Would any Lib care about Chelsea's position on anything.....
Of course not....
She's a Clinton and the Clinton's were born to politics
Here's a good Clinton/Bush matchup:


I bet that perv dad of hers gave her some 'special attention' if you know what I'm saying She was to but ugly for a more traditional path


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