Chelsea Manning tweets suicide note and picture of herself on ledge of a tall building

Chelsea Manning tweeted a suicide note and a picture of herself standing on the edge of a tall building on Sunday night.
TWITTER HORROR: Chelsea Manning Tweets Suicide Note and Picture of Herself on Ledge of a Tall Building

And leftist want the mentality to rule high ranks of the military, and teach all righty then

BRADLEY Manning is a pile of shit and the world will be a better place without him in it. But I do feel bad for those who have to clean up his remains,

Meh, who am I kidding? Manning is a leftist, this is just a demand of "Lookameeee"

He'll never actually do it.
But yet these bastards dare attack other people. Takes nerve.

I will just say that they're the evil that they point at others and they aren't intelligent enough to realize this. Maybe if people stopped with the finger pointing less people would want to kill themselves to escape from this hell on earth?
The OId Testament is not written by Christians, stupid ass hater.
Chelsea Manning tweeted a suicide note and a picture of herself standing on the edge of a tall building on Sunday night.
TWITTER HORROR: Chelsea Manning Tweets Suicide Note and Picture of Herself on Ledge of a Tall Building

And leftist want the mentality to rule high ranks of the military, and teach all righty then

BRADLEY Manning is a pile of shit and the world will be a better place without him in it. But I do feel bad for those who have to clean up his remains,

Meh, who am I kidding? Manning is a leftist, this is just a demand of "Lookameeee"

He'll never actually do it.
When they advertise their intent, they want someone to tell them NO, DON'T DO IT. It is a plea for help. He got help. Good. I don't want him dead. I want him to get more mental help cuz this guy is totally fucked up in the head. Tried to off himself while in prison, too. Now he is running around in high heels and wearing a dress, STILL fucked up in the head.
The problem here was that after a fifteen year war against an emotional state, the Army was signing up anything it could put in a uniform.

I know this is anecdotal, but I joined the Army in late 1975 and I don't claim to be a rocket surgeon... Point being is some of the new recruits being voluntarily enlisted into the Army at that time was of questionable intelligence... Questionable intelligence can be worked with, what I found to be more harmful was moral character... The Judiciary was using the Military as a dumping ground for thugs, thieves and not so do-gooders that should have been incarcerated for their crimes... My point is this problem as existed for quite some time...

Manning broke the UCMJ and a large part of that was releasing classified information whether you get worked up about it or not... pbo had to commutate or risk looking like a full blown hypocrite in front of the lgbcdft people... He let a mentally unstable, traitor lose from incarceration 28 years early... Thanks for everything pbo...
Actually, there are quite a few ways, mostly that he was recycled during basic training, couldn't grasp the basics of military life. But my guess, they were trying to hit numbers, and they pretty much just ran him through basic training again and passed him.
joe, are you having trouble with this? the only way they could have assessed him in basic is by accepting his enlistment...give me an example of how they could have refused his/her enlistment joe.
The OId Testament is not written by Christians, stupid ass hater.

No, but it was the inspired word of God and God is Jesus (in the Christian view, anyway.)

So either Jesus/God was okay with killing women who got raped in the city and didn't cry out or he wasn't.

Either Jesus/God was okay with making women marry their rapists or he wasn't. (Incidentally, laws that you could get out of a rape charge by convincing the woman to marry you remained on the books until the 19th century.)

joe, are you having trouble with this? the only way they could have assessed him in basic is by accepting his enlistment...give me an example of how they could have refused his/her enlistment joe.

Um, I just did... dummy. They could have also refused him on physical, mental, or other grounds. Point was, the Army lowered its standards to fill the ranks. Anyway, done talking to you, so goodbye.

I know this is anecdotal, but I joined the Army in late 1975 and I don't claim to be a rocket surgeon... Point being is some of the new recruits being voluntarily enlisted into the Army at that time was of questionable intelligence... Questionable intelligence can be worked with, what I found to be more harmful was moral character... The Judiciary was using the Military as a dumping ground for thugs, thieves and not so do-gooders that should have been incarcerated for their crimes... My point is this problem as existed for quite some time...

I think they finally stopped doing that in the 1980's... however, during the War on Emotional State, they started taking in guys with minor criminal records and low IQ's. Which is how you got guys like Bergdahl and Manning and probably a lot of others who didn't fuck up nearly as bad.

Manning broke the UCMJ and a large part of that was releasing classified information whether you get worked up about it or not... pbo had to commutate or risk looking like a full blown hypocrite in front of the lgbcdft people... He let a mentally unstable, traitor lose from incarceration 28 years early... Thanks for everything pbo...

Actually, some people would call it compassion and decency. The Army didn't lock her up because she gave the enemy actionable intelligence that could get someone killed. They locked her up because she made them look bad.

Frankly, I would like to know who lied to the public about those Reuters camera crew members who were shot up on a Baghdad street.

Funny thing, there should be a point, when a war is effectively over, that you let go all the people you locked up for political reasons. Lincoln gave an amnesty to everyone who fought for the confederacy. We let all the Axis sympathizers we locked up during WWII out after VJ day. Carter gave a pardon to all the Vietnam draft dodgers who weren't rich enough to find bone spurs.

But when is a war on an emotional state over? When we aren't scared anymore?
I support the right of libtard males to cut off their dicks if that is what they want as they have already emasculated themselves metaphorically anyway.

But I dont want to pay for it and traitors need to be shot.
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