Chemtrails are not neccessary.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There has been some concern expressed locally about chemtrails over the city. These concerns can be put to rest by pointing out there is no need to use high altitude aircraft to deliver vapors into the atmosphere to control the weather or make the people stupid.

American education from kindergarten to graduate school has been delivering dumb drugs into the bodies of students for decades. It’s difficult to pin down exactly when it started but it was probably sometime in the early 80’s when the American Psychological Association partnered with the pharmaceutical industry to create bogus personality afflictions like Attention Deficit Disorder and hyperactivity. They learned from CIA experiments like MK-Ultra that it was possible to turn an entire population into manageable morons by using school systems not jet aircraft.

Kids emerge from American schools today so saturated with Adderall and Ritalin mixed with alcohol and weed that they are bankrupt of any truthful awareness of economic, political or environmental global influences. They are loaded with false implanted memories of starving polar bears on icebergs and are infused with a luddite-like hatred of modern technology that is a red herring for the actual primary cause of Climate Change. They are indoctrinated to blame fossil fuels for climate change but ignore the real threat which is animal agriculture that strip mines rain forests to provide more meat than the human body was designed to process.

There is no need to worry about chemtrails. While fat citizens in first world countries line up in automobiles at hamburger drive-ups to indulge in factory feeding, the corporate animal agriculture industry makes billions as it destroys huge land masses that moderate the Earth’s weather in addition to diverting the Earth’s precious fresh water supply to fatten animals while it robs it from people.

A well-funded left wing organization of professional propagandists calling itself the Union of Concerned Scientists has as its primary function the spread of misinformation and a mission to hide the real corporate causes while it distracts the public with calls for punitive taxation against automobiles and light bulbs.

Forget about the chemtrails. The same cabals of corporate interests that steal our land, make us fat and make us sick have control of our school systems so chemtrails are not necessary. A well informed future population is unlikely as the status quo prepares to legalize marijuana.

COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret
If you believe the conspiracy theory of chem trails, you already have been dumbed down. Vapor trails form behind commercial aircraft because of the water vapor freezing in the high altitude.
If you believe the conspiracy theory of chem trails, you already have been dumbed down. Vapor trails form behind commercial aircraft because of the water vapor freezing in the high altitude.

I haven’t heard the Chemtrails conspiracy theory in a while. Good to see it’s still in the rotation.
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Test your reading comprehension. The op is not about chemtrails. Perhaps if people read more than just headlines they would actually know what they were talking about.
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Test your reading comprehension. The op is not about chemtrails. Perhaps if people read more than just headlines they would actually know what they were talking about.

I did read the OP, and it said that we don't need to worry about chemtrails, because there are other ways that "they" are using to control us, all the way from the supposed indoctrination conservatives see everywhere, up to the way they keep us fat and dumb with the media.

I read it. And, I stand by my first statement, anyone who thinks there are chemtrails being put in the air by the government is an idiot. And, fwiw, if you believe in chemtrails, you can't be made any dumber.
If you believe the conspiracy theory of chem trails, you already have been dumbed down. Vapor trails form behind commercial aircraft because of the water vapor freezing in the high altitude.

That's what they want you to think ...

The truth is much more frightening...


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