Cheney feels no regrets


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
NEW YORK—The publication this week of Dick Cheney’s memoir, In My Time, has revealed the former vice president enjoys a fulfilling life unaffected by any sense of guilt or regret and there’s absolutely nothing any of us can do about it. “This unique look at an otherwise intensely private man’s inner thoughts shows us he couldn’t be prouder of his life’s work and will never feel one single moment of anguish over his actions no matter how desperately we want him to,” book critic James L. Warner writes of the 576-page memoir’s disclosure that Cheney would spend his retirement never second-guessing his advocacy of a disastrous war, the torture of detainees, illegal wiretapping, or tax cuts that created devastating budget deficits and crippled the U.S. economy. “Nothing we do will ever change the fact that this man sleeps very soundly at night and, in fact, looks back fondly upon a long, rewarding career. You almost have to admire that.” The book also reveals that none of the former vice president’s five heart attacks has caused him even the slightest amount of pain.

New Cheney Memoir Reveals He's Going To Live Full, Satisfied Life Without Ever Feeling Remorse And There's Nothing We Can Do About It | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Dick Cheney is a highly successful sociopath. And Dr. Justin Frank, a respected psychoanalyst and author of, Bush On The Couch, clearly identifies George W. Bush as having clearly sociopathic inclination.

I believe that a five member panel of behavioral professionals with impeccable credentials should conduct in-depth interviews with all presidential candidates to limit the possibility of turning the Nation over to dangerously sick people again. Because those two degenerate sociopaths, along with one and possibly two more of their immediate predecessors, are directly responsible for all the problems we are having today.

For those who are not aware, the sociopathic personality lacks the capacity for compassion and concern for others. Ted Bundy was an extreme example of that orientation.

Imagine if Ted Bundy were President.
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George Bush: I'm fine with Dick Cheney's book - Mackenzie Weinger -

He's not alone.

In his first comments on Dick Cheney’s new memoir, former President George W. Bush said Thursday that he isn’t bothered by the book — which has angered at least two members of his administration.

Bush, who appeared on “Fox & Friends” while attending a charity golf event, said he won’t concern himself with the controversy “In My Time” has created among members of his former staff.
Cheney didn't do anything wrong.
I saw Colin Powell speak the other day on the book. Powell correctly butchered every single cheap shot made by Cheney in the book and who better than a Nam combat vet to do so?
I liked Cheney most of the time for his intestinal fortitude and ability to multi task behind the scenes.
However, isn't it unusual that nothing in his book on Haliburton, the no bid contracts and the 40% stock gain during the war.
"The line is not likely to make this week's eulogies to Ronald Reagan, but when Vice President Cheney allegedly declared, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he summed up an enduring argument from the former president's economic legacy" Reagan Policies Gave Green Light to Red Ink

Considering those who are defending Cheney are rightfully riding the Obama Administraton over deficits, isn't there a tad bit of hypocrisy in your positions?
Cheney didn't do anything wrong.
I saw Colin Powell speak the other day on the book. Powell correctly butchered every single cheap shot made by Cheney in the book and who better than a Nam combat vet to do so?
I liked Cheney most of the time for his intestinal fortitude and ability to multi task behind the scenes.
What might appear to be intestinal fortitude is actually a lack of concern for consequences that might accrue to military personnel and those of lesser status. There is nothing courageous about pounding a war drum when one doesn't have to go.

However, isn't it unusual that nothing in his book on Haliburton, the no bid contracts and the 40% stock gain during the war.
Did he mention the outing of Valerie Plame to get even with her husband who exposed the "yellow cake" lie? While he was slick enough to sidestep any complicity in that crime anyone who believes he didn't instigate it is intentionally ignorant or happily dumb.
"The line is not likely to make this week's eulogies to Ronald Reagan, but when Vice President Cheney allegedly declared, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he summed up an enduring argument from the former president's economic legacy" Reagan Policies Gave Green Light to Red Ink

Considering those who are defending Cheney are rightfully riding the Obama Administraton over deficits, isn't there a tad bit of hypocrisy in your positions?

I can't think of anybody that I agree with about everything. Do agree with people you support on every issue?
Why would he feel regrets? he didnt do anything wrong

If Cheney could survive the same amount of waterboarding KSM got..I would agree.

Hopefully he tries it soon. :lol:

Why?? KSM was a criminal... You just don't happen to like Cheney...

I could just as easily say that because you are the exact polar opposite of conservative or sane, that I hope you try russian roulette soon... and would get called to the carpet for being an asshole... but you and your extreme lefty friends feel that because you don't like Cheney, he deserves to be punished...
"The line is not likely to make this week's eulogies to Ronald Reagan, but when Vice President Cheney allegedly declared, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he summed up an enduring argument from the former president's economic legacy" Reagan Policies Gave Green Light to Red Ink

Considering those who are defending Cheney are rightfully riding the Obama Administrating over deficits, isn't there a tad bit of hypocrisy in your positions?

I can't think of anybody that I agree with about everything. Do agree with people you support on every issue?

Complaining about the deficits is a major and often event on these boards. The public thinks it's huge as noted by our ongoing economic crisis. Therefore, Cheney's attitude about deficits looms pretty large. As I stated, Obama should be criticized, but the blame also falls on others that thought "deficits don't matter" as they contributed much to our current and ongoing deficits.
Why would he feel regrets? he didnt do anything wrong

If Cheney could survive the same amount of waterboarding KSM got..I would agree.

Hopefully he tries it soon. :lol:

Why?? KSM was a criminal... You just don't happen to like Cheney...

I could just as easily say that because you are the exact polar opposite of conservative or sane, that I hope you try russian roulette soon... and would get called to the carpet for being an asshole... but you and your extreme lefty friends feel that because you don't like Cheney, he deserves to be punished...
In addition to the fact that according to experienced experts torture is most often counterproductive and rarely if ever productive, by allowing it to take place the reputation of our Nation is diminished in the civilized world. But more important than those considerations is the fact that our demonstrated contempt for the Geneva Conventions, to which we don't even subscribe, and the fact that we advocate and practice torture, can and probably will operate to the extreme detriment of American troops who are captured by their adversaries, now and in future hostilities.

So it's easy for a draft-dodging, sociopathic scoundrel like Dick Cheney to promote exceptionally aggressive tactics when there is no chance that the consequences of his advocacy will ever befall him.
Dick Cheney did what he felt was right at the time. On 9/11 and the months following, I believe that he and George W. Bush did what was necessary to keep us safe. I might add that during their time in office, not one successfull terrorist attack occured on American soil after 9/11. For that I am glad that they did what they did. Quite frankly I think that Vice President Cheney shouldn't lose one minute of sleep period.

As for KSM. I'm really having a difficult time finding some type of sympathy for a piece of manure that got water boarded. Given the information that he and other pond scum gave up, the only regret I have personally is that we didn't confiscate their own personal property to pay the water bill. Or perhaps we should have sent thier families the water bill? Maybe the bin Laden millions should have been confiscated to pay for Guantanemo?

Is Halliburton the focus of evil in a lefties world? Is Halliburton worse than General Electric? I don't think so. I don't like Jeffery Immelt, especially since he talks about how terrible it is to send jobs to China and then oversees GE's creation of jobs in that very place. Cheney and the Bush's were oil people. The reason Halliburton is El Diablo incarnate to the left is because of the business they are in. We all know that oil is EVIL to the left. Except of course when they need to fill up their hummers.
I will say this, that if the International Court of Idiots in the Hague thinks they have jurisdiction of Dick Cheney or ANY American politician, then that my friend is when we burn that freakin place to the ground! This piss-ignorant notion that American politicians, military leaders, or anyone else for that matter is subject to the Hague, is the stupidest idea I have ever heard in my life. You do something wrong and then we bring you back HERE and we try you. Americans ARE subject to the Constitution regardless of where they are OR what they do. If you're guilty, you get a great view of Kansas out of a cell window (I hear Levenworth is beautiful in the summer). This one-world judicial crap is the one thing that just makes me absolutely mad as hell.
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I will say this, that if the International Court of Idiots in the Hague thinks they have jurisdiction of Dick Cheney or ANY American politician, then that my friend is when we burn that freakin place to the ground! This piss-ignorant notion that American politicians, military leaders, or anyone else for that matter is subject to the Hague, is the stupidest idea I have ever heard in my life.

Why should they be exempt? War crimes are war crimes.

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