Cheney ordered concealment of counter-terrorism from Congress

An article from the Guardian? Why would I bother with an article from the Guardian?

I asked a simple question. Do you have any concrete proof? You know, a person from the CIA that was told BY Dick Cheney that the CIA will keep secrets from the Congress.

Something from a credible source like that?
That's funny, really. Someone posted a video to "prove" that global warming is not caused by mankind. All those participating spoke with British accents. I commented, at the time, how weird it was that wingnuts cite British sources when it is to their advantage.
BTW, many news sources carried this story today ... read, read, read.
Does this source meet with your approval?
Officials Say Cheney Directed CIA to Be Silent on Counter-Terror Plan - Political News -

I never cite any media. I only believe in going to the source. And then, I expect that source to be fully vetted as to who is paying him for the information, how the information was obtained and what the sources politics are.

We are way past the time in which we believe anything any of the media outlets tell us.
That surely eliminates Fox as a viable source.
There are many things that congress does not need to know about. Telling congress about everything that is going on is akin to broadcasting to the enemy all the plans land postures of our defense mechanism. All you that disagree be damned.

Especially if it happens to be illegal.
Illegal or not... I"d rather the plans of the defenders of freedom be kept secret from the enemy and those predisposed to tell the enemy every fuckin' thing we know. Do you actually think that the radical terrorists are concerned with abiding by honorable protocol? Had they any sense of rational thinking they would abhor the use of random terrorism. What a pack of worthless assholes we are fighting...and trying to be "fair" about it. A pox on all of you idiots that believe we should play fairly with terrorists. Fuck all of the sphincter. All you're asking for is defeat.
Illegal or not... I"d rather the plans of the defenders of freedom be kept secret from the enemy and those predisposed to tell the enemy every fuckin' thing we know...
Cool. I'll make a note to keep you around when I get powerful enough to make my political enemies disappear in the night.

[Note to the sense-of-humor-impaired: The above statement by Centrism's Voice is a joke.]
Illegal or not... I"d rather the plans of the defenders of freedom be kept secret from the enemy and those predisposed to tell the enemy every fuckin' thing we know...
Cool. I'll make a note to keep you around when I get powerful enough to make my political enemies disappear in the night.

[Note to the sense-of-humor-impaired: The above statement by Centrism's Voice is a joke.]
You are an idiot...a fuckin' idiot if I must say so. You fail to recognize the difference between "defenders of freedom" and despots. I am no worshiper of dictators. It is left to dictators to dispose of political enemies in the cloak of night.

Again, I say...fuck all of you that think we should play fairly with terrorists. Fuck y'all...big time.
You are an idiot...a fuckin' idiot if I must say so. You fail to recognize the difference between "defenders of freedom" and despots. I am no worshiper of dictators. It is left to dictators to dispose of political enemies in the cloak of night.

Again, I say...fuck all of you that think we should play fairly with terrorists. Fuck y'all...big time.

You're impaired in more than just your sense of humor, I see. Okay, welcome to my ignore list, now run along and play with your toy soldiers.
A Democracy elects representatives who are supposed to have oversight over federal agencies, including the CIA. If agencies, such as the CIA, decide they will direct themselves, we are one step closer to a military state. They are paid with tax payers money and they should be accountable to tax payers.
You are an idiot...a fuckin' idiot if I must say so. You fail to recognize the difference between "defenders of freedom" and despots. I am no worshiper of dictators. It is left to dictators to dispose of political enemies in the cloak of night.

Again, I say...fuck all of you that think we should play fairly with terrorists. Fuck y'all...big time.

You're impaired in more than just your sense of humor, I see. Okay, welcome to my ignore list, now run along and play with your toy soldiers.
I care not whom you ignore or pay attention to. Logic says that you are incorrect. I will have no sympathy for you when the enemy has won...and you will be a miserable mofo.
There are many things that congress does not need to know about. Telling congress about everything that is going on is akin to broadcasting to the enemy all the plans and postures of our defense mechanism. All you that disagree be damned.

Especially if it happens to be illegal.

The law requires the president to keep Congress "fully and currently informed of the intelligence activities", although it does allow information to be withheld about "exceptionally sensitive matters
And who gets to decide what's "exceptionally sensitive?"

my hunch is the executive can't very well say...hey, this is super secret what do you (legislative branch) think of us not telling you about this....

no law was broken....and now the current executive branch feels congress should know...
And who gets to decide what's "exceptionally sensitive?"

my hunch is the executive can't very well say...hey, this is super secret what do you (legislative branch) think of us not telling you about this....

no law was broken....and now the current executive branch feels congress should know...
There are other options besides telling the entire legislative branch, of course. Like telling the chair of the intelligence committee, for instance.

Whether any law was broken remains to be established. Unless you'd care to cite any legal precedents...
And who gets to decide what's "exceptionally sensitive?"

my hunch is the executive can't very well say...hey, this is super secret what do you (legislative branch) think of us not telling you about this....

no law was broken....and now the current executive branch feels congress should know...
There are other options besides telling the entire legislative branch, of course. Like telling the chair of the intelligence committee, for instance.

Whether any law was broken remains to be established. Unless you'd care to cite any legal precedents...

is that option required?
my hunch is the executive can't very well say...hey, this is super secret what do you (legislative branch) think of us not telling you about this....

no law was broken....and now the current executive branch feels congress should know...
There are other options besides telling the entire legislative branch, of course. Like telling the chair of the intelligence committee, for instance.

Whether any law was broken remains to be established. Unless you'd care to cite any legal precedents...

is that option required?


And when it is not done then the CIA (or VPOTUS, or whoever) is in violation of the laws of the land.

Congress (at least the committe in charge of intelligence) needs to be kept in the loop.

Because otherwise, as I belive Jim noted, we put ourselves on the path to becoming a police state rather than a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.
As of yet, an unproven story simply getting circulated by the state run media.

Obama's poll numbers must have dipped again.

Methinks Cheney is saying "bring it on" regarding all of this - and Pelosi is gonna get burned yet again. She grows more inept and insulated with each passing year...

Gotta get the focus off the economy for a bit.

Serious come all you right whingers are worried about the economy NOW? Where have you been for the past eight years?
Yes, I know if I was going to start an assassination program to kill the world's worst terrorists the first thing I would do is tell the blabber mouth US Congress.

Do you think during WW2 Roosevelt, hero of the left, told Congress about everything?

Please do not insult both of us with the answer "yes".
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As of yet, an unproven story simply getting circulated by the state run media.

Obama's poll numbers must have dipped again.

Methinks Cheney is saying "bring it on" regarding all of this - and Pelosi is gonna get burned yet again. She grows more inept and insulated with each passing year...

Gotta get the focus off the economy for a bit.

Serious come all you right whingers are worried about the economy NOW? Where have you been for the past eight years?

Most I know have been concerned for awhile now, and have ripped GW over some of his spending.
As the economy shatters it looks like the BO camp wants every distraction it can get.

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