Cheney to go after his loyal supporters in new memoir - says torture good



Cheney's autobiography, entitled, In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir, also speaks critically about several members of the Bush administration.

The New York Times report says Cheney accuses former Secretary of State Colin Powell of trying to undermine President Bush by privately expressing doubts about the Iraq war, saying Powell's resignation in 2004 was "for the best." Cheney also chastises Powell's successor, Condoleezza Rice, saying she was naive during her negotiations with North Korea over nuclear weapons.

Report Claims Cheney Advised Bush to Bomb Syria | USA | English

Nice to see the old coot up and about. I heard the last time he thought he was having heart trouble, doctors checked, but they couldn't find anything.

Well, at least he's reminding everyone how Republicans ratings got so low.

Thanks Dick for giving us, well, "Dick".
Cheney's a fascinating look into just how evil a business man and politician can be..
Maybe it's just me but I have a hard time even looking at draft dodger Dick. Seeing him find WMDs every day and seeing him talk tough while he was a complete coward is more than hypocritical. Imagine how many families would be whole if this a-hole was never granted the power to manage lies that killed. Sad example of a human being. His sidekick George wasn't much better.
Maybe it's just me but I have a hard time even looking at draft dodger Dick. Seeing him find WMDs every day and seeing him talk tough while he was a complete coward is more than hypocritical. Imagine how many families would be whole if this a-hole was never granted the power to manage lies that killed. Sad example of a human being. His sidekick George wasn't much better.

Bush wasn't evil.

Cheney was.
Bush wasn't evil.

Cheney was.
Not really.

Cheney put Americans first. Sometimes that means you have to get tough on the people trying to commit mass murders on your people.

9/11 showed us just exactly how determined our enemies were to destroy our economic center, our friends, ourselves, and our dear friends in the great state of New York.

Cheney followed good military advice on obtaining information from co-conspirators who'd murder thousands upon thousands of Americans.

We lost hundreds of American firefighters and American police officers on 9/11. Each of the twin towers could expect 50,000 to as many as 120,000 visitors a day going through their halls.

The terrorists struck in the morning, and America's police and firefighters were there, going through their methodical ways of getting people out of the building in an unpanicked, orderly way. They were heroes, and many, many of them gave up their lives to see to it the last of the people in the trade centers were out to safety.

They didn't waver, they didn't whine, and they did not shirk their duties for the safety of themselves. I just could cry to think how horrible it was for them to lose their lives making sure than many thousands of people who would have died due to the terrorists instead are walking around free. The crash obliterated many of those up there in the towers and killed a lot of innocent people, upward of 2700.

To his credit, Cheney decided to prevent another mishap by managing information and those caught planning more Americans' demise by accepted means of averting terrorists.

While unpleasant, interrogation methods that got the most information for the least amount of application plus going after the biggest, baddest terrorists and their unlimited-money promoters like Saddam saved untold hundreds of thousands of American lives from AlQaeda.

If anything, Dick Cheney is a huge American hero, and I applaud him with all of my being for saving his fellow Americans the horrors like those of 9/11, thoughtless and greedy terrorists that targeted innocent Americans en masse in the workplace. And a big pox to those who fulminate their self-righteous hatred against Americans who spent generations sharing our knowhow with them to produce better crop yields for their starving people,

If you care about your fellow Americans as much as Dick Cheney, you folks should make better use of your time than conjuring up mock ill-will against an American hero. Really.
Bush wasn't evil.

Cheney was.
Not really.

Cheney put Americans first. Sometimes that means you have to get tough on the people trying to commit mass murders on your people.

9/11 showed us just exactly how determined our enemies were to destroy our economic center, our friends, ourselves, and our dear friends in the great state of New York.

Cheney followed good military advice on obtaining information from co-conspirators who'd murder thousands upon thousands of Americans.

We lost hundreds of American firefighters and American police officers on 9/11. Each of the twin towers could expect 50,000 to as many as 120,000 visitors a day going through their halls.

The terrorists struck in the morning, and America's police and firefighters were there, going through their methodical ways of getting people out of the building in an unpanicked, orderly way. They were heroes, and many, many of them gave up their lives to see to it the last of the people in the trade centers were out to safety.

They didn't waver, they didn't whine, and they did not shirk their duties for the safety of themselves. I just could cry to think how horrible it was for them to lose their lives making sure than many thousands of people who would have died due to the terrorists instead are walking around free. The crash obliterated many of those up there in the towers and killed a lot of innocent people, upward of 2700.

To his credit, Cheney decided to prevent another mishap by managing information and those caught planning more Americans' demise by accepted means of averting terrorists.

While unpleasant, interrogation methods that got the most information for the least amount of application plus going after the biggest, baddest terrorists and their unlimited-money promoters like Saddam saved untold hundreds of thousands of American lives from AlQaeda.

If anything, Dick Cheney is a huge American hero, and I applaud him with all of my being for saving his fellow Americans the horrors like those of 9/11, thoughtless and greedy terrorists that targeted innocent Americans en masse in the workplace. And a big pox to those who fulminate their self-righteous hatred against Americans who spent generations sharing our knowhow with them to produce better crop yields for their starving people,

If you care about your fellow Americans as much as Dick Cheney, you folks should make better use of your time than conjuring up mock ill-will against an American hero. Really.

Saddam Hussien did not promote terrorism against the United States. If anything he was an American stooge and whipping boy.
Sallow, no it isn't that simple, and I'm surprised you wore blinders to Saddam Hussein. The man paid out a king's ransom per terrorist who took out our World Trade Center in New York City by rewarding their families with huge checks and gifts. Saddam sent 12 Jumbo Jets to collect Al Qaeda terrorists in Kabul the day the War ended in Afghanistan, and we won. Saddam set up over a dozen terror training camps on his soil, paid for by him, to make up for the terror training camps we took out in Afghanistan. He not only kept the hate alive, he found many, many ways to cash in on the hatred and keep it alive in his murderous lifetime. He kept himself in power with the murder of not only the majority of the parliament he replaced with his own family and cronies, but 1.5 million human beings in his 25-year reign of murder against other Iraqis, but his close neighbors as well.

If you're gonna bite Cheney's ankles over protecting the body of the American people from terror attacks, you should have been reading Secretary of State warnings about dangerous terrorist countries. I've been reading them since Secretary of State Madeline Albright posted warnings about not only Saddam Hussein, but bin Laden and Afghanistan's Taliban threats, too. They were online in the late 90s when I first went online, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice inherited them and added to the body of evidence, and now, Secretary of State Clinton does likewise.

It's all there in black and white, although some things are taken down and replaced with the next administration's staff's writings.

Madeline Albright's staff's files couldn't have been more explicit. We were in a terrible time of threat, and after the first WTC bombing in 1993, they got after the information we needed to protect ourselves.

I have to tell you, the Albright notes and the Condoleeza Rices' notes were quite similar. America was on full alert for many, many years about all those and even more countries over there who've brainwashed themselves into thinking we're monsters. We are not. The facts are: we've always been there to lend a hand whenever those countries have an earthquake tsunami or whatever else. We've taught them to develop agricultural methods, and we've dug village wells all over this planet to help people.

People who hate us hate us out of jealousy over our prosperity, which we earned the long, hard, determined way from a land that was dirt and trees when we got here, and in my case, some of our ancestors hid behind rocks to see the oddly-clad Puritans dismounting from the Mayflower, and one of my ancestors helped the ladies off the Mayflower and helped them with their things. :D
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Sallow, no it isn't that simple, and I'm surprised you wore blinders to Saddam Hussein. The man paid out a king's ransom per terrorist who took out our World Trade Center in New York City by rewarding their families with huge checks and gifts. Saddam sent 12 Jumbo Jets to collect Al Qaeda terrorists in Kabul the day the War ended in Afghanistan, and we won. Saddam set up over a dozen terror training camps on his soil, paid for by him, to make up for the terror training camps we took out in Afghanistan. He not only kept the hate alive, he found many, many ways to cash in on the hatred and keep it alive in his murderous lifetime. He kept himself in power with the murder of not only the majority of the parliament he replaced with his own family and cronies, but 1.5 million human beings in his 25-year reign of murder against other Iraqis, but his close neighbors as well.

If you're gonna bite Cheney's ankles over protecting the body of the American people from terror attacks, you should have been reading Secretary of State warnings about dangerous terrorist countries. I've been reading them since Secretary of State Madeline Albright posted warnings about not only Saddam Hussein, but bin Laden and Afghanistan's Taliban threats, too. They were online in the late 90s when I first went online, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice inherited them and added to the body of evidence, and now, Secretary of State Clinton does likewise.

It's all there in black and white, although some things are taken down and replaced with the next administration's staff's writings.

Madeline Albright's staff's files couldn't have been more explicit. We were in a terrible time of threat, and after the first WTC bombing in 1993, they got after the information we needed to protect ourselves.

I have to tell you, the Albright notes and the Condoleeza Rices' notes were quite similar. America was on full alert for many, many years about all those and even more countries over there who've brainwashed themselves into thinking we're monsters. We are not. The facts are: we've always been there to lend a hand whenever those countries have an earthquake tsunami or whatever else. We've taught them to develop agricultural methods, and we've dug village wells all over this planet to help people.

People who hate us hate us out of jealousy over our prosperity, which we earned the long, hard, determined way from a land that was dirt and trees when we got here, and in my case, some of our ancestors hid behind rocks to see the oddly-clad Puritans dismounting from the Mayflower, and one of my ancestors helped the ladies off the Mayflower and helped them with their things. :D

Gosh..sometimes you guys are amazing.

And given the aftermath of Iraq..too.

Iraq was extremely weakened...surrounded by enemies and looking for some cred on the Arab street. So they did all sorts of whacky give money to the families of "Martyrs". But Hussein really wanted nothing to do with terrorists themselves. Heck..they wanted him dead as well. Although he was a brutal bastard, he was relatively secular.
Sallow, no it isn't that simple, and I'm surprised you wore blinders to Saddam Hussein. The man paid out a king's ransom per terrorist who took out our World Trade Center in New York City by rewarding their families with huge checks and gifts. Saddam sent 12 Jumbo Jets to collect Al Qaeda terrorists in Kabul the day the War ended in Afghanistan, and we won. Saddam set up over a dozen terror training camps on his soil, paid for by him, to make up for the terror training camps we took out in Afghanistan. He not only kept the hate alive, he found many, many ways to cash in on the hatred and keep it alive in his murderous lifetime. He kept himself in power with the murder of not only the majority of the parliament he replaced with his own family and cronies, but 1.5 million human beings in his 25-year reign of murder against other Iraqis, but his close neighbors as well.

If you're gonna bite Cheney's ankles over protecting the body of the American people from terror attacks, you should have been reading Secretary of State warnings about dangerous terrorist countries. I've been reading them since Secretary of State Madeline Albright posted warnings about not only Saddam Hussein, but bin Laden and Afghanistan's Taliban threats, too. They were online in the late 90s when I first went online, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice inherited them and added to the body of evidence, and now, Secretary of State Clinton does likewise.

It's all there in black and white, although some things are taken down and replaced with the next administration's staff's writings.

Madeline Albright's staff's files couldn't have been more explicit. We were in a terrible time of threat, and after the first WTC bombing in 1993, they got after the information we needed to protect ourselves.

I have to tell you, the Albright notes and the Condoleeza Rices' notes were quite similar. America was on full alert for many, many years about all those and even more countries over there who've brainwashed themselves into thinking we're monsters. We are not. The facts are: we've always been there to lend a hand whenever those countries have an earthquake tsunami or whatever else. We've taught them to develop agricultural methods, and we've dug village wells all over this planet to help people.

People who hate us hate us out of jealousy over our prosperity, which we earned the long, hard, determined way from a land that was dirt and trees when we got here, and in my case, some of our ancestors hid behind rocks to see the oddly-clad Puritans dismounting from the Mayflower, and one of my ancestors helped the ladies off the Mayflower and helped them with their things. :D

Gosh..sometimes you guys are amazing.

And given the aftermath of Iraq..too.

Iraq was extremely weakened...surrounded by enemies and looking for some cred on the Arab street. So they did all sorts of whacky give money to the families of "Martyrs". But Hussein really wanted nothing to do with terrorists themselves. Heck..they wanted him dead as well. Although he was a brutal bastard, he was relatively secular.
If you had read what Madeline Albright's amazing notes on Iraq in 1999, you would know how far off base you are, my dear Mr. Sallow. One of the tv stations used to keep her stuff front and center, but they disappeared around the time of Bush's second run for president in an unprecedented failure to disclose the similarity of Clinton's Secretary of State to Bush's.

All you have now is the word of those who followed the terrorist trails after 1993. I know at least one online friend (not from here) who's been paying attention since President Carter tried to free the American Hostages taken and held by then Tehran's future president, Ahmadinejad. Did you know it was him who brandished his ak47 for the media and all the world to see all those years ago? He was paying attention, because he was special forces. They never forget their brothers.
It amazes me how libs believe Dick Cheney is "evil". You may not like his policies, but he did everything for the benefit of the country, unlike the shitbag in office now who is doing everything he can to destroy the US economy and international standing and has been quite successful.

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