Chevy Volt Failure: The Next Obama Solyndra Scandal?

The news of the Chevy Volt sales are just another reflection of where billions of tax payers money has gone to. Didn't Obama hand Michigan billions to build the factory that was to make the batteries for this $40,000 car? And what happens if this factory shuts down next year?
Liberals can't fool the average and angry American. Everything Obama promised to build and move the country foward HAS FAILED !!!
Let's hope the RNC makes an ad showing the failure of the Chevy Volt on our tax dollar. How will Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Wasserman explain their way out of this billion dollar debacle?

I love the way you guys call yourselves patriots and root against one of the home teams. GO TOYOTA!!! WOOHOO!
Is your vehicle in this list?

How Patriotic is Your Car? - U.S. News Rankings and Reviews
I can't understand why people would root against an emerging technology. Whether you want one or not, electric cars can carve out a niche in our market and the global market. Is the right wing really that much in the pocket of the oil industry?

(that question was rhetorical....I already know the answer )
Republicans are still rooting for GM to fail

It will make Obama look bad

We don't have to "root" for them to fail, they are doing a good job all by themselves. If GM was a tattoo artist....


GM has recovered nicely since the Obama bailout. All those who rooted for the collapse of the US auto industry have been sadly disappointed

Why are republicans rooting for the failure of electric cars in the US? Are they that in love with the oil industry? Whether the volt succeeds or not, it is still an application of emerging technology that will help future projects
If GM's recovered so nicely, maybe they'll pay back the bailout.

General Motors Will Never Repay Taxpayers - Reason Magazine
I can't understand why people would root against an emerging technology. Whether you want one or not, electric cars can carve out a niche in our market and the global market. Is the right wing really that much in the pocket of the oil industry?

(that question was rhetorical....I already know the answer )
I don't mind people buying whatever vehicle they want. I object to government inserting itself into that decision.

If I wanted a Volt, I'd buy a Volt. But I don't like government using tax dollars to help pay for someone else's car that I'll never get to drive.
and all these commercials about new cars "ONLY $19,999" !!!! oh, plus tax, title, insurance, 3.50 gas, etc. Whatever happened to the good old days when cars were fairly priced between 10 and 15K? I can still remember when Lincolns and Caddillacs were between 10-12K. I remember buying a new camaro for $7,200. If the average car today is $20,000, then something is wrong. Whats in the price? Union Pay Offs,their retirement and free health care?'re wrong. It's your free market in action. They should be allowed to sell their cars for as much as people are willing to pay, and they should be allowed to profit as much as they can off of them... right?

Labor is a cost of doing business. Just because your side thinks that everyone ought to work for peanuts, doesn't mean that is the reality.
Welcome to the free market, cons. What's the matter - you don't like it anymore? And what's with rooting for GM to fail? I thought you were all America-loving patriots? You sound like a bunch of commie assholes to me. Carry on.
Welcome to the free market, cons. What's the matter - you don't like it anymore? And what's with rooting for GM to fail? I thought you were all America-loving patriots? You sound like a bunch of commie assholes to me. Carry on.
What do you drive?
Welcome to the free market, cons. What's the matter - you don't like it anymore? And what's with rooting for GM to fail? I thought you were all America-loving patriots? You sound like a bunch of commie assholes to me. Carry on.
What do you drive?

What I drive is inconsequential. What I DON'T do is root for an American company to fail.
Republicans are still rooting for GM to fail

It will make Obama look bad

We don't have to "root" for them to fail, they are doing a good job all by themselves. If GM was a tattoo artist....


GM has recovered nicely since the Obama bailout. All those who rooted for the collapse of the US auto industry have been sadly disappointed

Why are republicans rooting for the failure of electric cars in the US? Are they that in love with the oil industry? Whether the volt succeeds or not, it is still an application of emerging technology that will help future projects

The only reason people bought the Volt was because the taxpayers subsidized the purchase price. Also, GM still sits on $10,000,000,000 in unfunded pension liabilities. GM will go back into thye crapper soon enough.
Boeing Co. got a $5.3-billion boost from banned state and federal government subsidies to develop its 787 Dreamliner and other commercial aircraft, a World Trade Organization panel found.

Boeing: WTO panel rules Boeing received banned U.S. subsidies - Los Angeles Times

Here is the point almost every nation on earth provides subsidiies to or tax breaks to it's heavy industries , auto, aircraft, steel, etc. Our nation tends to think the promotion of domestic production is a bad thing then start by not buying gas, or flying in a Boeing or Airbus jet as they also receive these Govt. subsidies. The thing is, a lot of these technologies that promote job growth and make this nation stronger , including new technologies are promoted by the Govt. The Chevy Volts builder GM and the electric producer GE just entered into an agreement with China to build the same or like car in China which the Govt. there will also provide subsidies to build and frankly I would rather our nation spend it's tax dollars to promote domestic employment and technology rather than have to rely on importing it from another nation at the expense of American jobs. This does not mean we as Americans have to purchase the Volt, as it still has to compete on the same market as all other plug in hybrids and its a persons choice to buy or not to buy it.
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Add Solazime to the list. The greenie company got a grant of 21 million in the Porkulus package and Obama's Defense Dept just placed an order for about half a million gallons of bio-fuel at $16 per gallon. The US Navy is the lucky victim. About 100,000 gallons is supposed to be used in Navy planes and the rest in ships. Rumor has it that the Navy doesn't trust the stuff and the rework of motors to burn it so they will store it for a while until it goes bad and then sell it as surplus.
Republicans are still rooting for GM to fail

It will make Obama look bad

We don't have to "root" for them to fail, they are doing a good job all by themselves. If GM was a tattoo artist....


GM has recovered nicely since the Obama bailout. All those who rooted for the collapse of the US auto industry have been sadly disappointed

Why are republicans rooting for the failure of electric cars in the US? Are they that in love with the oil industry? Whether the volt succeeds or not, it is still an application of emerging technology that will help future projects
I am not rooting for the failure of any technology. I am against government bail outs of private industry.

As for Government Motors- GM will most likely be out of business within 10 years or less. They have an unsustainable legacy cost burden and let's face it , a lot their product is, well, not so great. They never paid back the bailout money and never will.
Welcome to the free market, cons. What's the matter - you don't like it anymore? And what's with rooting for GM to fail? I thought you were all America-loving patriots? You sound like a bunch of commie assholes to me. Carry on.
What do you drive?

What I drive is inconsequential. What I DON'T do is root for an American company to fail.
So, you drive an import. Got it.
so when an american buys a 40,000 dollar volt, will Obama give them $10,000 in cash to help pay for the electricity?
We don't have to "root" for them to fail, they are doing a good job all by themselves. If GM was a tattoo artist....


GM has recovered nicely since the Obama bailout. All those who rooted for the collapse of the US auto industry have been sadly disappointed

Why are republicans rooting for the failure of electric cars in the US? Are they that in love with the oil industry? Whether the volt succeeds or not, it is still an application of emerging technology that will help future projects
I am not rooting for the failure of any technology. I am against government bail outs of private industry.

As for Government Motors- GM will most likely be out of business within 10 years or less. They have an unsustainable legacy cost burden and let's face it , a lot their product is, well, not so great. They never paid back the bailout money and never will.

Why not?

Other governments around the world invest in new technologies and actually WANT their companies to do better. The Japanese auto industry would never be where it is today without investment from their government

China is kicking our butt in solar technology as Conservatives cheer the failure of Solyndra......Ha ...Ha......we told you solar technology was a FAIL
GM has recovered nicely since the Obama bailout. All those who rooted for the collapse of the US auto industry have been sadly disappointed

Why are republicans rooting for the failure of electric cars in the US? Are they that in love with the oil industry? Whether the volt succeeds or not, it is still an application of emerging technology that will help future projects
I am not rooting for the failure of any technology. I am against government bail outs of private industry.

As for Government Motors- GM will most likely be out of business within 10 years or less. They have an unsustainable legacy cost burden and let's face it , a lot their product is, well, not so great. They never paid back the bailout money and never will.

Why not?

Other governments around the world invest in new technologies and actually WANT their companies to do better. The Japanese auto industry would never be where it is today without investment from their government

China is kicking our butt in solar technology as Conservatives cheer the failure of Solyndra......Ha ...Ha......we told you solar technology was a FAIL
If solar was so awesome, Solyndra wouldn't have flushed a half a billion tax dollars down the toilet. You know, like Obama was told would happen.
How can a car be more expensive than a condo or many homes in dire straights? There are a lot of condos for sale here in florida between 20 and 40K. {probably in california as well} for 40,000 I would rather buy a 1200 sq.foot condo here in Naples, or Sarasota than waste in on a car that will lose value in a year.
GM has recovered nicely since the Obama bailout. All those who rooted for the collapse of the US auto industry have been sadly disappointed

Why are republicans rooting for the failure of electric cars in the US? Are they that in love with the oil industry? Whether the volt succeeds or not, it is still an application of emerging technology that will help future projects
I am not rooting for the failure of any technology. I am against government bail outs of private industry.

As for Government Motors- GM will most likely be out of business within 10 years or less. They have an unsustainable legacy cost burden and let's face it , a lot their product is, well, not so great. They never paid back the bailout money and never will.

Why not?

Other governments around the world invest in new technologies and actually WANT their companies to do better. The Japanese auto industry would never be where it is today without investment from their government

China is kicking our butt in solar technology as Conservatives cheer the failure of Solyndra......Ha ...Ha......we told you solar technology was a FAIL
Try and stay focused buddy. We are talking about GM- not solar.

I oppose "bail outs" because I oppose Crony Capitalism. We don't need some bureaucrat sitting in DC picking winners and losers. That is what the marketplace is for. If the product is good- people will buy it. If not, well too fucking bad. GM failed - they should have file BK and reorganized. Instead Obama turned it into a Union payback scheme at taxpayer expense. I don't know how anyone with a shred of intellect can attempt to defend this blatant Crony Capitalism.

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