Chicago a Great City - Then Why are there 200K less people than 10 yrs ago?


Apr 22, 2007
People say Chicago is a great city, but even as the US population boomed the last ten years, Chicago has 200K less people! Not shocking after you heard the douche bags running for Mayor! Chicago sucks, its destined to become Detroit. Its already void of industry! They tax the ship out of business that most service companies that can leave the city have. This city is fucked, just like the state!

New census data show Chicago population decline
Chicago has 200,000 fewer citizens than it did 10 years ago, the U.S. Census Bureau said today as it released population figures gathered in the 2010 census for the city, region and state of Illinois
Just think if they counted all the illegals in Houston, they would be the third largest city and Chicago would be relegated to fourth. Anyway , how can they call Chicago the second city anymore when in reality and for the last 2 decades LA is NY's dancing partner.
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They all got Government jobs in DC.

I wanted to throw up listening to the debate. Each one stated that they have to FIGHT any government interference with the illegal community (although they kept calling it the immigration community, which is a slap in the face to the legal one). Gary douch bag Chico stated, he would not allow any deportation for traffic citation (which includes accidents) or minor crimes (which include DUIs)\! ARE YOU SERIOUS? It shouldn't even take a minor traffic stop to deport illegals. You get pulled over and are here illegally, then you already broke the law! They all talk of great admiration for the worst traitor in Congress, Luis Gutierrez! Why the fuck would they admire a man whose district went from a good middle class district to one of the poorest in the city? Lucy G blamed that on Whites (not just white conservatives)!

Then they talked about the absolute duty to protect the working man, by protecting the Unions with every effort from the corporations that make millions in profits! Its bullshit.

All cocksucker Chico talks about is he is a job creator, but all he talked about is creating government jobs, protecting State worker pensions and protecting the unions! Shit hole, that isn't job creation!

They talked about voiding the meter contract? Que? It's no doubt a poorly made deal, but LEGALLY binding contract. They spent the money the private company paid. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I hate the meter contract, but they signed a contract and paid a ton of cash.

It was horrendous! There is no voting for the lesser of evil. Anyone of these morons are going to make Chicago look like the poor man's Detroit (scratch that, the VERY Poor Man's Detroit). Never though I would say this, but man do I miss Daley.

You ask why do I care about the Chicago Mayor when I don't live in the city. Because Mayor of Chicago effects the entire State. Its arguably 2nd to 4th most important political position in the State. Governor 1st, then Chicago Mayor and two Senators next.
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La Nation of La Raza! I shit you not! The Brown equivalent of the KKK sponsored this evident! How absolutely hypocritical is that.
Isn't it because of the high crime, lack of job ops and the rise in the cost of living there?
I heard this on NPR yesterday morning... they said that it was mainly people migrating to the suburbs.
Chicago is one of the most corrupt cities on the planet so the people vote with their feet and leave. When the game is rigged against fair play why stay? Chicago will slowly collapse like Detroit because the greedy politicians aren't smart enough to figure out they're killing the goose.
Chicago is the third largest city in the US. It is not going to collapse. Suburban sprawl is the reason for the people leaving the city. Cheaper housing and all the cookie cutter suburban tripe that stupid Americans seem to love... I would never live in a suburb. Ick.
Chicago is the third largest city in the US. It is not going to collapse. Suburban sprawl is the reason for the people leaving the city. Cheaper housing and all the cookie cutter suburban tripe that stupid Americans seem to love... I would never live in a suburb. Ick.

I agree, I like living in the city.
Isn't it because of the high crime, lack of job ops and the rise in the cost of living there?

Taxation, regulation, fees, corruption and red tape has run all the industry out of the city. You can add the failed education system and the taxation also.
Chicago is the third largest city in the US. It is not going to collapse. Suburban sprawl is the reason for the people leaving the city. Cheaper housing and all the cookie cutter suburban tripe that stupid Americans seem to love... I would never live in a suburb. Ick.

I agree, I like living in the city.

I've lived in more than my share of larger cities. I love my little 1200 population village. Best kept secret in the state.

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