Chicago bakery loses 800 workers after immigration raid


The raid cost the company $21.6 million.

An immigration raid at a Chicago bakery lost one-third of its workers earlier this year, with roughly 800 workers who didn’t have “sufficient documentation,” Bloomberg News reported Monday.

Aryzta AG Chief Executive Officer Kevin Toland said the company faces pressure to raise wages and has a long process ahead to replace the 35 percent of workers lost during the raids at Cloverhill Bakery, the publication reported. The company supplies hamburger buns for the McDonald’s Corporation and single-package products for vending machines.

Chicago bakery loses 800 workers after immigration raid
If all of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's properties were raided, how many workers would he lose? He seems to prefer foreign workers to US Citizens at his properties.

but that is not what happened now is it fuck face
800 new American jobs just opened up today!
Bravo president Trump!

That's only if you can find 800 people in Chicago who will get their ass off the Front Porch of the Federal Plantation....which is doubtful.

Too many in that rotting city who would rather draw a check from the Federal Plantation, though its small, with a little graft, plenty enough to avoid having to get up and go to an 8' o'clock job, endure the stress of a boss, deal with responsibility.

They'll say: "No thanks....just keep giving us our Free Shit out of the Obama Stash".


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