Chicago...has strict gun control laws so they only had 37 injured, 6 killed over weekend


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....Chicago...where they still won't allow gun stores.....and still have strict gun laws....saw a shooting gallery over the Labor Day weekend...

37 shot, 6 killed in Chicago over holiday weekend

And as the Police Superintendant pointed out.....judges and prosecutors are not locking up gun criminals.....

Why is that...they bitch and moan about gun crime...and then when they catch a criminal using a gun to commit a crime...the let them out in less than 2 years....and these are the same people doing the shooting over and over again....

It is almost as if they want these shootings to happen.....
And your solution is to remove strict gun control and it will all be better? LOL.

Yes....then the people who won't commit crimes with guns can defend themselves against the criminals who already have guns, and use them to attack innocent people. As people carry guns for self defense, the crime rate against people goes down. Happens in each state as they pass concealed carry.
And your solution is to remove strict gun control and it will all be better? LOL.

You do realize that more Americans own and carry guns now...right? And that the gun murder rate has gone down, not up...right? Right now more than 12.8 million Americans carry guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate is going down, not up........

So yes...let law abiding people carry guns, it will save lives and stop crime.
Lefties ignore reality because they want people to kill each other as effectively as possible. The best way to get that done...disarm law abiding citizens, release criminals onto the streets, stir racial hatred and initialize state interference in religion.
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Lefties ignore reality because they want people to kill each other as effectively as possible. The best way to get that done...disarm law abiding citizens, release criminals onto the streets, stir racial hatred and initialize state interference in religion.
No one is taking your guns away. No one is disarming laws abiding citizens. You are making a statement and a tactics to scare people.
Lefties ignore reality because they want people to kill each other as effectively as possible. The best way to get that done...disarm law abiding citizens, release criminals onto the streets, stir racial hatred and initialize state interference in religion.
No one is taking your guns away. No one is disarming laws abiding citizens. You are making a statement and a tactics to scare people.
You're right. They aren't taking my guns. And they won't.
Why is it the Mayor of Chicago doesn't get any heat over what's going on in his City?
Yes....Chicago...where they still won't allow gun stores.....and still have strict gun laws....saw a shooting gallery over the Labor Day weekend...

37 shot, 6 killed in Chicago over holiday weekend

And as the Police Superintendant pointed out.....judges and prosecutors are not locking up gun criminals.....

Why is that...they bitch and moan about gun crime...and then when they catch a criminal using a gun to commit a crime...the let them out in less than 2 years....and these are the same people doing the shooting over and over again....

It is almost as if they want these shootings to happen.....
Please go through, case by case, and tell us where more guns would have made that better?

And BTW, guns don't kill people, they're for protection...
Why is it the Mayor of Chicago doesn't get any heat over what's going on in his City?
Did any mayors receive "heat" in the 80`s when there were a lot more homicides than now?
Crime in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what a question....are you implying that people didn't mind murder in the 80's?
What exactly ARE you trying to say?
What I am saying is why should the mayor of Chicago receive heat for the falling homicide rate? Have a passing 3rd grader explain this graph to you.
Crime in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is the problem….criminals, not law abiding citizens….

Most murder victims in big cities have criminal record

Milwaukee, with a population of just less than 600,000, is 40 percent African-American and 37 percent white. The 2011 Homicide Review Commission reports there were 86 homicides that year, with 93 percent of the suspects black males.

Overall, the homicide rate was 14.5 per 100,000 residents, and the nonfatal shooting rate was 79.5 per 100,000 residents. However, when broken down by race, “the homicide rate per black residents is 27.9 per 100,000 compared to 9.7 per 100,000 Latino residents and 1.7 per 100,000 White residents.”

The report concludes that “of the 2011 homicide victims, 77 percent (66) had a least one prior arrest and of the known 2011 homicide suspects 90 percent (74) had at least one prior arrest.”

Similar trends were found for nonfatal shooting victims and suspects.

Gun homicides in the U.S. are concentrated in major urban areas. And those cities, typically Democratic strongholds with the most stringent gun control laws in the nation, have gun murder rates that rival those of the most violent countries in the world.

Read more at Most murder victims in big cities have criminal record
Why is it the Mayor of Chicago doesn't get any heat over what's going on in his City?
Did any mayors receive "heat" in the 80`s when there were a lot more homicides than now?
Crime in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what a question....are you implying that people didn't mind murder in the 80's?
What exactly ARE you trying to say?
What I am saying is why should the mayor of Chicago receive heat for the falling homicide rate?
Crime in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the "falling homicide rate"...good one....

Have a passing 3rd grader explain this graph to you.

how witty!'re a deep thinker, I can tell.
Yes....Chicago...where they still won't allow gun stores.....and still have strict gun laws....saw a shooting gallery over the Labor Day weekend...

37 shot, 6 killed in Chicago over holiday weekend

And as the Police Superintendant pointed out.....judges and prosecutors are not locking up gun criminals.....

Why is that...they bitch and moan about gun crime...and then when they catch a criminal using a gun to commit a crime...the let them out in less than 2 years....and these are the same people doing the shooting over and over again....

It is almost as if they want these shootings to happen.....
Please go through, case by case, and tell us where more guns would have made that better?

And BTW, guns don't kill people, they're for protection...

I don't have the facts on the cases….but I do have actual studies on the defensive use of guns…where guns were used to stop violent attack and save lives……

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)
DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)
L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)
Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer



Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
Yes....Chicago...where they still won't allow gun stores.....and still have strict gun laws....saw a shooting gallery over the Labor Day weekend...

37 shot, 6 killed in Chicago over holiday weekend

And as the Police Superintendant pointed out.....judges and prosecutors are not locking up gun criminals.....

Why is that...they bitch and moan about gun crime...and then when they catch a criminal using a gun to commit a crime...the let them out in less than 2 years....and these are the same people doing the shooting over and over again....

It is almost as if they want these shootings to happen.....
Please go through, case by case, and tell us where more guns would have made that better?

And BTW, guns don't kill people, they're for protection...

And you are right…guns are used for protection far more than they are used to take life here in the states….

And they are the best tool a woman can use to stop from being raped….

And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....


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