Chicago Jesus Hits His One Hundredth Fundraiser This Week


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Whatever else you have to say, the boy is a money raising machine, $35,800 a plate and they all come runnin'. He still claims to represent the 99 per cent ]

"Obama Will Hit 100th Fundraiser This Week Vs. Bush’s 56…

And that number doesn’t include Biden and Mooch’s herculean fundraiser efforts.

Via Washington Examiner:

President Obama has many names, but this week, as he reaches 100 donor events since announcing for reelection last April, he’s the “fundraiser-in-chief.”

According to several counts, the Big 100 will come Thursday when he does four fundraisers enroute to collecting and spending $750 million to $1 billion for his reelection. So far since April 2011, he has raised an estimated $82 million to $100 million at those events."

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