Chicago kicks out American homeless to make room for illegals at their airport.

Will voting change anything? No. Change will be effected by those with nothing to lose. If the American homeless object to being dispossessed they will have to fight on their own behalf.
Will voting change anything? No. Change will be effected by those with nothing to lose. If the American homeless object to being dispossessed they will have to fight on their own behalf.
Yes it would. If you vote out the people supporting this shit it will end.

And the homeless in America are a tiny fraction of the population so where are their champions to stand up for them like the trans or any other minority group?
Yes it would. If you vote out the people supporting this shit it will end.

And the homeless in America are a tiny fraction of the population so where are their champions to stand up for them like the trans or any other minority group?
Voting out this shit would end the democrat destruction. Democrats control the fraud.

How is this nonsense continuing? Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that Bidens border policies are hurting Americans and furthering the depletion of our resources.

How much longer are the citizens of "sanctuary" cities going to put up with this shit before voting for change?

Its happening... but no Democrat knows why or how its they will say its always been like this... oblivious to the effects of their own policies.. they can only blame Trump again and again.Democrat mayors across the country will squirm like worms on a hook, but they can never bring themselves to get off that hook. American citizens first?? thats just a quaint old fashioned idea. American elite... lifer.. grifting politicians see no difference in a lowly American citizen as they do a foreigner from another country... its why to them they see citizenship as just an obstical to get around and not something to be honored.
And yeah..its why they can kick out the American homeless.
Let them out on the streets natural selection will take its course. Those who survive may be of use and those who find life too hard are welcome to head back home
Let them out on the streets natural selection will take its course. Those who survive may be of use and those who find life too hard are welcome to head back home

The collateral damage would be far to great.
What there would be an extra shooting a week? May the best homeless population win.

No, I am talking about the damage and death done to the innocent bystanders.
No, I am talking about the damage and death done to the innocent bystanders.
They have voted in Democratic Party representation for years, they are not innocent. These are the consequences for their actions. Karma is a bitch
They have voted in Democratic Party representation for years, they are not innocent. These are the consequences for their actions. Karma is a bitch

It's pretty fucking obvious that the demofascists have been stealing elections for a long while.

I blame them, not their victims.
I get a kick out of their signs, "No Tent Cities". Hell, most of the world's refugees live in tent cities. Welcome home.

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