Chicago’s White liberal ruling class to take minority five year olds innocence with L


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Derrick Hollenbeck, staff writer
March 22nd, 2013

Why would the Chicago Public School (CPS) system be so presumptuous as to start teaching Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Transsexual Sex-Ed to all its students, even five year old kindergarteners? Aside from pure hubris, satisfying Gay political groups is a good guess, but the simple answer is because they can. The Chicago’s public schools are more than 85% Black or Latino and just 8.8% White. A combined 87% of Black and Hispanic Chicagoans live in poverty so they are as dependent upon White liberals as house pets are to their owners.

If these numbers were reversed the White ruling class in Chicago wouldn’t dare force this plan on its students, yet because they own Chicago’s minorities they can treat them like house pets. It makes no difference what the conditions of the schools in Chicago are; or that they don’t teach their students basic skills. The White liberal ruling class tells its … Continue Reading:Chicago’s White liberal ruling class to take minority five year olds innocence with LGBT Sex-Ed


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