Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with Rahm Emanuel fail

Someone said in a diffrent thread, Chicago teachers make more because they are required to have a BA and professional degree. I have not been able to confirm this, anyone know if it's true? Just curious, as it would explain why their wages are so high....

How to Become a Kindergarten Teacher in Chicago |

You should be able to chase it down now...Good luck..........

the minimum teachers are required to have is a Bachelor's degree and certification (like most other states)....higher degrees can pull higher up to $137,000...

Illinois Highlights

$59460 Avg. Elementary Teacher Salary

$67110 Avg. Secondary Teacher Salary

147% Teacher Salary vs. State Average

15 Vacation Weeks Per Year

Illinois Teaching Requirements, Steps to become a teacher in Illinois
Illinois State Board of Education Home Page
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Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with Rahm Emanuel fail

1. Chicago teachers strike with an impasse against Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago.

2. The school district was facing a $700 million deficit.

3. The latest offer has been a 16% raise and an evaluation tied to student standardized test scores, but teachers aren’t having any part of it. They say that would cost 6,000 teacher jobs.

Read more: Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with district fail | Fox News

Who these days is seeing a 16% raise? Teachers have to be accountable for their performance, but the devil is in the details. Scores should only count from spring to spring scores, (No pre and post scores) and only students without attendance problems should be included in the evaluation. It should be on growth of performance and not meeting the standards of the grade. (one month growth for each month in school would be considered average)

I think that everyone's jobs should be tied to standardized test scores for people they see 180 days in one year, for 45 min...5 days a week....whether those people tested want to be there or not, care or not, have enough to eat or not, have support at home or not, have physical or mental issues or not.

Yep...this is an excellent idea....I'm sure all Righties will sign up for that at their own jobs right away.
You are indefensible?....because it was you and your mad teachery skills I was talking about.....sad indeed.

Still no logical coherent point to make. Why are you even on this thread? We all know you're gonna defend your Teacher Union hacks at all cost. So you have nothing to offer, as usual. Now would be the perfect time for you to exit this thread. Bye bye. Have a good day.

So..when are you heading out to Chicago to show them how to be an effective teacher?

Not a doubt in my mind that Paulitician is better teacher than 99% of the "teachers" in Chicago
Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with Rahm Emanuel fail

1. Chicago teachers strike with an impasse against Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago.

2. The school district was facing a $700 million deficit.

3. The latest offer has been a 16% raise and an evaluation tied to student standardized test scores, but teachers aren’t having any part of it. They say that would cost 6,000 teacher jobs.

Read more: Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with district fail | Fox News

Who these days is seeing a 16% raise? Teachers have to be accountable for their performance, but the devil is in the details. Scores should only count from spring to spring scores, (No pre and post scores) and only students without attendance problems should be included in the evaluation. It should be on growth of performance and not meeting the standards of the grade. (one month growth for each month in school would be considered average)

I think that everyone's jobs should be tied to standardized test scores for people they see 180 days in one year, for 45 min...5 days a week....whether those people tested want to be there or not, care or not, have enough to eat or not, have support at home or not, have physical or mental issues or not.

Yep...this is an excellent idea....I'm sure all Righties will sign up for that at their own jobs right away.

Rewarding failure and mediocrity hasn't worked since the establishment of the Dept of Education.

We need to totally reform US Education system
Still no logical coherent point to make. Why are you even on this thread? We all know you're gonna defend your Teacher Union hacks at all cost. So you have nothing to offer, as usual. Now would be the perfect time for you to exit this thread. Bye bye. Have a good day.

So..when are you heading out to Chicago to show them how to be an effective teacher?

Not a doubt in my mind that Paulitician is better teacher than 99% of the "teachers" in Chicago
That's why he needs to get out there and show them how it's done.
Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with Rahm Emanuel fail

1. Chicago teachers strike with an impasse against Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago.

2. The school district was facing a $700 million deficit.

3. The latest offer has been a 16% raise and an evaluation tied to student standardized test scores, but teachers aren’t having any part of it. They say that would cost 6,000 teacher jobs.

Read more: Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with district fail | Fox News

Who these days is seeing a 16% raise? Teachers have to be accountable for their performance, but the devil is in the details. Scores should only count from spring to spring scores, (No pre and post scores) and only students without attendance problems should be included in the evaluation. It should be on growth of performance and not meeting the standards of the grade. (one month growth for each month in school would be considered average)

I think that everyone's jobs should be tied to standardized test scores for people they see 180 days in one year, for 45 min...5 days a week....whether those people tested want to be there or not, care or not, have enough to eat or not, have support at home or not, have physical or mental issues or not.

Yep...this is an excellent idea....I'm sure all Righties will sign up for that at their own jobs right away.

you'd think that after 135 hours of teaching one subject the students would have learned SOMETHING.....

if they don't the parents/throw them out.....

if they don't eat.....send them to the school lunchroom/hospital.....

if they don't have support at home....notify parents/principle....

if they have physical/mental issues.....notify parents/principle...

stop giving teachers excuses to do a poor job....
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This is one liberal who detests unions of any kind. While I appreciate what unions did in the yesteryears, there is enough government regulation regarding the workforce these days to render unions obsolete and to keep the intrinsic irresponsible nature of the private sector in check.

The only way to fix the education system is to do away with teacher tenure and the unions and set up a tiered payment schedule based on merit, education and experience. And leave the frickin' vouchers out of it.
The smartest parents in Chicago right now are those whose kids attend charter schools, private schools, or parochial schools. Those institutions don’t employ Chicago’s unionized public-school teachers, who went out on strike this morning for the first time in 25 years.

The coverage of the strike has obscured some basic facts. The money has continued to pour into Chicago’s failing public schools in recent years. Chicago teachers have the highest average salary of any city at $76,000 a year before benefits. The average family in the city only earns $47,000 a year. Yet the teachers rejected a 16 percent salary increase over four years at a time when most families are not getting any raises or are looking for work.

The city is being bled dry by the exorbitant benefits packages negotiated by previous elected officials. Teachers pay only 3 percent of their health-care costs and out of every new dollar set aside for public education in Illinois in the last five years, a full 71 cents has gone to teacher retirement costs.

But beyond the dollars, the fact is that Chicago schools need a fundamental shakeup — which of course the union is resisting. It is calling for changes in the teacher-evaluation system it just negotiated by making student performance less important.

Small wonder. Just 15 percent of fourth graders are proficient in reading and only 56 percent of students who enter their freshman year of high school wind up graduating.

The showdown in Chicago will be a test of just how much clout the public-employee unions wield at a time when the budget pressures they’ve created threaten to break the budgets of America’s major cities.

Chicago Bled Dry by Striking Teachers’ Unions - By John Fund - The Corner - National Review Online
How to Become a Kindergarten Teacher in Chicago |

You should be able to chase it down now...Good luck..........

Ok, I looked and I'm offically calling bullshit. Chicago teaching standards are no higher than elsewhere.

Their record on educating Chicago children is shockingly abysmal. Their demand for a pay raise should be met with unwavering resistance. They have done absolutely nothing to deserve a pay raise. It is what it is.

The people in public unions tend not to give one solitary iota about anything other than their own pay. Performance sucks? Who cares? State/city/county going broke? So what? Taxes are already way high? Suck it up. Give us OUR money, and give it to us NOW--or the kids'll get one to the gut.

2011 5-Year CPS Student Cohort Graduation Rates « A Chicago Schools Project

Nothing says entitlement like utterly FAILING at your job but REQUIRING a 16% increase and an increase in an already GINORMOUS pension!!!

Oh those poor Chicago teachers who average $76K in pay for 9 months (many tutor or teach summer school for those 3 months off)!

BULLSHIT, CHICAGO SCHOOL SYSTEMS ARE FAILING OUR KIDS! Many inner city schools have the NO HOLD-BACK policy. Meaning it doesn't matter your grades, whether you can read or write (and a scary high amount of Chicago city graduates can't do either) or anything, they still pass you and move you up in grades. Yet even with this liberal push through the system, only 57% of Chicago Highschoolers graduate! That is HORRENDOUS!!!

Yet they think they deserve a raise! The liberal entitlement-mentality has no bounds!
Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with Rahm Emanuel fail

1. Chicago teachers strike with an impasse against Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago.

2. The school district was facing a $700 million deficit.

3. The latest offer has been a 16% raise and an evaluation tied to student standardized test scores, but teachers aren’t having any part of it. They say that would cost 6,000 teacher jobs.

Read more: Chicago teachers to go on strike after talks with district fail | Fox News

Who these days is seeing a 16% raise? Teachers have to be accountable for their performance, but the devil is in the details. Scores should only count from spring to spring scores, (No pre and post scores) and only students without attendance problems should be included in the evaluation. It should be on growth of performance and not meeting the standards of the grade. (one month growth for each month in school would be considered average)

I think that everyone's jobs should be tied to standardized test scores for people they see 180 days in one year, for 45 min...5 days a week....whether those people tested want to be there or not, care or not, have enough to eat or not, have support at home or not, have physical or mental issues or not.

Yep...this is an excellent idea....I'm sure all Righties will sign up for that at their own jobs right away.

Bending the whole system down to the lowest performing outliers...priceless

Wow! These are the striking Marxists called Chicago Teachers

What a crew

Looks like none of them teach Physical Fitness.

:eusa_silenced:Doesn't look like any of them are Physically Fit.

Chicago just needs to keep em walking for about 6 months.
I think there are a lot of issues with Chicago public schools. It's not solely the teachers. Chicago has one of the highest pay rates for teachers, yet they also have one of the highest attrition rates for teachers.

they spend 13 thousand a year for each kid and they come out dumb as a box of rocks.. a lot of it is the "I don't give a shit cause I've got tenure" teachers. You betchya!
I think there are a lot of issues with Chicago public schools. It's not solely the teachers. Chicago has one of the highest pay rates for teachers, yet they also have one of the highest attrition rates for teachers.

they spend 13 thousand a year for each kid and they come out dumb as a box of rocks.. a lot of it is the "I don't give a shit cause I've got tenure" teachers. You betchya!

Proof? Link? Show me that "a lot" of the issues with Chicago schools rests on the teachers.

Chicago has a roughly 20% turnover rate for teachers. That's a lot of teachers who are quitting rather then work a well paying job.
I think there are a lot of issues with Chicago public schools. It's not solely the teachers. Chicago has one of the highest pay rates for teachers, yet they also have one of the highest attrition rates for teachers.

they spend 13 thousand a year for each kid and they come out dumb as a box of rocks.. a lot of it is the "I don't give a shit cause I've got tenure" teachers. You betchya!

Proof? Link? Show me that "a lot" of the issues with Chicago schools rests on the teachers.

Chicago has a roughly 20% turnover rate for teachers. That's a lot of teachers who are quitting rather then work a well paying job.

The proof is in their resistance to merit based pay idiot.
Job security and benefits. Yeah, that union really cares about the kids don't they? Better get ready, this is going to play out everywhere across the country, the proverbial can has reached the end of the road. Chicago needs an enema.

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