Chick does porn, tries to relish in fame, doesn't get praised so she kills self

Normal, emotionally healthy women do not sell their bodies. These days it's also necessary to completely debase themselves for the jollies of truly sick predators.

Troubled girl, sad story.

Side note- I despise Howard Stern to my very core. I used to listen to his radio show decades ago, then started to watch the video broadcasts of it when E ran them. He used to delight in talking to porn whores and would get giddy when he asked them if they were from broken homes, as the answer was invariably "yes". What a piece of human garbage that man is.
It is a sad story. She may have just been lonely or needed the money. Who knows.

It is equally sad that we live in a world where it is acceptable to watch porn, but unacceptable to do porn.
Alas, the good 'ol fashion days when we had enough sense to shun that shit, even to the point of making it contra-ban.

What the hell is wrong with society? :dunno:
i always love the assumption that one event leads one to kill one's self.....why do women in this society have such low self esteem? why did she go there to begin with? just a thousand of these unanswered questions....

now gentlemen......i assume your self righteous asses have never watched porn....o or gotten a blow job from anyone other than your wife..and i swear i cannot believe you would ask your wife for that...
Alas, the good 'ol fashion days when we had enough sense to shun that shit, even to the point of making it contra-ban.

What the hell is wrong with society? :dunno:

o please....we have had porn as long as man as been on earth....remember the cartoon flip things....little booklets that when you flipped the pages the characters appeared to move...that is the first porn i remember as a kid.....elementary school playground
Alas, the good 'ol fashion days when we had enough sense to shun that shit, even to the point of making it contra-ban.

What the hell is wrong with society? :dunno:

o please....we have had porn as long as man as been on earth....remember the cartoon flip things....little booklets that when you flipped the pages the characters appeared to move...that is the first porn i remember as a kid.....elementary school playground

Not the same as today, not even close. Not only has it become more perverse, it's everywhere. when I was a kid, the dirty books were behind the counter covered in brown paper.

Comparing then to now is quite silly.
yes it is more open and yes the content is well.....over pushing any limits...but i am a dark brothers fan.....que surprise! so i really cant cast stones at what others watch.....midget porn? really?
i have to agree with 007....there is more to the story ..there always is....funny how little concern there is for the underage hookers on the streets of america's inner cities....they are like cesspools and getting worse

there has been more effort to find that plane than those girls in nigeria
Your lack of compassion for those who are troubled is a sign of your own mental deficiencies.

Fuck off, troll.

Noveasteve is the most pathetic, hateful, shell of a human being on this site. I can pretty much guarantee you he is resentful over his own shitty life.
Alas, the good 'ol fashion days when we had enough sense to shun that shit, even to the point of making it contra-ban.

What the hell is wrong with society? :dunno:

o please....we have had porn as long as man as been on earth....remember the cartoon flip things....little booklets that when you flipped the pages the characters appeared to move...that is the first porn i remember as a kid.....elementary school playground

There's nothing wrong with those examples that you cited. Those are a far cry from what we as a modern society produce today. When actual LIVE people use the real and sacred act, defile it, and produce it for profit, that's something quite different.

It doesn't leave anything to the imagination. It ruins lives, and it destroys souls.

I've met people who have worked in the industry. The industry itself is not a very nice place. It is spiritually hollow, littered with emptiness and desperation, fueled with drugs, deception, desperation, and self loathing. When, from the outset, all along, most of them, all they ever wanted was a sense of belonging, and love. None of them have never experienced anything like what they got into it in the first place.

When the industry is done with them, they are left more lonely when they started. Or they end up dead from a drug over dose or suicide.
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Normal, emotionally healthy women do not sell their bodies. These days it's also necessary to completely debase themselves for the jollies of truly sick predators.

Troubled girl, sad story.

Side note- I despise Howard Stern to my very core. I used to listen to his radio show decades ago, then started to watch the video broadcasts of it when E ran them. He used to delight in talking to porn whores and would get giddy when he asked them if they were from broken homes, as the answer was invariably "yes". What a piece of human garbage that man is.

Howard Stern is a very lost soul. I've got a video I need to post on another thread and if he has a fan mail address the video would be an excellent one for him to view. He really doesn't know what is in store for him because he is quite unaware of what he has gotten himself into. The story of the student is very sad. I feel for her parents and loved ones who are in a state of shock and grief. What a waste. I agree with Pennywise about compassion. Compassion is what a normal person should feel. If we don't feel compassion, something is wrong. If we see someone take their own life and come away thinking, they deserved it.. Something is wrong. imo.
Those are a far cry from what we as a modern society produce today.
I don't get what you mean here.

Some of the raunchiest porn around was from over 40 years ago. Look up the production of "Deep Throat" and the allegations of coercion by threats, rape, etc. depravity is nothing new.
If there were no customers the industry would shut down. The power to shut it down is in the hands of the american people not the porn industry. Same goes for child sex trafficking, illegal drug industry, all of it would shut down if there were no customers.
If there were no customers the industry would shut down. The power to shut it down is in the hands of the american people not the porn industry. Same goes for child sex trafficking, illegal drug industry, all of it would shut down if there were no customers.

Porn and drugs are thriving industries because people have no connection with their spirit. They are lost and looking for stimulation to dull the buzzing void in their heads.

This is why even though I am agnostic I side with theists over atheists; the latter believe in nothing beyond the physical and that is highly destructive.

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