Chick does porn, tries to relish in fame, doesn't get praised so she kills self

Before the advent of the internet it was more adequately regulated.
Lol so you have Deep Throat filmed 40 years ago where there were allegations of drug fueled rape at gunpoint on camera, while today where porn starts must be tested for HIV every 30 days and California is introducing laws where they must wear condoms.

Today? It seems like our society has given it a the moral green light of acceptance.
Look at Times Square in the 70s vs. Now. There was a lot more adult entertainment right in your face, adult theaters, peep shows, sex shops, etc. far different from the more family friendly environment today. Adult entertainment was accepted then, and it is accepted now. 80's music video actually PARODIED the peep-shows of the time!
I know to women who got into porn pretty heavily. both exceptionally hot women too. the first was in the early 1980's and when it came out that this girl we went to school with or had worked with or hung out with was in porn it was a pretty big deal. She was one of the first vivid contract girls. this was the start of women actually making some real money. her contract was for $100K a year to do a set number of higher budget films. So in the short term she did pretty well. I don't know how she is doing with it all today being in her 50's now. I lost touch with her years ago. I know she was doing a column for a mens magazine for awhile later on.

the other girl was the daughter of someone I know. one of the most attractive young ladies I have ever known too. she got started doing some amateur shoots and eventually had her own website. she was making a ton of money. she even released a film that went to DVD through he own production company. she was on top of the world for a year or too, but in that industry the new flavor of the month comes along and you are forgotten. She definitely has some self esteem issues and struggled for awhile. hard to imagine why, she was a smart, beautiful girl.
How smart is someone who chooses to earn a living by sucking dicks on camera? You realize that just about every woman in porn escorts too, right?

And your proof of the assertion is...what?

*crickets chirp*
o please....we have had porn as long as man as been on earth....remember the cartoon flip things....little booklets that when you flipped the pages the characters appeared to move...that is the first porn i remember as a kid.....elementary school playground

Not the same as today, not even close. Not only has it become more perverse, it's everywhere. when I was a kid, the dirty books were behind the counter covered in brown paper.

Comparing then to now is quite silly.

It ain't new, dude...Google "Irving Klaw".

Irving Claw's bondage films were underground, dude.
Sad story really. She broke no law but was hounded and harassed to the point she killed herself.
Those who harassed her were more immoral than a woman who did a porn flick
Sad story really. She broke no law but was hounded and harassed to the point she killed herself.
Those who harassed her were more immoral than a woman who did a porn flick

If she had made anti gay marriage comments instead if porn you would cheer those bullying her and then deny it was bullying. Heck the frc shooting by the lgbter, on the huffington post liberals were saying they reaped what they sowed
Sad story really. She broke no law but was hounded and harassed to the point she killed herself.
Those who harassed her were more immoral than a woman who did a porn flick

If she had made anti gay marriage comments instead if porn you would cheer those bullying her and then deny it was bullying. Heck the frc shooting by the lgbter, on the huffington post liberals were saying they reaped what they sowed

Reminds me of the actions of anti-gay conservatives harrassing gays to the point of suicide

Makes them happy
First of all, "Generation Y" isn't pathetic. You're insulting everyone in this age group, including me. Each and every generation and group has its bad apples, and any reasonable person understands that.

Pennywise is correct in (2) that normal, emotionally healthy women do not sell their bodies. On the necessity these days to completely debase themselves for the jollies of truly sick predators, I'm not quite sure I agree, because I'm probably misunderstanding it. I don't think it should be necessary for women to sell their bodies, and I wish our young men and women nowadays would value modesty, respect, and that inner strength which makes you feel worthy of not being treated like a piece of meat, or treating others that way. Influence is everything in life, and this poor girl was influenced in the worst of ways. [MENTION=44683]Pennywise[/MENTION]

Adding to the story was her being harassed by former schoolmates, which is sad, because even intelligent "high class" students can be prickish pieces of lowly excrement in fine clothing. This young woman was beautiful, and had the intellect to pave forward a promising future. However, intellect is not wisdom, and people with high intellect are capable of doing foolish things. I suspect she had low self-esteem, and let the cruel messages that flooded into her social media accounts drive her to depression and suicide. Sadly, it's rare that cruel people ever take responsibility for their own deliberate actions. Where were her parents? They failed, and that's on their shoulders now.

I think a lack of compassion, like that of novasteve's, is is similar to the wicked nature of those who bullied this young woman. Lack of compassion. It's something a lot of tyrants and evildoers throughout history have had. That is unfortunate. If Alyssa were given love and attention, raised properly by her parents, didn't make this unwise decision, and wasn't bothered by those despicable people.. she would likely still be alive today. Mother and fathers, take note and love your children, because this is yet another lesson in life's book of misfortune. [MENTION=34226]novasteve[/MENTION]

Furthermore, as Sameech noted, we don't know exactly what her life was like. It's true. I could be wrong on everything I've said, too, but to assume she was a bad person for this decision she made... Hasn't everyone made a huge mistake at least once in his or her life? Have some compassion and understanding for your fellow human beings. I think she needed love, attention, and anything else a daughter rightfully yearns from her parents. Sameech also raises a very interesting, eyebrow-raising point on how it's acceptable to watch porn, but unacceptable to do porn. How many guys here haven't watched porn? Seriously, be honest. If you watch porn, who are you to criticize a woman for doing porn without positing your own choices? Why is it acceptable for a man to watch porn of naked women, yet these same men castigate said women for producing this porn they watch in the first place? Bravo to Sameech for the thought-provoking post. [MENTION=48997]sameech[/MENTION]

MisterBeale, I think that if we shun the men and women who produce porn, we should also shun all porn. But, because of hormones—raging hormones at that—it's impossible. And it's not right to shun the people in the porn industry while secretly lapping up pornography—this goes for men and women who view it. A lot of people also pretend that pornographic material is bad and that they don't view it, but really, we all know every adult does it, and/or has a very active imagination. The only other option is to accept not just porn but also those working in the pornographic industry. It's not a job to respect by any means, but it's not one to insult while enjoying their products. [MENTION=39702]MisterBeale[/MENTION]
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MisterBeale, I think that if we shun the men and women who produce porn, we should also shun all porn.
But, because of hormones—raging hormones at that—it's impossible.
Oh really? Seems selfish desires and rationalizations have already convinced yourself of the correct course of action and nature of your position. That's somewhere about the same argument and position I've heard from NAMBLA.

And it's not right to shun the people in the porn industry while secretly lapping up pornography—this goes for men and women who view it. A lot of people also pretend that pornographic material is bad and that they don't view it, but really, we all know every adult does it, and/or has a very active imagination.
Speak for yourself. You just "know" everyone is just like you, eh?

The only other option is to accept not just porn but also those working in the pornographic industry. It's not a job to respect by any means, but it's not one to insult while enjoying their products. [MENTION=39702]MisterBeale[/MENTION]

I can tell from your avatar, that you sad child, are a victim of the idiot box. Did you know that when you view TV, your brain slips into alpha waves, and that you become hypnotized? Your thoughts are immediately prone to suggestion? In just that show, "House," alone, there is SO MUCH propaganda, I don't even know where to start. It is LOADED with mind altering B.S. If you watched a season or two of that show, and let your thoughts be altered and influenced by that show, no wonder your thinking is as deranged as it is. In such a world, OF COURSE the people NEED PORN, don't they? We ALL NEED to get our rocks off, b/c we are all just like the characters on your television show. We're all just LIKE YOU?


MILLENIALS? No wonder they get a bad rep., they say dumb things.

First of all, "Generation Y" isn't pathetic. You're insulting everyone in this age group, including me. Each and every generation and group has its bad apples, and any reasonable person understands that.

Pennywise is correct in (2) that normal, emotionally healthy women do not sell their bodies. On the necessity these days to completely debase themselves for the jollies of truly sick predators, I'm not quite sure I agree, because I'm probably misunderstanding it. I don't think it should be necessary for women to sell their bodies, and I wish our young men and women nowadays would value modesty, respect, and that inner strength which makes you feel worthy of not being treated like a piece of meat, or treating others that way. Influence is everything in life, and this poor girl was influenced in the worst of ways. [MENTION=44683]Pennywise[/MENTION]

Adding to the story was her being harassed by former schoolmates, which is sad, because even intelligent "high class" students can be prickish pieces of lowly excrement in fine clothing. This young woman was beautiful, and had the intellect to pave forward a promising future. However, intellect is not wisdom, and people with high intellect are capable of doing foolish things. I suspect she had low self-esteem, and let the cruel messages that flooded into her social media accounts drive her to depression and suicide. Sadly, it's rare that cruel people ever take responsibility for their own deliberate actions. Where were her parents? They failed, and that's on their shoulders now.

I think a lack of compassion, like that of novasteve's, is is similar to the wicked nature of those who bullied this young woman. Lack of compassion. It's something a lot of tyrants and evildoers throughout history have had. That is unfortunate. If Alyssa were given love and attention, raised properly by her parents, didn't make this unwise decision, and wasn't bothered by those despicable people.. she would likely still be alive today. Mother and fathers, take note and love your children, because this is yet another lesson in life's book of misfortune. [MENTION=34226]novasteve[/MENTION]

Furthermore, as Sameech noted, we don't know exactly what her life was like. It's true. I could be wrong on everything I've said, too, but to assume she was a bad person for this decision she made... Hasn't everyone made a huge mistake at least once in his or her life? Have some compassion and understanding for your fellow human beings. I think she needed love, attention, and anything else a daughter rightfully yearns from her parents. Sameech also raises a very interesting, eyebrow-raising point on how it's acceptable to watch porn, but unacceptable to do porn. How many guys here haven't watched porn? Seriously, be honest. If you watch porn, who are you to criticize a woman for doing porn without positing your own choices? Why is it acceptable for a man to watch porn of naked women, yet these same men castigate said women for producing this porn they watch in the first place? Bravo to Sameech for the thought-provoking post. [MENTION=48997]sameech[/MENTION]

MisterBeale, I think that if we shun the men and women who produce porn, we should also shun all porn. But, because of hormones—raging hormones at that—it's impossible. And it's not right to shun the people in the porn industry while secretly lapping up pornography—this goes for men and women who view it. A lot of people also pretend that pornographic material is bad and that they don't view it, but really, we all know every adult does it, and/or has a very active imagination. The only other option is to accept not just porn but also those working in the pornographic industry. It's not a job to respect by any means, but it's not one to insult while enjoying their products. [MENTION=39702]MisterBeale[/MENTION]
Elliot Rodger is another ambassador of geny
[MENTION=39702]MisterBeale[/MENTION] :eusa_eh:

[MENTION=34226]novasteve[/MENTION] He doesn't speak for me, or anyone else born between 1980-1990. If you have children or grandchildren between that time period, he doesn't speak for them, either. Do you believe everyone born between 1980-1990—which is Generation Y—is pathetic?

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