Chick does porn, tries to relish in fame, doesn't get praised so she kills self

Those are a far cry from what we as a modern society produce today.
I don't get what you mean here.

Some of the raunchiest porn around was from over 40 years ago. Look up the production of "Deep Throat" and the allegations of coercion by threats, rape, etc. depravity is nothing new.

Cartoon flip books and the Kama Sutra are not "Deep Throat." Of course I am referring to the advent of the modern porn industry. However old it is.

Before the advent of the internet it was more adequately regulated. Today? It seems like our society has given it a the moral green light of acceptance. Now, there is no shame in it. They make jokes about viewing it on prime time TV. It used to be a person had to go to the red light district of a big city to access it.

When it becomes socially acceptable, and widely available, demand goes up. That means more socially vulnerable young people that are mentally unstable become exploited. If the regulatory mechanism is not there to do the job to keep it away from the children, social decay is not far behind. Consequently, the retirement homes and junior high school students will soon ALL be viewing porn when they should be engaging in more productive and spiritually healthy activities. Like talking to their peers, getting to know each other, volunteering, playing sports, taking an interest in their community, etc.
Before the advent of the internet it was more adequately regulated.
Lol so you have Deep Throat filmed 40 years ago where there were allegations of drug fueled rape at gunpoint on camera, while today where porn starts must be tested for HIV every 30 days and California is introducing laws where they must wear condoms.

Today? It seems like our society has given it a the moral green light of acceptance.
Look at Times Square in the 70s vs. Now. There was a lot more adult entertainment right in your face, adult theaters, peep shows, sex shops, etc. far different from the more family friendly environment today. Adult entertainment was accepted then, and it is accepted now.
Look at Times Square in the 70s vs. Now. There was a lot more adult entertainment right in your face, adult theaters, peep shows, sex shops, etc. far different from the more family friendly environment today. Adult entertainment was accepted then, and it is accepted now.

It wasn't accepted then...that is why the district was changed.
Porn and drugs are thriving industries because people have no connection with their spirit. They are lost and looking for stimulation to dull the buzzing void in their heads.
Well to be fair porn and drugs can be quite fun.

It may be fun for a season but ultimately it brings forth death. Which is the price people for that kind of "fun".

They both destroy the mind, one physically, the other emotionally. Additionally, there are studies on what such overstimulation does to the brain and explains why the ante keeps having to be upped to maintain the high (drug or sex high). And it's the pervasiveness that is so dangerous. It will destroy society.

Lots of things are fun. Eating cupcakes for breakfast is fun; that doesn't mean it's healthy.
I know to women who got into porn pretty heavily. both exceptionally hot women too. the first was in the early 1980's and when it came out that this girl we went to school with or had worked with or hung out with was in porn it was a pretty big deal. She was one of the first vivid contract girls. this was the start of women actually making some real money. her contract was for $100K a year to do a set number of higher budget films. So in the short term she did pretty well. I don't know how she is doing with it all today being in her 50's now. I lost touch with her years ago. I know she was doing a column for a mens magazine for awhile later on.

the other girl was the daughter of someone I know. one of the most attractive young ladies I have ever known too. she got started doing some amateur shoots and eventually had her own website. she was making a ton of money. she even released a film that went to DVD through he own production company. she was on top of the world for a year or too, but in that industry the new flavor of the month comes along and you are forgotten. She definitely has some self esteem issues and struggled for awhile. hard to imagine why, she was a smart, beautiful girl.
It's a tragic story obviously. RIP.

However, as for the topic of porn in general... Porn, Prostitution, Same-Sex Marriage, Drugs? It's all the same. Consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want for whatever reason they want.
It may be fun for a season but ultimately it brings forth death. Which is the price people for that kind of "fun".
Living brings about death.

Lots of things are fun. Eating cupcakes for breakfast is fun; that doesn't mean it's healthy.
True, it can lead to people being overweight which can lead to health problems that are a burden on society and of course Jeremiah's money move... death.

So I wonder what percentage of people frowning about porn and drugs as being unhealthy, are overweight?
It is a sad story. She may have just been lonely or needed the money. Who knows.

It is equally sad that we live in a world where it is acceptable to watch porn, but unacceptable to do porn.

More likely she was caught up in this societal obsession to be a celebrity at any cost.
I know to women who got into porn pretty heavily. both exceptionally hot women too. the first was in the early 1980's and when it came out that this girl we went to school with or had worked with or hung out with was in porn it was a pretty big deal. She was one of the first vivid contract girls. this was the start of women actually making some real money. her contract was for $100K a year to do a set number of higher budget films. So in the short term she did pretty well. I don't know how she is doing with it all today being in her 50's now. I lost touch with her years ago. I know she was doing a column for a mens magazine for awhile later on.

the other girl was the daughter of someone I know. one of the most attractive young ladies I have ever known too. she got started doing some amateur shoots and eventually had her own website. she was making a ton of money. she even released a film that went to DVD through he own production company. she was on top of the world for a year or too, but in that industry the new flavor of the month comes along and you are forgotten. She definitely has some self esteem issues and struggled for awhile. hard to imagine why, she was a smart, beautiful girl.
How smart is someone who chooses to earn a living by sucking dicks on camera? You realize that just about every woman in porn escorts too, right?
Your lack of compassion for those who are troubled is a sign of your own mental deficiencies.

Fuck off, troll.

Noveasteve is the most pathetic, hateful, shell of a human being on this site. I can pretty much guarantee you he is resentful over his own shitty life.

Noveasteve is a very troubled person.

The girl in this article was also very troubled, not someone to scorn and demean. It is sad that she tried to use porn to somehow verify herself. Also, no one has mentioned all the people who jeered and laughed at her. They are as despicable and troubled as Noveasteve.

A sad troubled girl. A sad troubled group of people who sneer at vulnerable people and drive them over the edge.
I know to women who got into porn pretty heavily. both exceptionally hot women too. the first was in the early 1980's and when it came out that this girl we went to school with or had worked with or hung out with was in porn it was a pretty big deal. She was one of the first vivid contract girls. this was the start of women actually making some real money. her contract was for $100K a year to do a set number of higher budget films. So in the short term she did pretty well. I don't know how she is doing with it all today being in her 50's now. I lost touch with her years ago. I know she was doing a column for a mens magazine for awhile later on.

the other girl was the daughter of someone I know. one of the most attractive young ladies I have ever known too. she got started doing some amateur shoots and eventually had her own website. she was making a ton of money. she even released a film that went to DVD through he own production company. she was on top of the world for a year or too, but in that industry the new flavor of the month comes along and you are forgotten. She definitely has some self esteem issues and struggled for awhile. hard to imagine why, she was a smart, beautiful girl.
How smart is someone who chooses to earn a living by sucking dicks on camera? You realize that just about every woman in porn escorts too, right?

Many women in who work in the sex industry were sexually abused as children.
Up to 95% of women in the sex industry have been sexually abused as children.
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I know to women who got into porn pretty heavily. both exceptionally hot women too. the first was in the early 1980's and when it came out that this girl we went to school with or had worked with or hung out with was in porn it was a pretty big deal. She was one of the first vivid contract girls. this was the start of women actually making some real money. her contract was for $100K a year to do a set number of higher budget films. So in the short term she did pretty well. I don't know how she is doing with it all today being in her 50's now. I lost touch with her years ago. I know she was doing a column for a mens magazine for awhile later on.

the other girl was the daughter of someone I know. one of the most attractive young ladies I have ever known too. she got started doing some amateur shoots and eventually had her own website. she was making a ton of money. she even released a film that went to DVD through he own production company. she was on top of the world for a year or too, but in that industry the new flavor of the month comes along and you are forgotten. She definitely has some self esteem issues and struggled for awhile. hard to imagine why, she was a smart, beautiful girl.
How smart is someone who chooses to earn a living by sucking dicks on camera? You realize that just about every woman in porn escorts too, right?

Many women in who work in the sex industry were sexually abused as children.
Was the other porn slut who was in the news recently sexually abused? You don't even know if this girl was. You are just desperate to rationalize her stupidity and poor decision making skills.
Your lack of compassion for those who are troubled is a sign of your own mental deficiencies.

Fuck off, troll.

Noveasteve is the most pathetic, hateful, shell of a human being on this site. I can pretty much guarantee you he is resentful over his own shitty life.

Noveasteve is a very troubled person.

The girl in this article was also very troubled, not someone to scorn and demean. It is sad that she tried to use porn to somehow verify herself. Also, no one has mentioned all the people who jeered and laughed at her. They are as despicable and troubled as Noveasteve.

A sad troubled girl. A sad troubled group of people who sneer at vulnerable people and drive them over the edge.

So maybe if they praised her cum swallowing skills she might still be alive?
Heh the troll-in-chief novasteve strikes.

Why not just type "LOOK AT ME I'M RELEVANT PLEASE SOMEONE NOTICE I EXIST!" in capital letters instead, be easier.

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