Chick does porn, tries to relish in fame, doesn't get praised so she kills self

I'm curious of all the jobs she could have done why did she pick to suck dicks?
I'm curious why everything you post is related to sex, usually gay sex or transvestites. Do you really expect everyone to swallow (hah hah) that you are just doing research to help fight the liberal cause?

The people like you who spend so much time actively seeking ways to judge others on morality yet are so comfortable saying things like "cum swallowing" are always the most twisted perverts. God only knows what kinda shit is in your basement and browser history.
I'm curious of all the jobs she could have done why did she pick to suck dicks?
I'm curious why everything you post is related to sex, usually gay sex or transvestites. Do you really expect everyone to swallow (hah hah) that you are just doing research to help fight the liberal cause?

The people like you who spend so much time actively seeking ways to judge others on morality yet are so comfortable saying things like "cum swallowing" are always the most twisted perverts. God only knows what kinda shit is in your basement and browser history.

I see I am not the only one who has visions of John Wayne Gacy every time I read Steve's posts.

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She sucked cock on camera. Sought out fame and praise. Didn't get it and you blame people not praising her for her death? What happens if someone on a reality show gets made fun of and commits suicide? Are the viewers to blame?

It isn't about people not praising her, it is about people jeering and sneering, and laughing at her, especially kids she knew from school. She was only 19 and obviously very troubled. I don't blame them for her suicide, but I do think their behavior is despicable and also an indication of people who are troubled. Their behavior is certainly not praise worthy. They weren't just viewing her activity, they were vilifying her and making her an object of ridicule.

If she had been rediculed for not supporting same sec marriage and killed herself none of you would be blaming the classmates

I'm curious of all the jobs she could have done why did she pick to suck dicks? Is that a question to be asked or are we only concerned her classmates, fellow adults, didn't praise her? Do all girls from broken homes make choices like this?

Maybe if you didn't pay the pornographers to watch what she did, she wouldn't have done it.
Do we pity all porn actresses? When is scorn or public disapproval despicable?

I just don't see her as a victim.

Did you read the article? Would you do what those people did, make fun of her? I wouldn't. It doesn't mean I approve of porn, it simply means I live and let live. Why is it okay to sneer and jeer at people who are most likely very troubled individuals? If you know the statistics and other research regarding people who are in the sex industry, you might not be so judgmental.

I'm not the one being judgmental.

Yes I read it and I don't know if at 19 would would not make fun of her based on the trashing you feel free to do to people you disagree with here - I don't really find that a problem. She was not a victim of circumstances outside her control or even of situational awkwardness so many suffer harassment for. She made her own choices, why?, we will never know. But to make villains out of those who mocked her is weak imo. To assume she was troubled because she did porn and therefore deserving of special treatment by her teenaged peers (or anyone else) is Monday morning quarterback compassion

The trashing I do of people here I disagree with? Seriously? :lol:
I read the article, maybe you didn't. I never have and never would behave as the people described in the article behaved. I never have and never would post things on someone's facebook page or on twitter to sneer at them or make fun of them, to ridicule them. That is truly ugly behavior, and yes, people who do that kind of thing are sick. The modern world seems to think this kind of thing is normal now, but it isn't. It is sick. You actually think being kind is 'special treatment.' That is sick.
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If she hadn't sought fame she wouldn't have been rediculed. Say if will hung killed himself after American idol knowing people were making fun if him? He sought it out.

Oh, so people who seek fame should be ridiculed? or should we be better than that and treat all people respect and try to win people back from doing foolish things like this?

You seem very eager to show why this woman is beneath you. That tells me you are insecure about something in your life. Stop comparisons. Just accept yourself for who you are. Accept people for who they are. Love others even if they aren't nice and you don't think they deserve it. I promise you that whatever it is that has you feeling insecure, if you confront it instead of trying to pretend it's not there by proving to yourself that you are better than others, you will find it's not as bad as you think.

The truth will set you free.
She grew up with a father in prison and a mother who got arrested for selling drugs. There was no stable center to her Universe

I have relatives who were born in concentration camps where one or both parents died and they didn't do porn

Having ones parents taken from you because of life circumstances and parents essentially abandoning their child for their own selfish desires are not the same thing.

You seem to be operating from the premise that redemption is not possible. I can promise you that it is.
Those who are in the sex trade and are successful at it, are very proud of what they do. Anyone who wrote derogatory things about them would be considered just jealous and dismissed.

What is surprising about people who have nasty comments on their facebook page have a very simple solution. Don't have a facebook page.

This is really messed up.

And from my perspective, where I know there are whole groups of talented writers and aspiring producers/actors who all want to follow their dreams and develop their work,
why can't we organize to create PAID projects and PAID jobs for people instead of
only paying them to do porn?

I have written projects that I wanted to use to create jobs for people starting out
or in between paid work, or in recovery from addiction or abuse, so there is stable work.

When I network, I find tons of other people who want to contribute, but only a few who are actually organizing and producing projects.

It's terrible how so much talent goes to waste. Everyone wants to go to Hollywood or New York, why not organize production teams in every city for aspiring artists and performers?

I guess it's like politics where the working people are so busy working just trying to get by,
we don't have time to organize in large powerful conglomerates to run things ourselves; while the people who are able to amass enough to exert influence have already sold out.

You'd think with the internet, crowdfunding, and online organizing there would be a lot more independent projects where people have localized control and more autonomy.

Young people really should have access to better choices and more support than this!
The quickest way to fame for women is sex or being naked. Nobody is addressing that. Let alone the desire for fame
Nobody is to blame for her choice to suck dicks on camera for money but her.

On some level yes, but on another level,
I see it as my responsibility equally as a concerned citizen
to help organize and offer better choices for people
so this doesn't have to happen. If I can do something to prevent problems,
I believe that is my social responsibility to fellow citizens and humanity.

Same with abortion -- the founder of a nonprofit group called the
Nurturing Network realized young college women were prone to social pressure
to abort babies they really wanted to keep, so the volunteers in the network
set up educational and career/job options, even transferring pregnant women
to other jobs and cities, in order not to be harassed and coerced into having abortions
to save their jobs or college standing.

So why can't this same concept be applied to help in other situations?

I bet we can prevent most of the compromising going on
if we offered better choices people would rather have anyway.

We just aren't organized to that level -- we have the resources and even the internet
and media access, but right now people are too busy using the media for garbage
or bashing or lobbying for and against this or that.

The Nurturing Network has been operating since the 1980's and still people only hear about Planned Parenthood as the most widely known organization concerning women's choices.

We could be promoting solutions and better options,
instead of using those same media and resources to push one sided agenda.

Sorry, but I really take this young woman's situation to heart,
because I've been through bullying and coercion and wish I had known of
better options or I wouldn't have compromised when I was pressured by my own family.

I can only guess she would have chosen better options if she had access to them.
Nobody would chose suicide over this unless they felt walled in on all sides
with no relief in sight and gave up. Reminds me of the young girl in Canada
who made a video plea for help until she gave up and killed herself, too.

If no one else starts an online organization and network to stop this
exploitation and bullying, yes, I guess I will and probably will find tons of sympathizers
who are sick of it, too. To me it is a shared responsibility to use our resources in better ways to help more people.

She didn't get into this situation by herself, and it will take teams of people to make sure other people get out safely who fall into the same traps.
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The quickest way to fame for women is sex or being naked. Nobody is addressing that. Let alone the desire for fame

Stop buying and looking at porn. good first step to fixing that problem.

Good second step is to raise our daughters right.
The quickest way to fame for women is sex or being naked. Nobody is addressing that. Let alone the desire for fame

No kidding.

I even offered a way to set up statistical methods for documenting the reconciliation process and rates
so it can be "proven" that a "consensus on God" can be reached over local and global populations.

This has never been attempted before much less done in the history of humanity,
to "prove" agreement on God which is the closest we can come to proving the existence.
Since we have the internet, we could do this now that couldn't be done before.

I noticed the only people who responded seriously are humble high minded people
who don't care to exploit this for fame, but sincerely saw that this could be proven scientifically using stats to show a pattern and process.

I proposed to prove spiritual healing can cure cancer, criminal illness, etc. to radically reform mental health, medical care, criminal justice and govt policy.

People only want fast instant solutions. If someone else sets this up and does it, fine, but they are content to WAIT.
Even though lives are lost in the meantime that could be saved.

Here, these are world changing, history making solutions that could be pursued
that would make anyone famous for being the first to get this done.

but unless it sells in the media, it just isn't "sexy" enough to grab anyone's attention.
Not even proving the existence of God by global agreement worldwide? Yawn.

I guess I should rewrite the pitch for this idea where it involves naked women
and maybe it might get picked up in the media?
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The quickest way to fame for women is sex or being naked. Nobody is addressing that. Let alone the desire for fame

No kidding.

I even offered a way to set up statistical methods for documenting the reconciliation process and rates
so it can be "proven" that a "consensus on God" can be reached over local and global populations.

This has never been attempted before much less done in the history of humanity,
to "prove" agreement on God which is the closest we can come to proving the existence.
Since we have the internet, we could do this now that couldn't be done before.

I noticed the only people who responded seriously are humble high minded people
who don't care to exploit this for fame, but sincerely saw that this could be proven scientifically using stats to show a pattern and process.

I proposed to prove spiritual healing can cure cancer, criminal illness, etc. to radically reform mental health, medical care, criminal justice and govt policy.

People only want fast instant solutions. If someone else sets this up and does it, fine, but they are content to WAIT.
Even though lives are lost in the meantime that could be saved.

Here, these are world changing, history making solutions that could be pursued
that would make anyone famous for being the first to get this done.

but unless it sells in the media, it just isn't "sexy" enough to grab anyone's attention.
Not even proving the existence of God by global agreement worldwide? Yawn.

I guess I should rewrite the pitch for this idea where it involves naked women
and maybe it might get picked up in the media?

I'm a bit confused on two points.

1) What does what you said have to do with his post? It's an interesting post but I am not seeing the connection.

2) How do these studies you are proposing prove anything? I clearly need more information on this.
The quickest way to fame for women is sex or being naked. Nobody is addressing that. Let alone the desire for fame

Stop buying and looking at porn. good first step to fixing that problem.

Good second step is to raise our daughters right.

I'd add, start paying to produce better messages and quality media.

With the money spent on pure garbage, think of the jobs and training that could be
provided though local projects by local writers, students, performers
who would love to have the opportunity to participate in professional work?
The quickest way to fame for women is sex or being naked. Nobody is addressing that. Let alone the desire for fame

Stop buying and looking at porn. good first step to fixing that problem.

Good second step is to raise our daughters right.

I'd add, start paying to produce better messages and quality media.

With the money spent on pure garbage, think of the jobs and training that could be
provided though local projects by local writers, students, performers
who would love to have the opportunity to participate in professional work?

Imagine how much wealthier our society would be if we didn't waste so much time and money on corruption and instead spent the time producing and working for our benefit and the benefit of others.

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