Chick-fil-A not Jesus-fil-A, Chick-fil-A sponsoring LGBT-themed film festival

The times they are a'changin' boys. Catch up for be left far behind, rant with yourself...

"In 2012, the fast-food restaurant Chick-fil-A came under intense criticism from homosexual groups and their supporters after CEO Dan Cathy said he was “guilty as charged” for supporting traditional marriage.

Christians overwhelmingly gave their support, filling restaurants with new customers who turned out, not only for the food, but to make a statement.

That may all be about to change.

Chick-fil-A is now listed as a sponsor for Level Ground, a “faith-based LGBT film festival,” reports Christian News Network — a discovery that has sparked an online petition demanding the company clarify its “corporate stance regarding previously stated Christian values on marriage and stewardship.”

According to Level Ground’s website, the group “creates safe space for dialogue about faith, gender, and sexuality through the arts.” The group’s film festival started as a student-run event in 2013. It has since expanded and hosted programming in six cities across the U.S., billing itself as “the world’s first film festival connecting lesbian, gay and transgender sexuality with faith and evangelical Christianity.”
Read more at Chick-fil-A sponsoring LGBT-themed film festival
The only faith based sexuality is between man and woman, anything else is satan spawned.
Does God approve when my wife is sucking my cock or I'm fucking her in the ass?

God approves if the two activities you mention are carried out in the reversed order followed by a long French kiss.
Love for chicken outweighs their morals and principals on gays now?

I remember Conservatives ran to buy from Chick fil A just because they stood against the gheys. Now they will buy from them because of the real reason. Their chicken is good lol
Far right social con Christians will find reasons of one sort or another to pig out.
A study of sexually scrambled chickens suggests that sex in birds is determined in a radically different way from that in mammals.

Researchers studied three chickens that appeared to be literally half-male and half-female, and found that nearly every cell in their bodies — from wattle to toe — has an inherent sex identity. This cell-by-cell sex orientation contrasts sharply with the situation in mammals, in which organism-wide sex identity is established through hormones.

The confused fowl have upended a century-old rule, established for vertebrates, that all cells in an embryo start off sexually indifferent and remain so until a sex-determining gene directs the development of gonads into either ovaries or testes. The work appears in today's Nature, and may trigger a rethink of the evolution of sex determination.

Chicken's split sex identity revealed : Nature News

Apparently, chicken sexuality is all about the chromosomes, while with mammals it's all about the hormones. Regardless of the restaurant, all chicken sandwiches are made from heterosexual chickens.
I just learned that "Queer" is cool but I think Faggot is still considered an insult.

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